2015.3.13(公開), 2016.3.16(更新)

ソンガイ語テキスト集 β版

Online Corpus of Songhyay Language (ver. β)

佐久間 寛



 本資料作成者が20042007年にかけてニジェール共和国西部で採録したソンガイ語による農村部住民の語りを、同国教育省の定める正記法(Arrêté N°02152/MEN/SPCNRE du 19 Octobre 1999 fixant l'orthographe de la langue SONAY-ZARMA)に基づいて転写し、英訳および邦訳を付したものです。

 This is the corpus of Songhay (Zarma) language which I recorded in the rural area of western Niger from 2004 to 2007, transcribed by the official orthography (Arrêté N°02152/MEN/SPCNRE du 19 Octobre 1999 fixant l'orthographe de la langue SONAY-ZARMA,) and translated into English and Japanese.

目次 contents

1.    アダムの語り(2007311)  Adam’s Remarks (March 11, 2007) 3

1-1.    ゴルニョ・ハーメイとウルファ・ボレイの親族関係 Family relationship between Gornyo haamey and Urufa borey. 3

1-2.    植民地期のカントン長位創設譚 Story of the creation of the canton chief during the colonial era  5

1-3.    サーバ・テーラ村創設譚 Story of the establishment of the village of Saaba-Tera. 14

1-4.    サーバ・テーラ村創設の時期について The time when the village of Saaba-Tera was established  18

1-5.    先着者と後着者をめぐる語り Remarks about those who came first and those who came later 21

1-6.    AHAでおこる係争について Regarding disputes at the irrigated farmland. 32

2.    アブドゥライの語り(200739) Abudullahi’s Remarks (March 9, 2007) 38

2-1. 植民地期の首長位創設譚 Story of the creation of the chief during the colonial era. 38

3.    アリの語り(2007122) Ali’s Remarks (January 22, 2007) 45

3-1.    AHA稼働開始後の畦畔区の状況 The situation in the irrigated farmland after it was put in operation  45

3-2.    代表解任騒動をめぐる語り  Remarks regarding the incident over delegates’ removal 49

3-3.    代表の交替の過程と理由 The process and the reasons for the change of delegates 53

4.    イスブの語り(2007224)  Isbou’s Remarks (February 24, 2007) 67

4-1.    植民地期の首長位創設譚 Story of the creation of the chief during the colonial era. 67

5.    イスブの語り(2007228)  Isbou’s Remarks (February 28, 2007) 84

5-1.    サーバ・テーラ村創設譚@ Story of the establishment of the village of Saaba-Tera I 84

5-2.    サーバ・テーラ村創設譚A Story of the establishment of the village of Saaba-Tera II 106

6.    スレイの語り(200725) Sourey’s Remarks (February 5, 2007) 119

6-1.    代表解任騒動をめぐる語り Remarks regarding the incident over delegates’ removal 119

7.    セイブの語り(2007210) Seib’s Remarks (February 10, 2007) 123

7-1.    代表による制裁措置と回避措置Sanctions and evasive measures used by the delegates 123

7-2.    代表と身内... 130

8.    ニェンドゥの語り(2007126) Niyendo’s Remarks (January 26, 2007) 136

8-1.    なぜイサ・ベーグンが首長になったかWhy Isa Beegun became the chief 136

8-2.    なぜボンダ・ハーメイの祖先はガーロコイレに移住したか Why the ancestors of Bonda-haamey moved to Gaarokoyre. 137

9.    ブーバの語り(20061030)  Buba’s Remarks (October 30, 2006) 138

命名式になされた忠言Advice given to a young man at his baby’s naming ceremony. 138

9-1. 138

10.      マハマドゥの語り(2007215)  Mahamadou’s Remarks (February 15, 2007) 140

10-1.      強制移住騒動をめぐる語りStory about the incident in which people were forced to move  140

10-2.      代表解任騒動をめぐる語りRemarks regarding the incident over delegates’ removal 151

10-3.      サーバ・テーラ村創設譚@ Story of the establishment of the village of Saaba-Tera I 153

10-4.      サーバ・テーラ村創設譚A Story of the establishment of the village of Saaba-Tera II 158

11.      マラーウの語り(20051122) Maraaw’s remarks (November 22, 2005) 165

11-1.      集落と親族 Settlements and families 165

11-2.      ゴルニョ・ハーメイについての系譜語り Remarks about Gornyo-haamey’s lineage  173

11-3.      首長位の継承過程@ Succession of the position of chief I 183

11-4.      初代首長イサ・ベーグンと奴隷制について Regarding Isa Beegun, the first chief, and slavery  187

11-5.      デーサ首長とゴルニョ・ハーメイの親族関係 The family relationship between the chief of Dessa and Gornyo-haamey. 189

11-6.      首長位の継承過程A Succession of the position of chief II 193

11-7.      クルテイの起源・移住過程について The origins of the Kurtey and their migration process 195

12.      ムーサの語り(200728)  Musa’s remarks (February 8, 2007) 201

12-1.      良い代表と悪い代表@ Good delegates and bad delegates I 201

12-2.      代表による制裁措置と回避措置 Sanctions and evasive measures used by the delegates 202

12-3.      傍観者による代表解任騒動の語り An onlooker’s remarks regarding delegates’ removal 209

12-4.      代表交替の方法 The way of replacing delegates 217

12-5.      代表交替の過程 The process of replacing delegates 222

12-6.      良い代表と悪い代表A Good delegates and bad delegates II 230

12-7.      隣接する畦畔区で耕作をおこなう者同士の衝突The conflict between those who cultivated plots next to each other 231

13.      モールの語り(20061028) Mor’s Remarks (October 28, 2006) 232

13-1.      ボンダ・ハーメイがウォゴだという発言に対する応答Mor’s response to a remark that Bonda-haamey are Wogos 232

用語集 (50音順) 234




1.      アダムの語り(2007311)  Adam’s Remarks (March 11, 2007)

1-1.  ゴルニョ・ハーメイとウルファ・ボレイの親族関係 Family relationship between Gornyo haamey and Urufa borey

 Koyra wo kaŋ ni ga di, dumi hinka ka go calla. Wey gey ti car ɲayze kaŋ ize a ma hiiji, i hay calla, kaŋ ti, ni di, Gorɲo wo da Urufa, gey no calla. Oho. Sohoŋ wey yoŋ kul, waati kul kaŋ se na Gorɲo wo cendi, hal baabo here man ka ka huro Urufa ra, kul ɲoŋo here ga ka ka huro Urufa ra. Ya da ir go ma goro da. Oho

 Two dumis are living together in this settlement [Saaba] that you are looking at. People in these dumis have their children marry each other, who then have their own children, so they are relatives. You see? It’s Gornyo [haamey] and Urufa [borey]. They coexist. Hmm. From our Gornyo’s perspective, it’s always been true that if the father’s side did not come from Urufa, the mother’s side came from Urufa. That’s how we do it. Hmm.


 Zama i kaaga woyo, Urufa wo kaaga woyo, Gorɲo no. Oho. Gorɲo g i hun, i ka ka te Urufa-boro wo. Ni di wala? Sohoŋ in d'ey ir te cer se kal weyize da ariize, ir kaagey te ya-cine no. Boro kul si Urufa da kaŋ ga kabe sambu, kaŋ n i kaaga woyo manti Gorɲo ga no hun. Oho. Zama i si ne kal Zara Gorɲo, Tikkaŋ Gorɲo. Gorɲo izey ne. Zara a ka ka hay Urufa wo ga. Urufa wo ra ka gorokasiney da Zara, a ka ka nga go izey wey hay, kaŋ ti Almokutaar. To, ir mey kambo ne, ir mey ne Beegun haamey. Ya-cine no. Amma ir kul kaaga holloŋ ka izey no. Oho. Da ɲoŋo man ka Urufa, baabo ga ka. Wal borey wey mey, da ɲoŋo man ka Urufa, Gorɲo ga, baabo ga ka Gorɲo ga. Soohoŋ ya da in d'ey wey, in na melanji calla. Oho. Da ni koy ir guna, ya d ir go da. Ikkul kaayi folloŋ ka izey no. Ayyo! Amma ir gonda naŋ k ir ga fey. Oho, ya d ir go da. Ni faham wala?

This is because their female ancestor, Urufa’s female ancestor, is Gornyo. Hmm. They left Gornyo to establish this Urufa Boro. You see? Now, that makes us male descendants and female descendants. It’s our ancestors who started this system. There is no descendant of Urufa’s who doesn’t have Gornyo haamey as their female ancestors. Hmm. That’s because they [the female ancestors] are Zara Gornyo and Tikkan Gornyo, who are Gornyo’s children. Gornyo’s descendants are over here, and Urufa’s descendants are over there. Zara went to Urufa to have children. Then the one who became Zara’s spouse and had many children with her was Almokhtar. Now, our root is here, and we, Begum’s descendants, are here. That’s how it is. But we are all descendants of a common ancestor. Hmm. If the mother did not come from Urufa, the father did. Or from their perspective, if the mother did not come from Urufa . . . Gornyo, the father came from Gornyo. That’s how we are all mixed now. Hmm. You came to see how we do it. This is how we do it. We are all descendants of a common ancestor. That’s right. But we live separately. Hmm. That’s how we do it. You understand?

[Later part omitted]


〔後略〕[Later part omitted]


1-2.  植民地期のカントン長位創設譚 Story of the creation of the canton chief during the colonial era

〔前略〕[Earlier part omitted]

――        Amma Deesa bonkoyni da Gorɲo-haamey ikkul kaaga folloŋ?

Do the chief of Dessa and Gornyo haamey share a common ancestor?


A)[1]          Deesa Bonkoyni? Deesa Bonkoyni da Gorɲo-haamey? I manti kaaga fo. I kaaga go waani, ir kaaga go waani. Oho. Ir manti kaaga fo. Oho

The chief of Dessa, huh? The chief of Dessa and Gornyo haamey. They do not share a common ancestor. Their ancestor and our ancestor are different. Hmm. We do not share a common ancestor. Hmm.


――        Isa ga jin..., a'a, Gorɲo-haamey borey yoŋ no ga jin ka ka ne da, wala Deesa borey no ka jin ka ka?

               Did Isa first . . . I mean, did the people of Gornyo haamey come first? Or did the people of Dessa come first?


A)           Wallaahi, Deesa borey ka, ir woney ka, ir jin ka ka. Ir woney kaayoŋo wo Deesa ka, ir borey ka. Toomare ka. Koyre hinza wo kul boro kul man cer jin ka ka labo wo ra. Ayyo.

Wallahi. The people of Dessa came, our people came, we came first. Our ancestor came when the people of Dessa came, and our people came. People of Tomare came. People of all three villages [came around the same time]. No one had come to this land [before the settlement of these three villages]. Right.


               Zama annasaarey bumbo gey meytaara kaŋ naŋ no Deesa se, koyre hinka kaŋ dukkuri wo-din se. Kaŋ naŋ Deesa du ka gey mey, Toomare dukkuri a se, kaŋ ga naŋ Deesa wo borey du ka gey mey. I ma wo doro.

Because whites gave control to Dessa, people of the other two villages got angry. People of Tomare got angry at the fact that Dessa has gained control over them, at the fact that that Dessa had gained the authority to control people. They felt pain for this fact.


Ir mey wono, annasaara wo Isa Beegun wo, annsaara tuba ga ka a kat'a. A ne a ma ka ne da. Annasaarey ka ne da ka i na ka gey waatey te, i hoy, de ir kaaga naŋ ga mo go baro ra, i ne a se a ma ka. A tuba din manti kal Fonbita boro no. I ga ne a se Ali, Ali Kara. Ga ka koy kate annasaarey za Banjagara, ni ma, a koy sambu kal a kate. I ne a se : Heey! Ma bey da ni koy i naŋ ga n wi. Ni si koy. Tuba mo gen da annasaarey no, tuba mo ne, wallaahi d i naŋ ga wi, ga si kate boro kaŋ ga a wi. A ma ka de, annasaarey gen d'ey ma waafaku. I ne a se : Ni si koy, ma bey da ni koy i naŋ ga n wi.

As for our ancestor, the whites . . . the whites were brought here by Isa Begum’s maternal nephew. The whites came here, spent the morning and the afternoon, and told our ancestor, who was on the island, to come. His [Isa Begum’s] maternal nephew was from Fombita, and his name was Ali, Ali Kara. He brought the whites in Bandiagara here. You got that? He brought them here. People said, ‘Hey, you will get killed if you go there. Don’t go.’ The nephew was with the whites and said, ‘You’re definitely(Wallahi) not going to get killed. I would not bring someone who would kill people. Just come over here and ally with whites.’ They [the people] said to him [Isa Begum], ‘Don’t go. You will get killed if you do.’


Ni di wala? Heri kul se annasarey man te i se. Ha kaŋ ga naŋ de a ma ka. Tuba mo kookari. Sohoŋ ke, a hambur koyyoŋo. Da ni koy, waat in i naŋ ga n wi. Heri kul si tubaa man te, a man koy. I di ga goro no-din ga mo, i di ga kala heri kaŋ ga naŋ de i ma ka. I ne : Sukkara yoŋ ka. Kaŋ borey si bey mo heri kaŋ ti sukkara. I ne : Ni ma koy no i se. I ne : Taba ka ma. I man yedda. I ne a se : Da ni koy, ma bey, borey din, ga boro cirey fo yoŋ no, a heri dumbiyo fo go i se. Amma gey si bey heri kaŋ ti wo-din. Sohoŋ ke hamburey furo a se.

You see? The whites didn’t do anything to them except telling them to go over there, and the nephew tried to help, too. But at this time, he [Isa Begum] was afraid to go. ‘You will get killed.’ The nephew was safe, but he [Isa Begum] didn’t go. They [whites], too, figured he [Isa Begum] would not move, so they tried to force him to go there. They said, ‘Here is sugar,’ although the people didn’t know what sugar was. They said, ‘Go over there and give some to everyone.’ They then said, ‘Go ahead and lick it.’ They [the people around Isa Begum] did not comply. They said to him [Isa Begum], ‘You must not go. All right? They are red men.’ They have something thin and long in their hands.’ But they didn’t know what it was. At this point, he [Isa Begum] started to fear.


Gey mey da a si ka, i na i hamburandi. Zama malfa kuuro, waat in i na powo din te, borey naŋ ga malfa bey? I sobey ka kaŋ isaa ra ka koy do ka bere ka kooy, koy du Fuliyande yoŋ, jerey yoole isa wo ra. I ye ka koy Fuliyande.

They [whites] tried to threaten them for not going over there. The people heard the crack of a gun. I bet you they did not know what a gun was. One after another, people fell into the river and drifted far away. In spite of that, some of them managed to come back to the Fuliyande Island. But some of them drowned in this river. They [those who survived] came back to the Fuliyande Island.


Annasaarey ya kakaaru boŋ ɲaajin fo yoŋ haw ya-cine kaŋ malfey dake i boŋ, i ga zi ga kakaaru tutiya, i ga zi ga kakaaru tuti, kal i koy du Fuliyande jabo. Hal i ga soora, kul i ne : Heey! I ka, i ka. *I ye ka huru ka do Koorugungu isaa ra, koy zigi Koorugungu. I ne i ma ye de ka key, gey si ba kal de gen d'ey ma waafaku. Gey man ka i wiiyoŋ se, hal gey naŋ g i wi naŋ go key din, doŋ gey ni wi ka ben saain, ba gorŋo si cindi. I hambur. I koy bere kal Hawsa. Boro cindo yoole yaamo isa ra.

The whites tied huge Sesbania[2] together like this, put a gun on top of it, and swam as they pushed it. They swam as they pushed it and reached the shore of the Fuliyande Island. As they were getting settled, [people] saw them and said, ‘You guys, they are here, they are here.’ [laughing,] People hastily jumped into the river on the side of the Korgoungou Island and climbed onto the island. They [whites] said to them, ‘Come back. We just want to ally with you. We are not here to kill you. If we were, we would have slaughtered every single one of you already, and not even a chicken would be alive.’ They [the people] were afraid. They swam off to the east bank. Some of them ended up drowning in the river.


    Sohoŋ wo-din, i ma wo-din doro. Hal i ye ka ceeci koyne ka koy kal i to Kaasalme hondo din ga, ga no i ca, i ne Deesa borey kaaga se : Wala Isifi Zibo, wal a go no? I ne : Walaahi a go no. I ne Isifi Zibo se a ma ka. Ga wo bine i na daŋ, banɲey no daŋ yaamo hiyo ra. I koy. De annasaarey di celey waafaku, i na gey senno kul te, de gey tiraa no i se, zama han din borey i si bey boro ka te tilas. I ne a ma koy gaabu a ga, gar bisa ka koy Toomare.

This incident gave them [the whites] pain. They went off for another search. Then on a road next to a caasarme [a settlement], they sent a messenger to the ancestors of people of Dessa, saying ‘Is Issoufi Zibo here?’ They said, ‘Wallahi, yes, he’s here.’ They [the whites] told Issoufi Zibo to come. What he [Issoufi] did was he just put some slaves on a boat [to send over in place of him]. They went. Then the whites allied with them, settled a deal, and gave them paper. People in those days, however, had no idea that this person would eventually gain power. They [the whites] said to make sure to hold on to it [the paper], and set out for Tomare.


               I koy Toomare din, ga n genda Toomare borey din, gey mey koy te ya. Gey wey waafaku no-din. I gar, i sobey ka gana ka koy kal Dulusu. I koy no-din, i ye ka bere ka ya ka ka. Sohoŋ borey din mey ka k i di ka annasaarey n i har. Tomare din, i ne wallaahi gey wey, gey silman keyna fo, gey na no Deesa borey se.Ya-din ga gey si hin ka te ya-cine, hala gey ma di wo-din banda.

               They went to Tomare and did the same thing with the people of Tomare. They made an alliance there. They then moved onto Doulous. After they went there, they came back. This time, the people [people of Tomare] came as well. Once they came, the whites talked to them. They [the whites] said, ‘We have given something to the people of Dessa. What’s done is done, but it should never be repeated to the people of Tomare. Absolutely(Wallahi) not.’


               To, i koy gey gora te Dulusu din, Dulusu din gungiyo fo no, isa gamo ra no ya. I ka ka ngey gora te no-din ra, i sobey ka dira labo ra, hal a ka ka to sohoŋ i ne gey ma te koyrey se jine. Sohoŋ borey ka ka ba jine-borotara. I miile i sohoŋ gey wey gey ga du jine-borotara. Toomare borey ba wo-din, i man du wo-din. Ir mey wono kaŋ ne-wo, i ne a se a ma ka. I ne a se hal a koy, a naŋ ga bu, a hambur, a man ka i do. Waato kaŋ jiney i koy, i ne a tiraa din, i g i tiraa, i ne Isifi Ziibo se wal mana? Isifi na tiira sambu a no. I ne : To, maadulla. To, boro wo no ngey daŋ jine.

               Now, they [the whites] settled in Doulous. Doulous is a big island in the middle of the Niger River. They settled there, walked around, and finally announced that they would appoint a headman for the villages. Wanting the status of a headman, people started gathering. They thought they would be able to get that status. The people of Tomare wanted it, but they didn’t get it. As for our ancestor here, they [the whites] told him to come over. He [Isa Begum] got scared when told he would die if he went to them [the whites], so he didn’t go. Once people have gathered, they, the paper . . . them, the paper . . . They [the whites] said to Issoufi Zibo, ‘Where [is the paper]?’ Issoufi took out paper and handed it to them. They [the whites] said, ‘All right. Good. We will make this person the headman.’


               Waat in no ir mey wone manti a jin no, waat in lakkalo tun, ga no a ye ka zuru ka koy no, ga mo ne : Ley! Isifi si huro. Annasaarey mey ne : Ley! Saalahhu senno wo bumbo hal a man a naŋ, kul gey ga wi. Oho. Tuba ne a se : Guna, ay wo hano kaŋ ay ka, ni se n i ka. Amma kaŋ ni wenji ka ka. I ne da ni ka, naŋ ga bu. Hoŋo kaŋ gey na labu wo kul dira, gey ba boro wo ka gey kubey Deesa. Za gey to, i ka gey do. Ay ne gey tiira no i se. Hoŋo kaŋ ga i na tiira no i se, i sinda fondo kul kaŋ ga tiira ta ka n a se. Wa koy goro da no. Wo kaŋ naŋ Deesa mo kaan ir me. Oho. Hero ban ka te. Annasaara wo tiira da a ban ka hantum, a si kottu koyne, a si a tuusu. Oho. Sohoŋ ba ni wo boro kaŋ ne ma ni tira tuusu, ni ga yedda?

               Then our ancestors said, ‘He shouldn’t become the headman.’ They panicked, rushed to the scene, and said, ‘Absolutely not. Issoufi should not be the one.’ The whites said, ‘It’s not negotiable.’ ‘It is God’s will. So if you don’t let it happen, we will kill you.’ Hmm. [Isa Begum’s] maternal nephew said to him, ‘You see? This is why I told you to come that day. But you wouldn’t because somebody said you would die if you did. Now they [whites] have gone everywhere, and became fond of this guy [Issoufi] they met in Dessa. When they [the whites] showed up, they [Issoufi and his people] went to them [the whites]. The paper was given to them [Issoufi and his people]. Now that the paper has been given to them, there is no way to get it back and give it to someone else. You go home and be happy. Let Dessa rule.’ Yeah. That’s how it was done. Whites…, once they’ve signed a paper, they never break it nor erase it. Hmm. You, perhaps too, wouldn’t agree to erase a [the content of a] memo.


――        Ay wo ay ga yedda ya.

               I would.


A)           Aa?



――        Ay wo ay ga yedda.

                              I would erase a memo.


A)           To, wo-din manti wan d'ey no*.

               Ha, I guess you are different [laughs].


――        Amma hal, hal boro kaŋ ga har ay se bumbo no ka ne ay se manti ya-wo-cine no, tuusu, kul ay ga yedda.


A)           Oho, oho, to, guna, ya no. Wo ka ne jine borey i n ir mey...

               If somebody who spoke to me said, ‘That’s wrong. Erase it,’ then I would agree to do so right away.


               Right. See? Yeah. That’s what the elders are saying, too…

M)[4]         Manti ya-din no a ne. Danga sohoŋ hal borey kaŋ ga bey kul har ni se, i har ka ben. De ni koy Fuliyande, boro fo ma ka ka ni gar kaŋ si ha kul bey, a ma ne ni se : Ni hantumey din, i tuusu. A naŋ. Ni ga yedda?

               That’s not what he meant. If some people told you everything they knew and finished telling you the whole story. Then you come back to the Fuliyande settlement, and somebody who happens to see you—somebody who knows nothing about what has been said— said, ‘Erase what you wrote. Just ignore it,’ would you agree?


――        Wo-wo ke ay si yedda.

               In that case, I wouldn’t.


M)           Cap!



A)           Oho*.

               Hmm [laughs].


――        Hal boro ga waani, ay si yedda.

               If [the person who told me the story and the person who tells me to erase it] are not the same, I wouldn’t.


A)           Oho, to, ya-cine no. Gey mey ne * gey si yedda. Wo ka naŋ gey mey ka i na ir mey. Sohoŋ ir koyra gonda wo doro, Toomare borey gonda wo doro. Ha kaŋ naŋ Deesa borey ka ka gey dabari. Oho.


               Hmm. So that’s the story. They [the whites] did not agree [inaudible], either, not to let them [the people of Dessa] rule us. Our village is still feeling pain because of this, and so are the people of Tomare. You know, regarding the fact that the people of Dessa remain in power. Hmm.

               Sohoŋ ir kul kaayey bu da wo doro kaŋ na naŋ Deesa wo ka ka te ir se jine huno k ir dabari. Toomare borey kaayey bu da wo doro. Ir mey wone bu da wo doro. Zama ir kul ga tamma hã, ir ga bisa borey kaŋ ka ka ir mey. Oho. Ha kaŋ ga naŋ, i ma ir dabari ka te ir se jine huno, Toomare borey ga miile wallaahi gey si wo konte ley! Boro wo kaŋ yoŋ ka ka gey mey, ir mo hun boro wo mo ga tam, ga si..., wo Isifi Zibo konte ley hal a ma ka ga game. Annasaarey mo bora kaŋ si ba a ga si a gey almano no.

               Our ancestors died with the pain that Dessa has become our chief and came to control us. The people of Tomare died with the pain. Our ancestors died with the pain. Hmm. This is because we all consider ourselves superior to those who rule us. Hmm. They [the people of Dessa] came to rule us as our chief, but the people of Tomare think they absolutely(Wallahi) cannot be trusted. We don’t trust who came to rule us, Issoufi Zibo, at all either. We think the fact that he has become the center [is unacceptable]. As for whites, they only like those who give them livestock.


〔後略〕[Later part omitted]


1-3.  サーバ・テーラ村創設譚 Story of the establishment of the village of Saaba-Tera

〔前略〕[Earlier part omitted]

A)           Sohoŋ, beyra no ay ga har ni se. Hano kaŋ ga ir meytara, Joori, sooja kaŋ se i ga ne Fuseyni Kunce, ga ka ka ka hino samb, a ga hino samb, a ne borey se : Da ni ga ba ni ma goro Tilabeeri meytara ra, da ni ga ba ma goro Kokor meytara ra, noŋ kul kaŋ ni ga ba, ma koy ni huwo cin. Wo banda mo bonkoyni kul kaŋ kaan ni se ma gana, ma kabu, ma jangar bana a se. A sinda heri fo kul. Ni faro kaŋ ni ga mey gungo ra, da ni koy bonkoyno wo banda ka kabu, gungo bora wa ka si a banda a si duw'a. Da bora kaŋ go gungo ra mo, a faro go Gurma ra, za ni si Gurma, Teera borey bande ma kabu, Teera bora si n ganji man faro. Boro kul kaŋ kaan ni se, kaŋ ni di ne ga n kankam, kul ma koy goro. Danga ya-wo cine kaŋ ni ka dendi Fuliyande wo, ni go ga maar'ey a ra, danga ba ni ma ye ne ka kabu, amiiru Looga bande, da ni di amiiru Looga izey se ni ga ka.

              Now, let me talk about what you want to know. During Diori’s reign, a soldier named Seyni Kountche gained power. After gaining power, he said, ‘If you want to live under Tilabeeri’s rule, do so. If you want to live under Tera’s rule, do so. Build a house wherever you want to live. And follow a chief that you choose to follow, resister your residency, and pay taxes. There’s no problem with that. If you own a field on the island, count your harvest under the chief there. If you don’t see eye to eye with the chief there, it cannot be done. Those who live on the island, if you don’t live on the west bank, even if you own a field there, count the harvest under Tera’s people. People of Tera cannot stop you from cultivating land there. Do as you wish. If you think it’s too small here, go ahead and move somewhere else. Let me explain. If you came down to Fuliyande and heard that [Kountche's words], you stop counting here and instead resister your residency under the chief of Looga. You tell that to the people of Looga’s chief.


              Saaba wono, zama Saaba wono manti bonkoyni no. Ga wo bi fo da pala din da yenge fo te yenga din ka ka cer di ya-cine, ir te me fo, in na car gana. In ne : Sohoŋ in naŋ ga ka ka ye gungo ra, borey ba k i go Gurma, i ne in d'a gey ma te me fo, gey g ir gana, gey ma kabu gungo ra. In ne : To, hal war ga kab gungo ra, in da wa..., i r ga car gana paley boŋey diiyoŋ ka.

As for Saaba [why it should be Loga and not Saaba], Saaba does not have a chief. It only happened recently. A dispute broke out at farmland there, in which we came to understand each other, reached an agreement, and started living side by side. We said, ‘Let’s go back to the island.’ Those who wanted to stay on the west bank concurred and said that they would move to the island and resister their residency there. We also said, ‘All right. If you are going to count the harvest on the island, we will also . . . we will cooperate with you over the farmland issue as well.’


              Sohoŋ ir ka ka wo-din te kala, ir ka ka kusuuma din te, waati din i ka, gey mey kaŋ jin ka kabu Teera din, ir borey da no, kaŋ hun ir bande, i koy cer di, i ne hey gey wey gey si kab gungo ra, gey wey g ir go de gey Teera kab wo. Ir mey ne ir se, I se : Manti wo-din se ir sintin. Wan naŋ ne in da war ma huro calla.Hala ir ma dalgey ka, ga ti in da war hino car gana. Dalgey mongey albeero, hal ay ga ciiney ni se, ga ti filaana din

That’s how we came together. But when the time came, the guys who had been counting the harvest in Tera, in other words, our family, left us, got together among themselves, and said, ‘Hey, we are not going to count the harvest on the island. We are going to count the harvest in Tera.’ We, we said to us, I mean, to them, ‘That’s not what we’ve agreed on. You said you are in with us. You said, ‘Let’s join hands once we remove the delegates.’’ The delegates did not concur [on that matter after all], but between you and me, so-and-so was the head among them.


――       Oho.filaana. Oho. Ayyo.

              Ah, so-and-so. I see.


A)           filaana.



――       filaana*.

              So-and-so. * [Says his father’s name]


A)           Ayyo, filaana. To, ga ti ir yenga din de ir sawa, in d'ey i ye ka car gana, i ne sohoŋ ya-hare ga n ir kaŋ go Tilabeeri, borey, : Ir ma kabu Teera meytara, ir mey ne : Ir si hun Tilabeeri, ir si hun Gaarokoyre ka koy kabu Teera. Wo ir si a te. Amma borey kaŋ fatta, ka ne gey si kab Fuliyande gungo din, kaagey ce-yow de yoŋ no.

              So-and-so. That’s right. Now, we fought like that and settled. But when we were about to move, they said to us, who were in Tilabeeri, ‘We should register our residency in the district of Tera.’ We said, ‘We are not going to leave Tilabeeri. We are not going to leave Gaarokoyre and count the harvest in Tera.’ We don’t do such a thing. But those who decided not to count the harvest in Fuliyande and left, their ancestors simply came here on foot.


――       Kaagey ce...

              Their ancestors came on foot . . .


A)           Oho. I naŋ ka de, i ka, i ka k ir go, ir jine borey gar. Han din mo borey ga ba boro. Ni di? Gen d'ey kaayey lamba car ga. : Labo wo go. Naŋ kaŋ ni ga ba kul ma goro. Boro kul si kamkam. Ya-din ga i ka ka di, ne i si kaan gey se, i ye ngey asilo ga. In ne : Ir wey bine, ir si hun Fuliyande. Gaarokoyre wo, kal de ir bu a ra, ya-din ga ir kaayi wo ga ka Gaarokoyre sintin. Boro kul kaŋ ka, naŋ ka ka a gar. Ni bine ni ga korom, ni ga zuru ma fatta. Amma ir wey kal de ir bu a ra. Ir si fatta. Oho. Amma borey kaŋ zuru ka fatta din kul, kaayi naŋ ka de, da cowey. I ka ka goro. In da dumo kaayi hiiji ka hay calla. Ni di wala?

              Right. They just came. They just came where we had been and met our ancestors. All right? People liked other people in those days. They and our ancestors came together. ‘Land is everywhere. Live wherever you like. You don’t need to complain that it’s too hard.’ Well, dissatisfaction gradually grew in them. They went back to how they originally felt. We said, ‘We are not going to leave Fuliyande. We are going to die in Gaarokoyre. Our ancestor founded Gaarokoyre. Those who came later all met him [the ancestor]. You? You just leave it and run away because it’s too hot. But we are not going to leave here until we die.’ Hmm. But as for those who ran away, their ancestors came on foot. They settled here. Our ancestors and their ancestors in the two dumis married each other. You understand?



1-4.  サーバ・テーラ村創設の時期について The time when the village of Saaba-Tera was established

――       Ay diy'a. To, amma Wo kaŋ ay man faham ga ti, sanga pala, sanga Kokor borey ka..., sanga Kunce, Kunce ka ne borey se, e, Gurma borey, e, borey kaŋ kab Tilabeeri ra, amma boro kaŋ go Gurma, ikul ma koy, ikkul ma gana ka koy Gungo ra. Wo-wo ke Kunce waate de no.

              I see. But there is still something I’m not sure about. So the farmland, well, the people of Kokor . . . , I mean, Kountche, Kountche told people on the west bank that those who are counting the harvest in Tilabeeri but live in the west bank need to all move to the west bank, right? This is during Kountche’s reign, correct?


A)           Kunce waate no. Oho.

              During Kountche’s reign. That’s right.


――       To, wo-din banda, pala karyoŋ go no. Pala karyoŋo wo ke bi fo de, a si ga mooru. To, de pala karyoŋo banda no sohoŋ ciito tun, ciito tun banda no, e, Gurma here borey, i na koyra singi kaŋ ti Isubu yoŋ. Wal manti ya-din no?

              Now, farmland was irrigated after that. The establishment of the irrigated farmland happened only recently, and not a long time ago. Then after the farmland was irrigated, a dispute broke out. After the dispute broke out, the people on the west bank, I mean, Isbou and his people founded a village. Is that right?


A)           Hun.



――       To, ya-din ga. Kunce ka ne i ma gana. De i gana. Waato din wo ke ciito man tun hay kul. Wala? Wala ciito tun?

              Now, that means Kountche said to move, so they moved. By that time, the dispute hadn’t broken out, right? Or had it?


A)           Kunce man ne i ma gana.

              Kountche didn’t tell them to move.


――       Hun.



A)           Kunce man ne i ma gana ley!

              Kountche didn’t tell them to move at all.


――       Ayyo.

              Is that so?


A)           A man ne kal : Noŋ kul kaŋ kaan ni se, kul ni ma goro.

              He said, ‘Live wherever you like.’


――       Ha ha. Ayyo.

              Oh, okay.


A)           Non kul kaŋ de nan d i ne ma kaan ni se, kul ma goro. Da bonkoyno ne ni si hun ga tiiraa ra, danga kaŋ ga Looga si yedda, ga ga ne bonkoyno se a ma feynd'ey. Ma koy zumb noŋ kul kaŋ kaan, bonkoyni kaŋ ni ma kul ma koy zumb ma goro.

              He said, ‘Live wherever you like.’ He said that even if the chief said not to go outside of the paper—for example, even if Looga’s chief didn’t approve—people should follow what they want. ‘Move wherever you like. Move and live under a chief you approve.’


――       Ayyo.

              Oh yeah?


A)           Isubu yoŋ man koyra sintin. Isubu wo bi fo da no ir wey ka dey ir na keyandi.

Isbou and his people hadnt founded the village yet. When it comes to Isbou, we made him the leader recently.


――       Huun. War no ka keyandi.

              I see. You made him the leader.


A)           Ir ka keyandi. Yenga din ir ka te. To, waato kaŋ i ban ga nda nga jama ir ma ngey gana ka kabu Gurma, i ne sohoŋ, Isubu din, a ma gey gen d'ey ma te me fo, sohoŋ ya-din ga i n ir hã, in ne ir si hun ir dogo ra Hal ir ga te bonkoyni, Gaarokoyre ga ti ir bonkoyni, ir bine ir si hun Gaarokoyre ka koy Kokor. Isubu wo Teera ma gana, ir si te ya-din. To, shoŋ ga ti Isubu wey ka, i ne a ma te ngey se jine boro. Bi fo da Isubu * se jiiri taaci wal ihink. Manti ay ga ka koyra sintin.

              We made him the leader. We had the dispute. Now, when that was done, he and his people [told us to] follow them and resister our residency on the west bank. I.K. and others then tried to reach a consensus with us. They also asked us what we wanted to do, but we said we would not leave our home. If we are to decide on a chief, Gaarokoyre is our chief. We are not going to leave Gaarokoyre to live in Kokor. Now, Isbou joined Tera, but we didn’t. Then Isbou and his people came and said we should make him the headman. Because of that, Isbou recently* [inaudible] became the chief, but it’s been only four or two years. Who else could you say founded the village if it wasn’t me?


――       Oho. Ya-din de no.

              You’re right.


A)           Bi fo da no.

              Only recently.


――       Wo-wo ke ni no ka gaakasiney a se?

              You helped him.


A)           Oho. In d'ey celey. K.S. wo kaŋ bu kaŋ ni ga ma, Da Suley yoŋ din, da B.A, o, B.A. wo si ir bande, ayyo amma Suley g ir yenga din ra, Mahamadu g ir yenga din ra, Ir yenga borey ga ba da, Suley yoŋ, ir borey ga ba kaŋ go Gurmaa wo, amma Tilabeeri boro da ti ir. Amma jerey i naŋ ka ka huro ir ra ka lamba. Windo wo borey, gey ti Isubu borey, Teera borey no. Teera no i jan..., i ga kabu, i jangar ga koy. Amma ir wono Tilabeeri no. Ha kul kaŋ hun Teera ma ga, ir wey ir si lamba a ga. Danga kaŋ Teera wo, gey ma ga no gomuni kul ga ka.

              Right. We and our friends. The late K.S., whom you knew as well, Sourey and his people, and B.A. Wait, B.A. wasn’t there. But Sourey and his people and we all fought together. Mahamadou was there, too. We had a lot of people on our side in the dispute. For example, Sourey was our family in the west bank, but we were the people of Tilabeeri. But the rest of them joined us later. The guys in that house, Isbou and his guys belong to Tera. They have their residency in Tera and pay taxes there. But we belong to Tilabeeri. If anything is done under the name of Tera, we stay away. For example in Tera, that name brings them all sorts of assistance.



[Later part omitted]


1-5.  先着者と後着者をめぐる語り Remarks about those who came first and those who came later

〔前略〕[Earlier part omitted]

A)           To, wo, ay senno wo go, ma si a ciiney. Naŋ ga ne ay ka ne.

               Hmm. Do not keep what I’ve told you a secret. Tell people that I told you all this.


――        Huhun.



A)           Oho. Naŋ ga ne ay ka ne.

               Right. Tell them I said all this.


――        To, ayyo.

               All right. I got it.


A)           Ni faham. Wo boŋ ay wo ga deede ni se. Ay si hambur boro kul.

               You understand? About all this, I told you. I’m not afraid of anyone.


――        Ayyo.

               I understand.


A)           Ay si ciiney kul.

               Right. I got it.


――        Oho, to, ay faham.


A)           Ni di, ya da hero go da. Heri kul kaŋ bumbey duw'a. Amma ir wey here wo, hal ir du heri, ir Tilabeeri, ir si a waani-waani ka ne gey Teera a si duw'a ra, ka ne za i si ir tiira ra, i tiira ra i go. Ir borey no kaŋ fere ka hun ir ga ka ka ka kabu amiiru Kokor bande.Oho, ir jamaa da no, k i tun ka dira, i ne kal ba koyra a naŋ ga sey. Ir wone koyra wo, hu, hu, Gaarokoyre wo a ma hasara. Gey dungey, alfukaarey gey ma ka, gey ma ka ka dunguri ma wo. Gey ma gey bora di, gey ma a keyandi. Gey bonkoyno ne, ga ti ni ga di Isubu.

               You see? That’s how it is. [The chief of Saaba-Tera] makes everything his own. But us, we Tilabeeri don’t distinguish when we get things. We don’t say, ‘Tera isn’t going to get anything because they’re not on our paper, and they’re only on their paper.’ Yes, they left us and registered their residency under the chief of Kokor, but they are our family. Right. They are part of us, those who left, saying they didn’t care if the village was to disintegrate. [They left, saying they didn’t care] even if our Gaarokoyre would be lost because of their action. ‘Come, poor people. Come and have some cowpeas. Find your family. Make him the leader. The chief is right here.’ You know, Isbou.


               Ir mey ne k ir koyra sey, ir wey koyra, za ir kaayi, ga hinne ka ka, a ka ka goro de. Hal a du boro, kaŋ ka ka tontoŋ a ga, hal koyra ka ka te jama, borey ka ka hiiji, i hay. Ir bine, ir wey koyra wo ir si fatta a ra. Amma naŋ kaŋ boro a ga ba, kul ma koy. Ya da ir go da. Ni faham.

               As for us, we were here in our village when the village disintegrated. Our ancestor, only he came and started living here. Eventually he obtained people, more people joined, and the village got bigger. People came to get married, and they had children. We? We don’t leave this village. But if you want to leave, go ahead and leave. That’s how we do it. You understand?


――        Ay faham. Ni wo ni si ba ni ma koy no-din no. Ne da de.

               I see. So you, you don’t want to go over there. This is the only place for you.


A)           Ne de.

               This is the only place.


――        Ne Tilabeeri here.

               Here, on the Tilabeeri side.


A)           Tilabeeri. Ha kul sey ka Gaarokoyre, ir wey ir kaayi wo, ga ka koyra singi. Boro kul kaŋ ka naŋ ka ka, naŋ ka ka lamba a ga. Ya-din ga ir wey kaayi kaŋ naŋ koyra singi, ir ga fatta a ra? Amma bora kaŋ kokor ka ka din, hal ni di nango koroŋ ni ga, ni ga fatta. Zama da bonkoynitarey no, da ni go a ra, ni si duw'a. Ni di?

               We will stay in Tilabeeri even if Gaarokoyre was to disintegrate. Our, our ancestors, they founded the village. All people came to the village and joined them. So if our ancestors are the ones who founded the village, why would we leave? But those who come later, [for example] you, leave when it’s too hot. You leave for the chief status. Even if you stay here, you can’t get it. Got that?


               Ir mey bine, ir koyra, ir wone koyra ra. Da bonkoyno wo bu, da ni gonda fondo ni ga koy ma ceeci d ir k i naŋ no . Ni faham. Boro wo kaŋ ni bey a go, ay winda ka cer di. Ir k ir wo te, a bisa i boro. Irkoy ne fuula samba n daŋ kaba ra. Zama ay wo baaba, ga no ma te baabo se beere. Ni faham. Ya da koyra go da.

               We stay here in our village, the village that belongs to us. If the current chief dies and if there is a way, you will seek the status. You see? The person who is in the position [the chief of Saaba-Tera], the one you also know, came to my house and we helped him. But now he is more powerful than the rest of the family. It’s God’s will. God said to give the chief status in his hands. That’s because my father, he is the elder brother of the father [of the chief of Saaba-Tera]. You understand? That’s how the village works.


――        Huun.

               I see.


A)           Amma ay ga deede ni se, borey wey kaŋ gey mey ni bande wo, i si ha kul bey. I si.

               But I will tell you. Those guys behind you, they don’t know anything. They don’t know anything.


――        I si.

               They don’t know anything.


A)           I si.



――        Ley!

               Anything at all.


A)           Zama, ir kaŋ ni di, boro kaŋ ni ga wo, ciiney ga har ni se, gey kaayey,cowey de d i ka.

               Because let me tell you a secret about those guys behind you. Their ancestors only came on foot.


――        Huhun.

               I see.


A)           Oho.



――        Cowey de d i ka.

               They only came on foot.


A)           Cowey de d i ka.

               They only came on foot.


――        Huhun.

               I see.


A)           Guraawa wo, i asilo, manti kal de hendi...

               Gouraawa is, its origin is there . . .


――        Yuuni-boro?

               You mean, Yuuni Boro?


A)           Yuuni-borey din. I man jin ka goro kal hendi, Saakoyre ganda koyra fo kaŋ si i ga ne..., koyra ma faara. No-din i kaayi jin ka goro. I tun koyra din ra, i ka ka huro ir koyra ra. Zama i sinda naŋ k i ga, i sinda labu k i ga goy. Yuuni-borey din. I ka ka goro Fuliyande. Ir kaayi wo n i no labo, i ka ka zumbu. I gana ka koy gura hendi Deesa. Deesa mo ga no n ir dabari, ga mo ne i noguriya de, a ne i ma koy zumb a ga. Belley ne i si goro no zaati. I ne i ma fend'ey. Ga ti Guraawa din, i ka, i na gey gora te, hal hoŋo i ka ka te jama. Ni di wala?

               Right, Yuuni borey. They were originally there, in the village south of Saakoyre. I forget the name. Their ancestors originally lived there. They left there and came to our village. This is because they didn’t have, they didn’t have land to work in. Yuuni borey moved to Fuliyande. Our very ancestors gave them land, and because of that, they settled here. They went all the way to Dessa Island. Dessa was controlling us at that time. He also told them [to go] there, to move there. Bella said they would not actually settle there so we should just leave them alone. That’s Gouraawa. They came here, settled, and came to power these days. All right?


――        Ay diy'a.

               I see.


A)           Ni faham.

               You got it?


――        Ay faham.

               I got it.


A)           Gey ar, ar taaci de no. Gey ga ka ka hay hal...

               Those guys, it’s only four guys. They came and had children . . .


――        Ar taaci hinne?

               Only four guys?


A)           Ar taaci hinne.

               Only four guys.


――        May da may da may?

               Who were those guys?


A)           I si ne kala, wo, Surgo. Surgo Dullaahi.

               They were Sourgo. Sourgo Dullahi.


――        Huhun. Surgo Dullaahi. Ayyo.

               All right. Sourgo Dullahi. I see.


A)           I ma ne, Koobaaba.

               Kobaaba, too.


――        Hahan. Koobaaba. Oho, Yuuni-boro.

               Oh, Kobaaba. Right. Yuuni borey.


A)           Yuuni-borey. Oho. To. Ni di wala?

               Yuuni borey. Right. Understand?


――        Huhun.

               I see.


A)           To, Surgo Dullaahi gorokasino, kaŋ i si ga ne kal Minta


Hmm. The wife of Sourgo Dullahi was Minta.

――        Minta Koobaaba.

               Minta Kobaaba.


A)           Minta Koobaaba. Koobaaba, wo, weyma no ya. A weyma no ya. Oho. Abdu. Abdu Koobaaba weyma no ya. Ikkul Koobaaba izey no, Minta Koobaaba, Abdu Koobaaba. Sumeyru Koobaaba. Sumeyru Koobaaba wo ga haama ti M.M. wo kaŋ wan d'ey go car bande. Ni faham.

               Minta Kobaaba, Kobaaba’s sister. His sister. Right. Abdu, Abdu Kobaaba’s sister. They are all Kobaaba’s children. Minta Kobaaba, Abdu Kobaaba, and Soumair Kobaaba. One of the descendants of this Soumair Kobaaba is M.M., the guy you are with. You see?


――        Ay faham ya.

               Yes, I do.


A)           I ka ka goro. Abdu Koobaaba wo kaŋ a ka tubey ti borey kaŋ cindi din kaŋ ni ga di, kul izey no. Oho. Tubey izey no, ga ti ariizo. I hun Saayeni. Saayeni i hun ka ka zumb Guraawa. Saayeni. No ti i koyra. No-din i naŋ gana kokor bande biya ka tun no i ka ka huro ir koyra. Ni faham.

They moved here. The rest [of those in the Gouraawa settlement] you know are descedants of the nephew and the niece of this Abdu Kobaaba. Hmm. The nephew and the niece. They are the male descendants. They came from Sayani. They left Sayani and moved to Graawa. Sayani. That’s their village. They left there, migrated, and came to our village. You see?


――        Huhun.

               I see.


A)           To, Bonkajerey mey kaŋ ni ga ma i ga ne-wo, gey mey kokor banda i tun hendi Gurzugey. I tun Guruzugey, i ka ne, i ka ka huro ir se, i huro ir koyra ra. Ir kaaga wo a n i kabu. In d'ey ka ka goro. Hala dumb ka ka hiiji ka hay calla, hoŋo dumo kul huro calla. Ni di?

               As for Bonkajerey, whom you know are here, they came later all the way from Gourouzgey. They left Gourouzgey, came here, and joined us. They joined our village. Our ancestors let them live here. We and they started living together. They came, married to our people, and now our dumis are mixed. You got that?


――        Huhun.

               I see.


A)           Oho. I hiiji ir jine borey ra, i hay i ga. Ni di? Ir borey mey kaŋ tun jerey hiiji, izey, i hay i ga. Hoŋo in d'ey ka, ir ka ka huro calla. Amma d ni ka ka hã ya-cine i ga, boro kul ne i asilo cowo ga. Ni di wala?

               Mm. They married our ancestors and had children. All right? Some of our ancestors got married and had children as well. Now we and they, we are mixed. But if you ask anyone about them, they will say they came later on foot. Do you understand?


――        Ay diy'a.

               I understand.


A)           Oho. Amma ir wey koyra. Ir F..., Gaarokoyre wo, Gaarokoyre wo hal ni ga ba fahama noŋ kul kaŋ ni hã, ni koy huwey do, d i naŋ na hã, koyra fo da n goro Gaarokoyre d ir daŋ. Annasaarey meytara wo ra, batumo noŋ kul kaŋ naŋ tiira ka tarey, i ne Gaarokoyre, kul i ga ne i se Wogey fa. Zama Gaarokoyre wo ma ga hal Fulansi I si a tuusu. Ni di?

               Right. But this village of ours. About our Fu-, this Gaarokoyre. If you want answers to your questions, go home, and if people ask you what village you stayed at, [tell them] it’s this Gaarokoyre. Under the rule of whites, every place is spelled out on paper. According to whites, Gaarokoyre is a village of Wogos because there is another Gaarokoyre in France. They wouldn’t erase that one. You understand?


――        Huhun.



A)           To, ha kaŋ cindi wo kul koyra ma koyra jine de no. Ga ti ni ga di borey wey kaŋ ni huwo, ni di, i go car bande, jerey din, i go de. Amma manti Wogey ga warga. Sanga ni bey kaŋ ciiney ga muraadu feeri. Oho.

               Hmm. In all the other villages, there is only a name of the one who came to the village first. But in your home . . . You see? Some of those who are here [in this village] are just here. It doesn’t mean Wogos are prosperous. This kind of secret conversation resolves issues. Hmm.


――        Huun.



A)           To, guna ya da ir go. Amma ni wo yow ti ni. Kaŋ ni ka ni si gorey bey, ni ka de koyra ra. Ayyo. Kaŋ ti Suley yoŋ wey, kaŋ ni di wan d'ey go, gey dey ti ir borey kaŋ ni ga bey. Zama yow wo, nongo k i na a kubey d a goro. Manti ya-din.

               Right. Listen. That’s how we do it. But you, you are our guest. When you came, you didn’t come to live here. You just came to visit the village. Sourey and other guys, who are with you, were the only family of ours you knew. This is because guests stay wherever they have been welcomed. Am I right?


――        Ya-din de no.

               That’s true.


A)           Ir Zarma ciino ra. Oho. Sohoŋ waato kaŋ ni ka, hal i man ni kubey, manti ni goro. Ni bey ni ga bisa.

               In Zarma, [this is what we say]. Hmm. For example, when you came, if we hadn’t welcomed you, you wouldn’t have stayed here. That’s what we say in Zarma. You see? You would have passed us by.


――        Huun. Ay go.

               Huh. That’s true.


A)           To, nongo k i ga n kubey, to, ir Zarma ciino ra, wo ti senni. Ni di?

               Right. ‘Where they welcome you.’ That’s what we say in our language, Zarma. All right?


――        Huhun.

               I see.


A)           Oho. Wo no ay ga n fahamandi nd'a. Amma da Irkoy te ni du baani, ni ye da n hangasi kaŋ fo kaŋ dogo ra, ha kul kaŋ de naŋ ne, sohoŋ borey wey i si war se ga deede ni se. Amma de a naŋ deede de. In d'ey i si calla. Zama nga wo k i na samb ka daŋ jina, a naŋ ka ka bora kul fey fey fey fey fey fey ka ka waani. Kal de nga kal ga borey. Kaayo man fuula mey, baabo man fuula mey, bumbo wo fuula mey, i dumo man di ka te bonkoyni, i si de kal ir borey bande. Hoŋo a ka, bi fo da no i na keyandi ya-cine, a huro yoŋo kul sohoŋ man to jiiri gu. A ga koy Teera, a ga ne ya-cine, a ga ne ya-cine, hal hoŋo gan d'a Teera borey i ga ma, d ey du ga ka se ne i ga kat'a i se. Ni di wala?

               Hmm. I helped you realize that. But even if God made you healthy and even if you got yourself a wife here, those guys wouldn’t tell you what I’ve told you. They will just say things. We and they are not together. This is because he [the chief of Saaba-Tera], who has been chosen as the headman, distinguishes between himself and his family, and others. His grandfather did not have the status of chief. His father did not have the status of chief either. He received the status of chief. That dumi could not get the status of chief. They were under our family. But it came today [they received the status of chief]. It happened only recently. It’s been less than five years since he became the chief. He went to Tera and explained, ‘This is what’s happening. This is what’s happening,’ and he became close to the people of Tera. He received the status of chief with their help. Got it?

               うむ。わたしはおまえにそういうことをわからせたのだ。しかし、もし神がおまえを健康にしてくださり、おまえがその場で伴侶を娶ったとしても、その人たちは、わたしがおまえに語ったことを、まるでおまえに語らない。ただ語るだけだ。 わたしたちと彼らはともにあるわけではない。なぜなら、選ばれて前に置かれた彼〔サーバ・テーラ村長〕はというと、彼は人を細々細々と区別する。自分自身とその身内を以外を。祖父は首長位を所有しなかった、父も首長位を所有しなかった、彼自身が首長位をえた。あのドゥミは首長位をえられなかった、わたしたちの身内の後ろにいた。今日それは来た〔首長位をえた〕、しかしつい最近立ったのだ、彼が首長に就任してからまだ5年もたっていない。彼はテーラに行って、こういうわけなんです、こういうわけなんですと言って、そうして彼とテーラの人びとは仲良くなり、彼はそれに助けられて、彼らから〔首長位を〕もってきてもらった。いいかね。


[Later part omitted]


1-6.  AHAでおこる係争について Regarding disputes at the irrigated farmland

〔前略〕[Earlier part omitted]

――        Senno wo no ay ga ba ay ma ye ka hã ni se koyne. Ya-dinga jina, to, no-din Saaba-Teera koyra singi yoŋ senno ra, jina ciito senno go no wala?

               I’d like to ask you about that story one more time. So first of all, let’s see, when you told me about the establishment of the village of Saaba-Tera, there was a story about a trial, right?


A)           Ciito senno?

               A story about a trial.


――        Oho. Sanga pala ciito senno.

               Yes. The story about a trial over farmland.


A)           Pala ciito.

               A trial over farmland.


――        Oho. Pala ciito no ka tun...

               Right. There was a trial over farmland, and . . .


A)           Wallaahi ciito senno.

               Wallahi, the story about a trial.


――        Wo ciito fo dumi no. May no i te d'a. May da may no ka yenge da.

               What was the trial about? Who started it? Who were involved?


A)           Ciito. Oho. Ciito wo Isubu yoŋ wo de no ka te ciito. Ciito din ma gana hala a ka ka du. Borey ka ka cer di, hal ciito ban, gey borey kaŋ na car di, i ne ya-din ga gey ga te yaamo jine fun. Sohoŋ ciito din, heri no kaŋ, i ne jine boro daŋ. Annasaarey ne jine boro daŋ paley wey se. Borey mey gey no ma hawgey da paley. Da ni ga taali te palaa ra, ni pala ne, ay wono ne, d ey tun ka koy ka ka koy ka, wo zafa ka ne haro ma hun ni wono ra ka huro ay wono ra, de i di ga ni jukke zambar. Wo kaŋ se n a te. Da n almaney ni ni taŋ i ka ka koy ma ŋa, i ga n jukke zambar hinka. Da n naŋ torka cendi ka daŋ ay pala ra, za janda ga hiri ya-cine, torka zigi za n koy, ni ne ay palaa lalaba keyri, ka ne torka a ma bisa ni ga ba ma jeeje. I ga n jukke. To, guna pala yenga ne.

               The trial. Hmm. The trial was, Isbou and his followers filed the lawsuit. They saw to it that the trial would happen. People had gathered and waited until the trial was over. Those who gathered, they said, ‘Let’s just make someone a headman.’ Now, [what] the lawsuit [was] it led them to appoint a headman. Whites came and said, ‘Appoint a headman [= a delegate]’ for the farmland. These people were going to be in charge of the farmland. Let’s say you’ve caused some trouble at the farmland. Your farmland is there, and mine is here. Then if [you] broke the dike between our land to drain water out of your farmland into mine, they [the delegates] will catch you and impose a fine of 5,000 CFA franc on you. They created [the delegates] for that purpose. If you unleash your livestock and have them eat rice, you will face a 10,000 CFA franc fine. Or you bring an oxcart to my farmland and leave it there. The flooding season comes and water inundates farmland like this. Then you pull out your oxcart, load it, pull it across my farmland, and you destroy ridges in my land. Then you will get fined. You see? These are what disputes over farmland are about.


               Borey kaŋ ka go ra mo i na hawizo din daŋ, ni wo ma koy har i se. To, guna pala wo, borey go ga yenga boŋ kul ne. Oho. Hal yenga ka ka huro calla, kala a to wo tamo din ga borey na gobu sambu cer se. Borey na ba adda sambu cer se. Ga yenga din ka, a bu. Senno kul koy Komandaŋ ka, amiiru Deesa ka.

               If you came [from another village] and put a cow into our farmland, you need to go talk to the delegates. Look, this is what disputes over farmland are all about. Hmm. Once a dispute breaks out, people take a stick in their hands, or sometimes a machete. A dispute breaks out, and people die. The story gets out, the commander comes, and the chief of Dessa comes.


――        A, amiiru Deesa mo ka.


               The chief of Dessa comes, too?

A)           A ka. Soojey ka, zandarmey ka. Han din ir wey i di zaati. I kayoŋo bine kul ir wone bonkoyno wo ga ka ne i se, a ne boro hinka bonkoyno wo beero, a ne ifa ay, ifo go no kaŋ se i ga ne J.F. a ne senno wo, heri kul kaŋ no, ir borey wey no, zama ay do wono i ga ka ka bato te, ciini kul ne in d'ey ga hanna kal ciino ma bi, ir ma sey.

               Yes, he did. Soldiers came, and the military police came. On that day, they actually captured me. When they came, our chief [the chief of Gaarokoyre] said to them, he said that the two brothers of the chief, meaning me and J.F. . . . he said we were to blame for this story [= the dispute]. And that’s because people gathered every night at my house. We spent every night together well into the night before they went home.


――        Wiiza war te ya-wo cine no?

               That’s what you really did?


A)           Oho. Ir ga hin ka ka almaari jingar hawrey waate, ir ga ka ka sintin senno kal a ma koy to guuru hinza wal itaaci. Ir ma koy kani. Ga mo koy daŋ kaŋ ti ay wo, ay ka go kul te k ay naŋ te. Zama ay do no jama kul ga ka. Ne-wo borey ga hanna. Ga se bine kaŋ i go salaŋ, a ne i ma ay di. Ay ti miimanda fa, zama ay do no borey ga ka.

               Right. We got together at the time of a night prayer and a meal and talked until three or four in the morning. Then we went to bed. That’s why I was chosen by God and I took charge of everything. Everyone came to my place. People spent their night here. So [on the day of the trial], they mentioned it, and he [the chief of Gaarokoyre] said to capture me. Because people came to my place, I must be one of the masterminds.


――        Ya-din ga komandaŋ no ka ne?

               So you mean the commander came here?


A)           Komandaŋ ka. Jomona hendi i ka kubey mey. Huwo do hendi, ni di, hu kaara. No-din ir koy, komandow kul, da, da amiiru Deesa, da, Saayi wone hayo fo kaŋ ga te ikul jine huno, a jyante beeri, ga no mo urugga kul dabari za Saayi kal ne, ga mo ka. To, i ka kaŋ senno kul ra ka deede. To, senno din deedeyoŋo ra ay wo tun, ay go ga salaŋ. Ga ti a na tiira guna, a ne wal ay ti boro filaana. Ay ne a se ay no. A ne sooja se, a ma ay di.

The commander came here. We arranged to meet at Djomona over there. You can see the house over there, right? That white house. We went over there, and the commander, the chief of Dessa, and someone from Saay with the highest status came. This was a very big guy, and he was in charge of all the irrigated farmland from Saay all the way to our village. Now, they came, and we all talked. Now, during the conversation, I also stood up and spoke. Then he looked at the paper and asked me if I was the person. I said that would be me. He said to a soldier, ‘Capture him.’


               *Sooja ka, a ne ay se ka ne-here wo. Ay ka ka koy guna i go ma key ya da cine. A na... Ayyo! A ne Isubu din mo salaŋ. A ne i ma Isubu din di. I ne Isubu din di, ga mo i kat'a i do. Dan ka fo mo salaŋ kaŋ se i ga ne J.F.. Adam din da wono wone ɲa fa ize no. Ga mo a ne i ma di. Ir boro hinza wo no a koy Tilabeeri, a ne i si bey.

               *[laughs] A Soldier came and told me to come. When I did, they were standing like this. He . . . right. He also told Isbou to talk. He told them to capture Isbou as well. They said, ‘Capture Isbou,’ and took him to them. And they told one more person, J.F., to talk as well. One of the children of Adam’s mother. They told them to capture him, too. When three of us [asked them if we] were going to Tilabeeri, he said he didn’t know.


               A ne heri kul kaŋ a do, ir wey ir ka go ga te man du ne, i ne ay di, i n ay di, ir ma koy goro hendi. Waat in no i soboey ka ngey senno te, sooja ne kaŋ ir ma ka ka koy to hendi ka goro weyna ra. He! A si hense goy laaro no. To, ni di sohoŋ ni na ay di, amma ay si goro weyna ra, ir man zey, ir man boro wi, ir man boro kar, fo se ni ne ir koy ka goro. Wo ti senni yaamo, ka ne za ni gonda hino faabante, ay si koy weyna ra walla. Ir ka ka goro kal de i ka i ne gey senno ban. Waati din no i ne sohoŋ to, ir ma ka ka fatta ka koy. Gey mey sallama. Ayyo. Ya wey te.

               He said that at that point he didn’t quite understand any of what we were doing. They said to capture me. They captured me and told me to sit over there. Then as they continued to talk, a soldier told me to go over there and sit under the sun. Hm. He wouldn’t take back that horrible order. Now, you see? I was captured, but I didn’t go under the sun. I said, ‘We did not steal, murder, or punch anyone. Why would you tell me to sit over there? It’s ridiculous. You are just wielding stupid power. I would not go under the sun.’ We sat still until they finished talking. They then told us we could go. They themselves greeted and left, too. Right. Something like that happened.


               Oho. Ga ti senno de ir ka ka cer di, waato wo din sey, Isubu yoŋ here borey i ne kaŋ ga kabu Teera, i ne ir ma ngey gana, ir ma hun Tilabeeri., Gaarokoyre tira ra ka bere Tera tira ra. Ir mey ne i se : Ha'a. Dogo war dogo ra. boro kaŋ ga ba Teera. Amma ir wey ir koyra, ir si a sey ka ne war se ir si hun koyra ra abada! Ir wey koyra da de boro folloŋ ka cindi. Ir windo hinne ka cindi ir go gora do. Da Irkoy ba mo ir ga du a se caley.

               Hmm. Then we gathered to discuss this issue and went home. Then the people on Isbou’s side said they would resister their residency in Tera. They said, ‘Let’s leave Tilabeeri. Let’s move out of Gaarokoyre’s paper and join Tera’s paper.’ We said to them, ‘No. That place is for you. It’s for those who like Tera. But we, we are not going to let our village disintegrate. Let me tell you guys. We will never leave this village, our village.’ Only a few stayed. Only our family remained and still live there. If it had pleased God, we could have found more friends.


〔後略〕[Later part omitted]


2.      アブドゥライの語り(200739) Abudullahi’s Remarks (March 9, 2007)

2-1. 植民地期の首長位創設譚 Story of the creation of the chief during the colonial era

〔前略〕[Earlier part omitted]

GM)[19]    I baabey, to, gey no ti..., ko, Banɲey windi wo, fo ti war kaago maayo? Ni mo ni wa har kaaga se. Sohoŋ ay ga war kaaga maayo hã.

The fathers, right, they . . . this house for slaves, let me see, what was the name of your ancestor? You tell him about your ancestor, too. This time, I will ask you the name of your ancestor.


A)[20]       Ni bey, ir sinda kaaga, boro kaago hinne war se.

              I think you know. We don’t have an ancestor except for your ancestor that we call ‘our ancestor.’


GM)       Ha?



A)          *Manti ni ne ay sinda baaba here kaaga, wa, ɲa kaabe hinne a go ay se.

              [laughs] You are the one who told me I don’t have a paternal ancestor and I only have a maternal ancestor.


GM)       Ɲa kaaga? A'a, ay wo ni ɲa kaagey ay no g i bey, bina ni har. To, ni mo...

              A maternal ancestor, huh? Well, I do know your maternal ancestor, and I’ve already talked about it. So you go ahead . . .


A)          To*. Maadulla

              See* [laughs]? I told you.


GM)      Ni mo, ni baaba wone naŋ g i har*. Ay ka hino, a si har.

              You tell him about your father, too* [laughs]. It’s time for me to shut up.


A)          Ay ne, ay ne har a se, a ma. Ay ne a se, ay wo kaaga, ay wo ka.., ay baaba kaago wo, a man hun kal Bukkina.

I, I told him. He heard me. I told him that my ancestor, my paternal ancestor was from Burkina Faso.


GM)      Burkina?

              Burkina Faso.


A)          Burkina boro no. Faccama Ɲamarkandi wo, Ɲamarkandi wo mo, Burkina boro me. Burkina boro no, manti ne-wo boro no.

              Yes, she was a Burkina Fasonian. Fathama Nyamarkandi. Nyamarkandi is a Burkina Fasonian name. A Burkina Fasonian. She wasn’t from here.


――       Ya-din no ni ne ay se.

              That’s what you told me.


GM)      Hu'un. Ay ma. Burkina boro no. Fo ka, fo ka kat'a ne.

              Hmm. All right. She was a Burkina Fasonian. Why, why was she brought here?


A)           Burkina? Burkina borey ni bey, za fes, Burkina borey wey, ni bey Gurmance ka goro Fuliyande wo ra fes bo. Ha?

              Burkina Faso. Burkina Fasonians were . . . Listen. The very Gourmantche, who were Burkina Fasonians, used to live in Fuliyande. You know?


GM)       Huhun.

              I see.


A)           Fuliyande wo Gurmance ka goro a ra fes! Hu? Ba sohoŋ i huwey dogey go no.

              Gourmantche used to live here in Fuliyande, uh? There are still remains of their houses.


――       Un. Ir ga hin ka diy'a.

              Right. There are.


A)           Ni ga hangan? Kaŋ Gurmance goro Fuliyande ra, Gurmancey banda, Gurmancey, boro man Gurmancey dirandi Fuliyande ra kala..., Surgey. Gey ka Gurmance wi ka Fuliyande ra. Surgey banda. Boro man Surgey mey dirandi kal annasaarey ka duk hut ka Surgey wey ka Fuliyande ra. Surgey k i dirandi. Ni go ma hangan?

              Are you listening? Gourmantche used to live in Fuliyande. After Gourmantche, it’s Tuareg that threw Gourmantche out of Fuliyande. They massacred Gourmantche in Fuliyande. After Tuareg, it’s whites that forced Tuareg out. They got mad and got rid of Tuareg from Fuliyande. They forced Tuareg out. Are you listening?


GM)       Huhun.

              I see.


A)           To, Surgey kaŋ na annasaarey n i ka Fuliyande ra, to, Gorɲo-haamey wey kaŋ ni ga di Isa-Beegun yoŋ din, gey ga ka ka lamba Surgey ga. Surgey ga i lamba jina, gey wey ka du Fuliyande fuula cuk cuk kul kaŋ ga di, Surgey ga, i duw'a.

              Now, when whites kicked Tuareg out of Fuliyande, that’s when Gornyo haamey, Isa Begum, whom you know, and his followers came, and took over Tuareg. They first took over Tuareg, and they successfully obtained the status of great chief in Fuliyande, which belonged to Tuareg.


GM)       Beegun si fuula ra.

              Begum didn’t become the chief.


A)          Ha'a. Manti fuula yoŋo, manti fuula bumbo goro yoŋo.

              I’m not talking about the chief position. I’m not talking about the creation of the chief position.


GM)       Ayyo.

              Oh, all right.


A)           I fuula cuk cuk kul ni go ma har ni se din.                           

              The status of great chief. Were you listening to me?


GM)       Ayyo.

               I see.


A)           Surgey ga i duw'a.

              They got it from Tuareg.


GM)      Ay wo ke, wo kaŋ ay ma ke, kaŋ abba deede ay se. A ne ay se, te, a ne Beegun man furo. Fuula a man sintin de kala Isa Beegun ga.

              I [talked about] what my father had told me. He [my father] said that Begum, the status of chief started with Isa Begum.


A)           Ya-din no. Ni bey, ne-wo Fuliyande wo Gurmance ka diy'a wo, kul labo wo, manti Fuliyande hinne, gungey kul Gurmance ka jin ir labo.

              That’s right. You see? It’s Gourmantche that obtained this Fuliyande. Not just Fuliyande. This entire place. On all of our islands, Gourmantche were there first.


――       War senno wo ke, i ga tuk car ga ka boori. Zama dottiijey boobo ka ne, za doŋ waate, koytarey bumbo si no.

              What you guys are saying actually make sense a lot because many elders were saying there used to be no chief position.


A)           A si no.

              No, there wasn’t.


――       Ya-din ga, Beegun waate koytarey bumbo si no.

              So there was no chief position itself in Begum’s time.


GM)       Beegun sinda koytarey..

              Begum didn’t receive the status of chief.


――       Boro, boro kaŋ ga laabo mey, ikkul Surgey de no.

              Those who had control over land were all Tuareg.


A)           Koytara wo man sintin de kal Surgey ga. Labo bumbo kul taalikow, Gurmance ka jin ne. Gurmancey, ba kaŋ ni ga dira, i goro dogey, naŋ ga gey bumbo, barey wey ra, i huwo dogey, boro naŋ ga diyey. To, Gurmancey din, manti kal Gurmancey, annasaarey ka Gurmancey wi dirandi saada saan. Kaŋ Gurmancey dira, Gurmancey dira nongo ra, waati din, Surgey. Gey ka ka goro. To, Surgey. Gen da, ni di, Kurtey wo, gan da Fulaŋ kul ifo. Kurtey wo, ga ka lamba Surgey ga. Surgey g i du gey nongo wo kul. Kurtey wey gey ka lamba Surgey ga. Surgey ga, Kurtey wey dogey nongo kul, Kurtey kul kaŋ ga du nango wo, Surgey ga duw'a. Waat in fuula wo senni man ka, waat in no fuula wo ka, kokor ka huro. Un. Waat in no fuula wo kokor ka huro, ni ya hantum yo, ka ka huro.

              The chief system began during the era of Tuareg, who was the host of all the disasters around this region. It was the Gourmantche that were here first. If you walk around, you will be able to see the remains of their houses on the islands. Now, Gourmantche, whites came, massacred them, and kicked them all out. Gourmantche were gone. After Gourmantche were gone, then Tuareg, they started living here. Now, Tuareg, they and Kurty, and Furbe are all the same. Kurty took over Tuareg. Tuareg had obtained all of this place. Then Kurty took over Tuareg. After Tuareg, Kurty [obtained] this place, which Tuareg had obtained. In those days, there was no chief position. It came later. Right. Then as you wrote, the chief position was introduced.


――       Ne da Fuliyande ra mo...

              Here in Fuliyande, too . . .


A)           To, fuula wo, ma kaŋ ga a te, ya ka sambu din, wo da ne. Fuula beero si kal Gaarokoyre wo da.

              Thus the position of chief was created here and then taken away. The status of paramount chief existed here in Gaarokoyre.


GM)       Huun.



A)           Ya-din no. Fuula beero Gaarokoyre wono, kantoŋtara Gaarokoyra wo da wo. Anzura se a na no.

              It’s true. The paramount chief belonged to Gaarokoyre. The canton chief was here in Gaarokoyre. He gave the status to son-in-law.


GM)       Kadi. Kadi amiiru kaŋ na Mooru yoŋ hay.

              Khadi. Khadi Amir, who gave birth to those guys including Moru.


A)           Wo ti cimi. Ba sohoŋ taarifo ya-din no a ra.

              You’re right. That’s what history tells us.


GM)      Fuula beero Isa Beegun wone, ga mo ne ga na no nga anzura se.

              The paramount chief status belonged to Isa Begum, and he offered it to his son-in-law.


A)           ya-din no ya.

              That’s right.


GM)       A ma sambu.

               He told him to take it.


A)           A bandey kaŋ ni ga di, gey ti banɲa bi yoŋ wey da.

              His descendant is, you know him, too. That slave bastard.


GM)       Nhun. Gey de no ya. Ni hã? A ma sambu. Gey de no wey din. Kal de amiiru.

              Right. Those bastards. Understand? Take it. That’s why it happened. Until they got the chief status.


A)           I ɲa huwo kul de ne Fuliyande.

              His mother’s house was here in Fuliyande.


――       Banɲa bi yoŋ ti mey?

              Who do you mean by the ‘slave bastard’?


A)           Deesa borey no me. Gorɲo-haamey da no.

              The guy from Dessa, of course. He’s Gornyo haamey.


〔後略〕[Later part omitted]



3.      アリの語り(2007122) Ali’s Remarks (January 22, 2007)

3-1.  AHA稼働開始後の畦畔区の状況 The situation in the irrigated farmland after it was put in operation 

〔録音開始〕[Recording begins]

――       Ay wo ke, ay ga ba ay ma bey, hayow, ni senno, paley do, paley do ni senno, za doŋ..., e, manti za doŋ no, amma ni ka har'ey se mate kaŋ cine no ni du, hayo, palaa kaŋ ni go ga goy

              I, uh, your story, the irrigated farmland, the story about the irrigated farmland . . . The other day, um, not too long ago, you, um, you told me how you got the farmland where you are currently working.


A)[21]        K ey go ka, ga no ni ga ba ay ma har? Huun. Wo kaŋ ay go wal za i jina, ni bey, ay jin ka go goro ka pala sambu. Ay na a no Suley se,wo kaŋ go Suley se, fonda jinde din no i si a...

              You want me to talk to you about my [farmland]? Ha. The one I currently have. No, the one I originally had. Listen, I have had a farmland since a long time ago. I gave it to Sourey. About that . . .


――       Fo se ni no Suley se?

              Why did you give it to Sourey?


A)           Kaŋ g ey go ga pala goy. Wo kaŋ hari ɲoŋo kaŋ ga haŋandi, ni ga faham da?

              The farmland I used to be at? You know about the canal, don’t you?


――       Huun. Ay faham. No-din wala?

              Hm. I do. That one over there, right?


A)           Oho. S.L. nongo haro ga huro ka ka koy huro palaa ra din.

              Right. The canal through which water drains from S.L.’s place into the farmland.


――       Nhun.



A)           To, a naŋ ga, fun-fun ka doori palaa ra.

              Right, where water drains into the farmland.


――       Nhun, nhun.

              Right. Right.


A)           Pala banda, ni bey, banda gonda funi kaŋ boro ga feeri haro ma fatta a si hari ka tarey.

              The back of the farmland. All right? At the back of the farmland, there is a hole you open to drain water. But it didn’t work.


――       Huuhun.

              I see.


A)           Hal hari hur a ra, a naŋ ga to met, haro si hun.

              When water entered the canal, it overflowed and wouldn’t drain.


――       Ha.



A)           Haro ra n ir ga mo wi, ir ma jere ka ka tarey ka koy gisi tarey haro go palaa ra.

              Because the farmland was flooded with water, we had to work with half our body soaked in the water at the time of harvesting, and every time we got some rice crops, we had to get out to leave the crops outside.


――       Ho, wo-wo ke a ga dor.

              Wow. That must have been hard.


A)           Manti ni bey? Kaŋ hal i ga pala wi, i naŋ ga haro ka ra. Ni faham wo-din se?

              Don’t you think? When you harvest in irrigated farmland, you first drain water. You know that, right?


――       Uhun, uhun. Ay faham ya.

              Sure. I know that.


A)           Da i ga tilam ya...

              When you replant crops . . .


――       Haro humba wala?

              You use a drainage.


A)           Oho. Da i ga tilam m i naŋ ga haro ka ra to, haro si fun a ra. Haro ga huro mo da, jindo here funey din, zey ga naagu, zey ga naagu. Ga ti jiiro k ey ka ka taŋ, a man te kal saaku yegga.

              Right. When you replant your crops, you drain water, too. But the water wouldn’t drain. In fact, more water would come in. We would close up the hole, but there would be another hole. Close it up, and another hole. So after a year, we only got nine bags of crops.


――       Ha.



A)           Saaku egga mo n ey ga bana kooperatif borey se.

              And we used those nine bags to pay back the co-op guys.


――       Huuhun, Nhun. I kul?

              I see. All of them?


A)           A kul. Ay koy d ey na no.

              All of them. We went and gave them the bags.


――       Heey!



A)           Ay man du ba ciini fo hawrey.

              I got none.


――       Hari, hari nooro ka ti saaku yegga.

              Water, the water cost nine bags.


A)           Yegga. Palaa te saaku yegga.

              Nine bags. And the farmland generated nine bags.


――       He, a si te.

              Huh. That’s not good.


A)           Ay koy na no. To, i ne i ga ka ka hari ɲoŋo n i ka ka simo, kooperatiif ga ka ka simo. Ay wo kampaaɲu fo ka ay man daŋ. Hiino kampaaɲo, ay farga, ay na no Suley se. Ay n a ma sambu, ay si baar'a Suley na sambu. Suley na sambu. Waati din i ka ka nongo simo jindo. I na jindo din simo. Sohoŋ a si hurgu. Amma hal haro ba a ra, a si fatta banda.

              I went over and gave them the bags. They, the co-op guys said, they would repair the canals with cement sometime soon. So I waited for the entire season. When the next farming season came, I got tired of waiting, so I gave the farmland to Sourey. I said, ‘Take it. I’m done.’ Sourey took it. Sourey took it. Then it got repaired with cement. They repaired the canal. Now the farmland is well-drained, except if you get too much water; it won’t drain. 


――       Ha. Ya-din ga hal hoŋ a ga sendi no?

              Huh. It’s still causing you trouble?


A)           Hal hoŋ.



――       A ga te daama mo...

              It’s gotten a little better, but . . .


A)           Ohõ, a te daama. Amma a man ben. Zama banda si ka tarey. De keydiya waate, kaŋ ni ga di harey ga kaŋ gumo, a ga to met, haro, a si fatta. Ay fend'a. Ay ka ka gorey ka ka gorey te jiiri hinza, ay si ga goy pala. A ga far de g ey mo farey goy.

              Right. It’s gotten a little better. But it’s not perfect. That’s because water doesn’t drain from the back. Look. Water is overflowing during the harvesting season. Because it doesn’t drain. I left it like that. I let it be, I let it be, and for three years, I didn’t work at the irrigated farmland. I was just planting pearl millet and growing rice with rain water.



3-2.  代表解任騒動をめぐる語り  Remarks regarding the incident over delegates’ removal

A)           Ga ti lokoci fo te kaŋ Suley yoŋ wey da K.S., i borey jerey go Gurma ay si faham borey jerey se.

              Then one day, the guys here including Sourey and K.S., I don’t know the other guys from the west bank.


――       Huun. Maayo, maayo mo ni s a bey, ni si bey?

              Huh. Do you know, do you know the names, names?


A)           Borey? Shoŋ borey kaŋ na gey waafako te no ay si bey ka ben. Oho. I borey ga ba. I ne dalgey, gey naŋ g i ka. Dalgey mey ne gey si hun. To, ga ti paley wey,wo kaŋ la in da G.A. go wo, Abdulahi go jina, a koma koyo se. Ni bey, da hari nooru no boro gana, i ga taay'a. Pala iddu no koma lokaco din zempa ra.

              Them? I don’t know the names of those guys who formed an alliance. Hmm. There were too many people. They tried to get rid of the delegates. The delegates? They said they were not going to leave. Then the farmland that G.A. and I had, it’s Abudullahi who has the farmland now, not G.A., but that farmland was taken away. If you can’t pay for the water, they will take away your farmland. You know that, don’t you? At that time, six parcels of farmland in the GMP were taken away.


――       Uhun, uhun. Jempe sisu no a ga te?

              Right. In GMP6.


A)           Oho. Pala iddu ka koma.

              Right. Six parcels of farmland were taken away.


――       Uhun.



A)           Sohoŋ, ay ne Suley se, kaŋ gen d'ey go ga ciiti, ay ne a se hal i du pala, kul ay ga ba. A n ey se to. Kala han fo,ay go ga goro ne da, a n ey se wal senno kaŋ ay go ga ce, ay naŋ go ga hoorey wal ay naŋ ga cim. Ay ne wallaahi hal ay du pala, ay ga ba. A n ey se to.

              Then I said to Sourey when they were having the dispute, ‘If they get farmland, I want it.’ He said, ‘All right.’ A few days later, when I was sitting here, Sourey came and asked me if I was joking or I was serious about what I had said to him. I said, ‘I would like to get it if possible. Absolutely(Wallahi).’ He said, ‘All right.’


――       Uhun. Suley?

              Huh. Sourey.


A)           Oho. Ga ti, han fo a ka, a n ey se ay ma koy tunandi Idiriisa pala, palaa wo kaŋ ay ga. A ne ir boro hinka gam i ga fersi. I ne in da E.M.. Ay ne to. Ay koy. Ay tunandi pala ra kambu fa. Ga ti hano, hano k i ga ciito te, komandaŋo ga ka, i koy ciito te, han din ey wo si n ey koy hal Mullay-koyre ka goy boro se.

              Right. Then he came one day and told me to cultivate Idelisa’s farmland, in other words, the land that was going to be mine. He told me to split it with another person, E.M. I said, ‘Sure.’ I went there. I cultivated a part of the farmland. Then a few days passed by. On the day of the dispute, on the day when the commander came and the dispute broke out, I was in Moulaykoyre to work for my family.


――       Uhun.Uhun. N? Fo se Mullay-koyre?

              I see. Oh, why did you go to Moulaykoyre?


A)           Ay koy goy boro fo se

              I went there to work for someone.


――       A, a, a, ay faham.

              Oh, oh, I see.


A)           Oho, filaana do ay koy.

              Hm. I went to see so-and-so’s [the speaker’s mother’s] brother.


――       Nn. Ay faham.

              Okay. I got it.


A)           To. Ga ti i ka i na gey senno te. Borey ne gey na paley jerey nooyandi. Dalgey mey ne gey na jerey nooyandi. I ne pala marje n i ne, iddu no. I ne sohoŋ Suley yoŋ din kaŋ na dalgey kuudata din, i ma sambu pala iddu..., ihinza. Dalgey mey ma samb ihihinza ka no gey borey se. To, sohoŋ, ay wo kaŋ ay ka n di Suley yoŋ ga din, borey jerey mey ni ga di dalgey man..., dalga, ma ne a se ni ga ba. To, ga ti ga ka to ay du pala wo.

              Now, they came and talked to us. People said they got a part of the farmland, and the delegates said they also got a part of the farmland. They asked how many parcels of farmland, and they said six. They said that the guys including Sourey, who started the coup, take six, I mean, three, the delegates also take three, and told them to give them to their family. As for me, who was relying on Sourey and his people, some people [said], ‘You should get it.’ The delegates . . . the delegate [said], ‘Tell him he can get it if he wants.’ That’s how I got that farmland.   


――       Huun. Ay faham.

              Hmm. I get it.


A)           Miso k ey te ka duw'a no-ya. Ay man nooru ka, yene heri kul ka. Ay naŋ di de, Suley, ay ne a se : Ay ga ba pala hal wa du. A ne ay se : To. Ga ti han f a ka k ey ga naan ey se. Ga ti han fo a ka ir do kaŋ Suley ga naaney, e, naŋ go ga hoorey wal naŋ go cim. Ay ne wallaay naŋ go cim. A n ey se to. Ga ti a ci ga celey se. A n ey s ey ma koy tunanda ra,ay ne a si te senni. A ne wo-din mant ay senni no, ay ma koy tunandi de. Ay koy kambu fa tunandi. To, ga ti hano k i koy ciito te. Suley ne i ma G.A. hantum. Ga ti i na fersi in da G.A. game. Oho. Waato G.A. farga. Abdulahi huro a ra. Miso din n ey te ka du pala din.

              This is how I got it. I didn’t use money or any sort of things to get it. I just got it. I said to Sourey, ‘If you guys get it, I want it,’ and he said to me, ‘All right.’ Then he came one day and tested me to see if I was just joking or if I was serious. I said I was absolutely(Wallahi) serious. He said he got it. He then told this to his people. He told me to go plowing. I said the delegates might not approve. He said it was not for me to worry about and told me to go plowing. I cultivated one part of the farmland. Then a dispute broke out. Sourey said to write down G.A., then they split the farmland and assigned it to me and G.A. Hmm. G.A. got tired of it, so Abudullahi took over. This is how I came to get my farmland.   



3-3.  代表の交替の過程と理由 The process and the reasons for the change of delegates

――       Nn. A, G.A. banda Abdulahi no ka du, de soohoŋ mo Abdulahi no ka far?

              Let’s see. Um, Abudullahi got the farmland after G.A., so Abudullahi is cultivating it?


A)           Abdulahi ka g a ra. G.A. wo ka goy, goyo na taabandi. Ga ti Abdulahi duw'a. A ne Abdulahi ma sambu.Ya n ey te ka duw'a.

              Abudullahi is there. G.A. got tired of work, work. That’s why Abudullahi got the land. He said Abudullahi should take it. That’s how I got it.


――       Ay faham. De waato din wo ke, may, may no ka ti hayo, deluge no?

              All right. By the way, who were, um, the delegates at that time?


A)           Waato din. Ne-wo Fuliyande ra lokuco din...

              At that time? At that time, here in Fuliyande . . .


来訪者    Mate war hiire.

A visitor: Good evening.


A)           Samuyi walla kal baani. Lokuoco din Buuba no ga dalge Fuliyande ra. Oho. To, Guruma here mo, e, Amiiru wo, a go dalge waati din.

              Good evening. At that time, Bouba was the delegate from Fuliyande. Right. On the west bank, it was, um, Amir. He was the delegate at that time.


――       Sandi? Haha.

              Sandi? Ha.


A)           Zama Sandi da Buuba gey n i ka han folloŋ.

              That’s because Sandi and Bouba were removed on the same day.


――       Ha.



A)           Boro, K.L. go dalge. E*. Ne-wo Fuliyande Buuba, Sandi, K.L., e, mey no koyne,dalgey ra. B.H..

              That guy, K.L., was also a delegate. Well* [The neighbor talks to the speaker, and the speaker responds.]. Here in Fuliyande, there was Bouba, Sandi, K.L., and, um, who else? Oh, B.H.


――       *

              *Asks what the father’s name is.


A)           *Amma sohoŋ a si no, a si dalge.

              *Says the father’s name.But he’s not here anymore. He’s no longer a delegate.


――       Ha.



A)           E, boro, M.H. Looga wono wo.

              Let’s see. That guy. M.H. That guy from Looga.


――       Huhun. Ha, ha, ha. Soohoŋ mo delge no wala?

              I see. I see. He’s still a delegate, isn’t he?


A)           Oho me, ba sohoŋ.

              You’re right. He still is.


――       Hi banbata koyo? Un.

              He’s the owner of a big boat, right? Yeah.


A)           Da. May no koyne Looga ra. Da J.L.. A si dalge sohoŋ. Da, mey ti ifa? Looga dalge fa ga ba ka derey se. Loga.

              And who else was there in Looga? And J.L. He’s not a delegate anymore. And who was the last one? I forget the last delegate from Looga. Looga.


――       Sohoŋ...

              Then next . . .


A)           Da S.M., Saaba. Da K.K.. A go dalgey ba sohoŋ gan da S.M.. Da. Mey ni ga ne. D.I. A si dalge sohoŋ.

              And S.M. and K.K. from Saaba. They are still delegates. And who else? D.I. He is not a delegate anymore.


――       Man boro no?

              Where was he?


A)           Saaba. Borey wey no go no waati din.

              Saaba. They were [the delegates].


――       Huun.



A)           Un. Amma Looga wo, ay wo boro fo man jan ka der ey se.

              Hmm. But I forget the last one from Looga.


――       Huun. Huun. De waato kaŋ, e, sanga de, e, borey sanga borey man hin ka bana hari nooru, ga da se no i taay'a?

              I see. I see. And, um, some people, um, so some people couldn’t pay for the water. That’s why their farmland was taken away. Is that right?


A)           Oho. I paley koma.

              Right. The farmland was taken away.


――       I paley koma.De, dalgey wo ke i ga ba i ma cer fersi gey gamo ra hinne?

              The farmland was taken away. And the delegates. Did they want to split the farmland among themselves?


A)           Ha'a. Sohoŋ kaŋ paley koma din? Borey no ga koy dalgey do, ma ne dalgey se hal pala koma ay ga ba. Ya-din n i te. Oho, To, ay mo borey wey kaŋ go ga yenge da dalgey, gey s ey har. Oho. Wol ni man faham?

              No. Well, you mean, when the farmland was taken away? I went to the delegates and told them that if farmland gets taken away, I want it. That’s what I did. Hmm. I, too, talked to them, the people who fought with the delegates. Hmm. Don’t you understand?


――       Ay man faham. Ya-din ga ha kaŋ se war te ciiti?

              I don’t understand. So why did you guys have a dispute?


A)           Hun. Borey din, lokoco din i ne gey naŋ ga dalgey din ka.Oho. Ga no..., ga ti ciiti yoŋo k i te.

              Hmm. Those guys said they would remove the delegates. Hmm. That’s . . . That’s why we had a dispute.


――       Ha. N? Dalgey yoŋ kaayoŋo ciiti no? A, ayyo! Ay man faham, ya-din no.

              Oh. Hmm. The dispute was to remove the delegates. I see. I didn’t understand that part. I see.


A)           Borey jerey ne gey m i ka, jerey mey si i bande.Ga ka to i ciiti. Sohoŋ boro yoŋ ka waafaku. ka ney gey g i ka. Ni faham.

              There were those who tried to remove them, and there were those who didn’t. As a result, a dispute broke out. Now, some people allied under an agreement that they would remove them. You understand?


――       Ay faham.

              I understand.


A)           Borey jerey si waafako ra, ni bey a ga te ciiti. Sohoŋ hal ir ne i man ka presidaŋtarey, ay wo n i man ka, K.L. wo ne i sin ka.

              The rest of the people were not part of the alliance. That’s because it would lead to a dispute. For example, we said, ‘Let’s remove the board chair.’ I said, ‘Let’s remove the board chair.’ And K.L. said he wouldn’t.


――       Ohoŋ, ohoŋ.

              I see.


A)           K.L. gonda cele, ay gonda cele, ni bey ir ga ciiti. O. Manti bora kul ka ne i m i ka. Borey jerey de. Oho

              K.L. has his people, and I have my people. You know? Then we fight. Right. Not everyone wants to remove them. It’s only some people. Hmm.


――       E, borey kaŋ, kaŋ ka, kaŋ ka ga ti Sandi, amiiru, a kaa?

              Well, the person, the person who was removed was Sandi. The chief was removed. Am I right?


A)           A go Dalge waati din.

              He was a delegate at that time.


――       Hun, waati din amma war ka?

              I see. At that time. But you guys removed him.


A)           Ha'a. Waati din i man hun.

              No. He didn’t leave at that time.


――       I man hun?

              He didn’t?


A)           I man hun.

              He didn’t.


――       I man hun.

              He didn’t.


A)           Kokor banda no i n i barmey. Ni bey, da te jiiri hinnza kul i barmey. To, barmey fo yoŋ ga kaŋ ir koy, ga n i na, gen da Buuba wo barmey. I na Suley daŋ, Buuba wo dogo ra, i na Ziibo daŋ Sandi dogo ra. Oho..

              He was replaced afterwards. You see? They get replaced every three years. So at the next change, we went over there and replaced him with Bouba. Sourey replaced Bouba, and Z.T. replaced Sandi.


――       Hun. E, ay man hafam. Ciiti ga ti fo no? Ci, ciiti may da may no ga ciiti?

              Huh. Um, I don’t understand. What was the dispute about? Who were involved in the dispute?


A)           Borey kaŋ ne gey ma dalgey ka, gen da dalgey ka ciiti. Oho..

              Those who tried to remove the delegates and the delegates had a dispute. Hmm.


――       Ifo se i ciiti no? Delgey da war?

              Why did you have a dispute? You guys and the delegates.


A)           Da alfarey. Waati din ir wey si urggaa ra. I ne gey m i ka, gey mey ne gey si hun.

              Co-op members. We weren’t at the irrigated farmland at that time. They said, ‘Leave,’ and the others said, ‘No.’


――       Hun. Gey si hun, e, Delgetara? Ayyo. May no?

              Ha. They didn’t leave. Um, you mean they didn't leave the position of delegates, correct? I see. Who?


A)           Ehe?



――       May no?



A)           Wo fo yoŋ dalgey? Borey kaŋ ay ci ni se waati din borey kaŋ go no.

              You mean who were the delegates? Those people I’ve told you. Those who were there at that time.


――       Borey kul? I, i, i man yedda. i, i man yedda ka fatta dargetara. Ho, ay faham, ay faham.

              All those people? The-, the-, they didn’t, they didn’t agree to leave the delegates’ position, right? Hm. I see. I see.


A)           To, borey din kaŋ ne gey m i ka din, i jama si ba gumo. Oho. Ga ka to i yenge. Oho. To, borey din k i na paley no ir wey se, i n ey no, i na G.A. no. I na borey jerey k i no derey se palaa hinza din, boro hinka hinka gam i ga palaa fo fey. To, gey mey ne gey man yedda. To, ga ti i koy ciiti kaŋ kumandaŋo ka, a ne sohoŋ wol pala marje no borey din sa, sambu. I ne pala hinza gey n i nooyandi I ne to, shoŋ i ma ciito wi. Dalgey ma gaabu pala hinza Borey hendi mey wey k i ben ka no i ma fend'ey borey din si ma si taayey. Oho.

              Right. Those who said, ‘Let’s remove them,’ that group wasn’t that big. So it became a dispute. Right. And those who gave me farmland gave it to me and G.A. They gave three parcels of farmland to the rest of the people. I forget who, but they gave them to those people. One part of the farmland was divided by two people. Now, they said they were not going to condone it. So it became a dispute. The commander came and said some of the farmland was t-, taken. They said it was three parcels of farmland that were taken. They said, ‘All right. The dispute is over.’ The delegates take three parcels of farmland. The other people don’t say, ‘Don’t take it,’ and let it be over. Hmm.


――       Ho. E, ay man faham ka boori. Ciito wo-wo ke, sanga boro kaŋ ga ba a ma sobey ka goro, e, dalgeetara de go no, de boro jerey ka ne i ma fatta. Wala?. De i ga sobey ka ciiti, de ciito wo ra no, e.., i ga uruggaa fersi wala?

              Ha. I still don’t quite understand. In this dispute, let’s see, so some people wanted to stay in the delegates’ position, and the other side wanted them to leave. Right? Then they continued to fight, and during the dispute, the irrigated farmland was divided. Am I right?


A)           Paley.



――       Paley. I ga waani me. Sanga faro fersi senni, e, delgetara fata yoŋ senni wo ke i ga waani wala? Amma...

              Farmland. That’s different. I mean, the story about dividing the field and, um, the story about leaving the delegates’ position are different. But . . .


A)           Ikkul cer bande n i go.

              They are two sides of the same coin.


――       Ayyo!

              Oh yeah?


A)           Oho. Sohoŋ kaŋ i ne i ma fatta din, i ne... Ha'a. Ayyo to, kaŋ paley koma din,borey kaŋ go n i ma fatta din, borey koy i do i ne, boro yoŋ koy i do ka ne ka ne gey ga ba pala. Boro yoŋ koy dalgey do ka ne gey ga ba pala. Gey mey n i no, sohoŋ ay wo ni m ey ne Suley se n ey ci ka ne wo ay ga ba pala. Ay man ci dalgey kul se, Suley si dalge waati din, ay mana, ay ne Suley se hal i du kul ey ga ba pala. A n ey se ayyo. Ay cine fo yoŋ mey ci i borey se. To, ga ti i n ey no palaa din.

              Right. When they told them to leave, they . . . No. Well, when the farmland was taken away, there were some people who went to those guys who told them to leave, and these people said they wanted farmland. The other people went to the delegates and said they wanted farmland, and the delegates gave farmland to them. As for me, I told Sourey that I wanted farmland. I didn’t say that to the delegates at all. Sourey wasn’t a delegate at that time. I didn’t say it. I said to Sourey, ‘If you get some farmland, I want it.’ He said to me, ‘All right.’ People like me talked to their family. Right. That’s how they gave me farmland.


――       Ya-din ga delugey mo kaŋ ga ba, kaŋ ga ba i ma sobey ka goro delugetara. Wo-wo ke, gan da borey kaŋ go dergey din bande gamo ra hinne no i ga ba i ma fersi gey, urugga.

              So the delegates, the delegates also wanted to stay in their position. They wanted to divide the irrigated farmland among them and the people on their side.


A)           Gey borey se.

              For their family.


――       Gey borey se.

              For their family.


A)           Pala. Oho

              Divide farmland. Yeah.


――       To, sanga de Suley wo ke a ne wo a si te?

              Right. That’s why Sourey said, ‘That’s not good.’


A)           Oho, gey mey, gey ciney, gey mey ne wo si te.

              Hmm. They said, among themselves, ‘That’s not good.’


――       De i ma fatta dergetara. Ahã, to, de i ciiti. De, e, sanga, dergey wo ke, e, dergey kul i man dira wala? I man fatta?

              Then they demanded the delegates give up their positions. I see. That’s why they had the dispute. And let’s see. So the delegates. Well, did the delegates leave? Did they leave?


A)           E, tamo din.

              Well. At that time?


――       Tamo din.

              At that time.


A)           Tamo din her kul man fatta.

              They didn’t leave at all.


――       Her kul man fatta.

              They didn’t leave at all.


A)           Her kul man fatta.

              They didn’t leave at all.


――       Amma hayo faro wo ke, i ma fersi dergey nda e, ha, borey gamo ra?

              But the field, they wanted to split it among the delegates and, um, uh, their family.


A)           Da borey sanga Orobel n i ga n i se. Orobel. I ma fersi gan d'ey game. Oho.

              Their family. ‘Ollobel.’ That’s what we call them. Ollobel. They said to divide it with them. Hm.


――       De wo-din banda no, jiiri hinza banda, wa, waato kaŋ lokkoco to, e, i na(nii) barmey.

              And then after that, three years later, when the time came, they were replaced. That’s what you are saying.


A)           I ne i ga dalgey barmey. Ga ti k ir ka ka koy Amiiru koyre, i ne dalgey barmey yoŋ to. Ga ti na Buuba din ka, i na Suley daŋ. I na Sandi ka, i na Ziibo daŋ. Looga here din mo i na Joori ka, i na Alzuma(Hallasi) daŋ. Oo

              They said, ‘Let’s change the delegates.’ So we went to the chief’s house and told him that we had replacements. Then we replaced Bouba with Sourey. We replaced Sandi with Z.T. In Looga, we replaced J.L. with A.H. Hmm.


――       Huun. Wo-wo ke mate kaŋ cine no i ga suuba, dargey wo ke?

              I see. How did you choose the delegates at that time?


A)           Suuba yoŋo?

              How did we choose them?


――       Hn. Sappa? I ga te, i ga sappa?

              Yes. Did you have an election? Was there an election?


A)           I si sappe.Koyra borey de ma suuba bora k i ga ba. Oho. Ya-din n i ga te.

              There wasn’t an election. The people in the settlement chose who they liked. Right. That’s how we did it.


――       Ya-din no.

              Is that so? 


A)           Oho. I si sappe.

              Is that so?


――       Huun. Dergetara wo ke a ka kaan no wala a si kaan no?

              Huh. I wonder if the delegate’s status has no appeal.


A)           Wallaahi ay wo man bey ka hur a ra.

              Wallahi. I’ve never had the position.


――       Huun. Ni wo ke ni si baar'a?

              Huh. You wouldn’t like it?


A)           Sohoŋ da bumbo ke ay si baar'a, shoŋ da bumbo ke, a man huro ay lakkalo ra. Oho.

              I wouldn’t want to do it even if I were asked. Even if I were asked to do it, it wouldn’t be worth considering. Hmm.


――       Derge wo ke goy fo dumi no i ga te?

              What do delegates do?


A)           Sohoŋ dalgey wey hal marga te huwo do, i jine borey din i ga ca ka ne dalgey kul ma ka. I ma deed i se wo kaŋ te, i ma ka ya, ir koyra wono k i daŋ B.A. wo, a ma ka a ma har ir se wo kaŋ boŋ gey koy marga Jomoona. Oho. I ne war ma ka ka goy filaana te han filaana. I ne her filaana wo ya-cine gey go ga te, a ma ka ka ci ir se. Da urugga wo, haro wo, i ga hawzu. Da n pala ga ba ka hasara ni ga har i se i ma ka ka diy'a. Da a ga ba hari,  ma ni cina wono daabu, bora kaŋ gonda hari din, i ma wono daabu. I ma n wono haŋandi. Da wan ne war ga fitina, di ka ka di ni kaŋ sinda cimi, i ga ne ma naŋ da n man naŋ, i ga n jukke nooru. Oho. Ya-din i ti goyo k i ga te uruggaa ra.

              What delegates do is, when there is a meeting at the head office, the headmen tell all the delegates to get together. They say, ‘We’ll discuss what to do, so come.’ In this settlement, it’s B.A. He will come to tell us what was discussed in the meeting in Djomona. Hm. He says to us, ‘Do this on this day,’ and ‘They do this in that way.’ He tells us. And in the irrigated farmland, they’re the ones in charge of the water there. If your farmland seems to be in a bad shape, you tell them and have them look at it. If you want water, but if yours is closed up, you close up the ones of those who have a lot of water and irrigate your land. And if you guys are bickering, they decide who is wrong. They let it go sometimes, and they fine fees at other times. Hmm. That’s the type of work they do at irrigated farmland.


――       I ga du nooru no? Saleer.

              Do they get paid? I mean, wages.


A)           K i bana?

              Get paid?


――       Oho. banando.



A)           I si bana.

              They don’t get paid.


――       A si no. A si kaanu me*.

              No payment? I guess there is no appeal* [laughs].


A)           I si bana ley!

              They get nothing.


――       Ho. Ya-din no.

              Ha. Is that right?


A)           Kal de jindey din,kaŋ ga haŋandi, Dalgey kul gonda jindo ka a ga lakkal. Hal i na ma wi, ikkulu gonda nooru keyna k i g i no. Ga mo a si ba gumo. Oho.


              Only [the payment] for the canal. All delegates have canals that they manage. Once harvesting is done, everyone pays them a small fee. And that’s not that much, either. Hmm.

A)           Ya-din no. Hun. De K.L. wo ke jampe siis, e, sekureteer no?

              Is that so? Ha. And K.L. was GMP6’s, um, clerk?


A)           N? Ha'a.

              Huh? No.


――       Presidaŋ? Huhun?

              Director. I see.


A)           Urugga kul.

              For the entire irrigated farmland.


――       Urugga kul wone?

              For the entire irrigated farmland.


A)           Sekureteer no.

              A clerk.


――       Wala?



A)           Oho. Uruggaa kul.

              Right. For the entire irrigated farmland.


――       Oho. filaana bine?

              Yes. What about so-and-so?


A)           Urugga kul puresidan no.

              The head office manager for the entire irrigated farmland.


――       Puresidan go no sekureteer mo go no. Ay faham sohoŋ.

              There is the head office manager and the secretary-general. Now I understand.


A)           Terezoriye mo go no. Oho.

              There is also an accountant. Hmm.


――       Ay faham. Ya-din no.

              I see. Is that right?


〔録音停止〕[End of recording]


4.      イスブの語り(2007224)  Isbou’s Remarks (February 24, 2007)

4-1.  植民地期の首長位創設譚 Story of the creation of the chief during the colonial era

〔前略〕[Earlier part omitted]

――        Ya-din ga Gorɲo-haamey borey laabo wo ke man no a go? Fuliyande bumbo mo manti gey wone nda, Koorugungu mo manti gey wone nda. Man no gey labu go?

               That leads to my question: where is the land of the people of Gornyo haamey? Fuliyande is not theirs, and nor is Korgoungou Island. Where is their land?


K)[40]         Naŋ man ma nango kaŋ n ir dumbandi ni se?

               I made it clear for you, but you didn’t understand?


――        Ay si bey.

               I don’t know.


I)[41]          Gorɲo wo, hangan, hal cimo ni ga ba.

               Gornyo is . . . Listen. If you want the truth.


――        Cimi no ay ga ba.

               I do want the truth.


I)            Ni faham. Gorɲo wo manti kal Toomare boro no. Gorɲo bumbo manti kal Toomare boro no.

               Look, Gornyo is from Tomare. Gornyo himself is from Tomare.


――        Ayyo.

               I see.


I)            Ni faham. Naŋ k i da hatta d i keyandi. Ni faham. Gorɲo manti kal Toomare boro no. Amma Gorɲo wo manti kala boro no kaŋ Irkoy na no darja, Irkoy na no, e, me-ciini, me-ciini koyne.

               You understand? The place where they first appeared. You understand? Gornyo is from Tomare. But God gave Gornyo fame. God gave him, let’s see, “verbal words,” “verbal words.”


K)           Kotte.



――        Ayyo, kotte.

               Oh I see, spells.


I)            To. Ga no a ga..., ga no Irkoy na no. Ni faham. To, a ga naaru, ga wo, kaŋ ga wono kotta din te, ni faham, naŋ kaŋ a goro jirbi yoŋ, kul a ga gorokasiney. Ni faham.

               Right. He . . ., no, God gave it to him. You see? Now, he travelled, using spells. You see? He immediately found a wife at a place where he stayed. You see?


――        Ayyo.

               I see.


I)            Gorɲo wo da tunkey ne-wo Toomare, ni faham, a si koy kal Neyni.

               Gornyo left Tomare, you see, and he first went to Neiny [name of a village].


――        Ayyo.

               I see.


I)            Neyni. Sindeer no a go.

               Neiny in Sinder [name of a canton].


――        Ayyo. Ay ga a bey. Ay ga a maayo bey

               I see. I know. I recognize the name.


I)            Ba a tun Neyni, a ga koy Yuuri. Ni faham. To, Yuuri din mo a bandey go no, gey ti Hammadu Amadu yoŋ.

              Once he left Neiny, he went to Yuuri [name of a village]. You understand? He had descendants in Yuuri as well, including Hanmadou Amadou.


――       Huhun. Hammadu Amadu. Prmier ministre.

              I see. Hanmadou Amadou. He’s the Prime Minister.


I)            To, waati kaŋ a ga bisa-bisayoŋo din te, ga no a zumbu Urufa-borey do. Ni faham. A gorkokasiney da, e, Kaabekaarey wo. A gorokasiney da Kaabekaarey, ga ti kaŋ sohoŋ ke, a goro yaamo ne Fuliyande wo. Wo ti sababo kaŋ n a gorandi Fuliyande. Han din koytarey si no.

              Now, after staying there, he visited Urufa borey. You see? He found a wife named, let’s see, Kaabekarey [name of a person]. He married Kaabekarey and this time decided to stay here in Fuliyande. That’s how he came to settle in Fuliyande. There was no chief system at that time.


――       Ay faham.

              I understand.


I)            Ay ne koytarey si no han din. Ni faham. Ni faham ay senno se?

               I said there was no chief system. You understand? You understand what I said?


――        Ay faham ka boori ya, koytarey si no.

               Yes, I understand well. There was no chief system.


I)            Ay ne koytarey si no han din. Oho. To, hal waati kaŋ cine se no, a go no-din ga goro, a go nga gorokasina din te. Ni faham. Kal waato kaŋ cine se no..., e, annasaarey ka ka koytarey din daŋ. Ni faham wala? *Ay go fonda ra?

:              I said there was no chief system at that time. Hmm. Now, that’s the kind of time when he settled here and got married. You see? Until that time came . . . well, until whites introduced the position of chief. You see? * [to K.L.] Am I on the right track?


K)           Koy de. Koytara de ir ga,* ir ma to, ir ma to dogo de.

               Go ahead. We are talking about the chief system. * [laughing] We, we, we are almost there.


I)            To. To, maadulla. To, waato kaŋ cine se no a ga ga wono bisayoŋo te, waato kaŋ a gorokasiney, sohoŋ ke a zumbu Fuliyande. Kaŋ a zumbu Fuliyande, Gorɲogura no a ga goro. Ni faham. No-din no a go, no-din no a go, kala..., e, a na ga wone izey wey hay. Isa, e, fo no i ga ne a se mo, Hiri. Boro Sandaari, boro...

               Good, good. That’s right. Now, he stayed, got married, and came to Fuliyande. He came to Fuliyande and settled in Gornyogoula. You see? He was there, he was there, and . . . let’s see, he had ten children. Isa, let’s see, what was his name? Hiri. And that one, Sandaari, and then . . .


――       Beybey?



I)            Beybey wala?

               Right, Beibei.


K)           Ayyo.



I)            Maadulla. To, waati kaŋ a naŋ ga izey wey hay, to, wey ne ka ka to ngey boŋ ga, i to gey boŋ. Ni faham. Ga ti kaŋ,e, ayyo. Beybu no, Beegun no jin i se ya.

               All right. Now, he had ten children, and they grew up. You see? And let’s see, right. Beib. Begum was ahead of them.


K)           Oho. Beegun ka jin, Beegun no.

               Hmm. Begum was ahead of them. Begum.


I)            Oho, Beegun no jin i se, maadulla. To. Beegun ga no koytara sintin.

               Right. Begum was ahead of them. That’s right. The chief system began at the time of Begum.


K)           Koytara, Beegun no man huro.

               Begum didn’t become the chief.


I)            Ayyo. A man huro ga bumbo.

               That’s right. He himself didn’t.


K)           Oho. Isa ka huro.

               Right. But Isa did.


I)            Ayyo! To, ni di? To, Isa din ga no annasaarey ka labo wo ra. Ni faham. Lokuci kaŋ annasaarey man ka labo wo, kul Surgey no ga borey wi. Han din Surgey meyra ka go no, kaŋ koytarey si no-din. Surgey no ga borey mey han din. Surgey no ga borey mey, i ga ta jangar borey ga. Nangu fo i ga ta, alman de i ga ta.

               Right. Do you understand? Now, whites came to this land during Isa’s time. You see? Before whites were here in this land, Tuareg were massacring people. There was Tuareg’s rule, but there wasn’t a chief system. At that time, Tuareg were controlling people. Tuareg were controlling people and receiving taxes from people. They were receiving taxes everywhere. They were receiving taxes in the form of livestock. 


               To, waato kaŋ cine se no, Surgey din, i na wongu sambu ka koy ka Kokor. Kokor din no keyri. I na i tangam, i n i wi, i sey. Almano boy ka dira. Da no Kokor din boro fo, Kokor fuula, Kokor fuula kaŋ go no hoŋ..., sohoŋ, a wone boro fo, ga se no i ga ne, e, Bonkooga wala?

               Now, Tuareg went to Kokor to start a war. They defeated Kokor. They looted, murdered, and drove away the people there. They stole livestock. That’s when this guy in Kokor, the one in the position of chief in Kokor, the one who is currently in the position of chief in Kokor, one of his relatives, the name was . . . let’s see, was it Bonkoga?


K)           *Oho. Bonkooga.

               * [turning on the radio] That’s right. Bonkoga.


I)            To, Bonkooga din, ga no waati kaŋ Surgey ni..., i, i ga borey wi, i ga na i borey sey, i na almano boy ka dira, Bonkooga din bino hasara. A fatta ka zuru, boro kul man bey naŋ kaŋ no a koy. To, wiiza, a di ka dira, Irkoy ma na a no fonda, a di kal de, kal, kal a koy Furansi.

               Now, this guy Bonkoga, when Tuareg . . . when he saw Tuareg murdering people, driving people away, and taking away their livestock, Bonkoga was heartbroken. He rushed out, but nobody knew where he went. In fact, he kept walking, and thanks to God, who showed him the way, he made it all the way to France.


――        Huhun. Furansi?

               I see. France.


I)            Furansi bumbo no a koy.

               Right. He went to France.


――        Ha.



I)            Ni faham.

               You understand?


――        Ha'a.



I)            A koy ka ci annasaarey se, a ne i se gaacirey fo yoŋ go no gey labo ra. To, gaacirey din, i na gey taabandi. I go ga borey wi, i go ga borey kom. Ni faham. Waati kaŋ annasaarey na a sambu no-din, i ka a bande ne-wo. Ni faham. Annasaarey kaŋ i ka, ga ti kaŋ i na gey wone hu beeri singi Tilabeeri, wala?

               He went to tell whites that there was a gang of “red men” in their land, and those “red men” were bothering them because they were murdering and looting people. You understand? After whites heard it over there, they were brought here by him. You see? The whites came here and built a massive house for themselves in Tilabeeri. Right?


K)           Nn. Manti Tilabeeri, nongo kaŋ...

               No, not Tilabeeri. It was . . .


――        Dulusu?



K)           Dulusu no huro.

               They entered Doulous.


I)            A, Dulusu.

               Oh, Dourous.


K)           Ga ti a bisa ka Tilabeeri.

               Then they left there and went to Tilabeeri.


I)            To, waato kaŋ annasaarey din ka, kaŋ i na Surgey tangam gey mey. I na Surgey tangam, Surgey din gen d'a car tangam, i na Surgey din wi, wey kaŋ cindi i tuubi. Ni faham. Waati kaŋ Surgey, annasaarey na i tuubandi din, to, waat in no annasaarey i ye ka koy i tenge jirbi yoŋ, banda i ye ka ka. Waat in no i ka ka koyra kul i ga daŋ a se kurey ke. Koyra kul i ga daŋ a se kurey ke. Ni faham. To, zabana din no annasaarey kaŋ ka ka kurey koyey din daŋ, Dulusu no a na kurey koyey din daŋ. To, ga no a saba da Isa. To, Isa din, ga no annasaarey i daŋ koytarey.

               That’s how whites came. Now, they themselves attacked Tuareg. They attacked Tuareg, attacked each other with Tuareg, killed Tuareg, and let go those who remained. You see? The whites let the Tuareg go. Now, whites took off again for a break for a few days and came back. That’s when they came to all the villages to appoint the “head of the groups” [chief]. You understand? Now, whites came to appoint the head of the groups and appointed the head of the groups, and it took place in Dourous. Now, it’s at this time when they allied with Isa. Right. It was Isa the whites appointed the status of chief.


――        Ifo se?



I)            E'e?



――        Ifo se? Ifo se annasaara wo ke borey boobo go no me, fo se i suuba?

               Why? Why did the whites choose him among all the people?


I)            To, maadula. Ni ga maar'a. Ni faham. Koytara din, waato kaŋ cine annasaarey din i ka ka, i ka ka to..., e, ne-wo Fuliyande, ni faham, i hã, i ne i ga ba i ma suuba boro fo. Oho. Gey se kaŋ gey ga maayo sambu. Ni faham. To, ga ti kaŋ bora, borey kul di cere, han din borey i ga hambur Isa. Ni faham. Isa a gonda baarim borey boŋ. Ga ti kaŋ borey di cere, i na Isa maayo no i se. Ni faham.

               Hmm. All right. I’ll tell you. You see? As for the status of chief, whites came, came . . . let’s see, they asked about, you know, Fuliyande. They said, “Choose one person.” Hmm. So that they can get the name. You see? So people, people gathered. People were afraid of Isa at that time. You know? Isa was a person of value to them. So they discussed and gave Isa’s name to them. You see?


――        Borey din, mey yoŋ no go? Mey yoŋ no go?

               Who, who were those people?


I)            E'e?



――        Mey yoŋ go? Bonda-haamey yoŋ borey go?

               Who were among them? Were Bonda haamey there?


I)            Borey din wala? Borey din esk han din kurey taaca kul go no wala?

               Oh, among them. Among them, I believe there were four groups.


K)           Ay si bey Bonda go no. Bonda kokor ka ka. Bonda a man hun kal Sindeer.

               I don’t know if Bonda were there. Bonda came later. Bonda came from Sinder.


I)            Bonda si no han din. Bonda-haamey man ka han din. Oho, i man ka han diŋ.

               Bonda weren’t there at that time. Bonda haamey didn’t come at that time. Right. They didn’t come that day.


K)           Bonda wo man ka han din. Kal Urufa, kal Gorɲo, kal Fawro-haamey go no.

               Bonda didn’t come at that time. Ulfa [Borey], Gornyo [haamey], and Fawro haamey were there.


I)            Fawro go no.

               Fawro were there.


K)           Kurey taaca go no me.

               There were four groups, right?


I)            Nda Bonkajerey.

               And Bonkajerey.


K)           Oho, Fawro go no.

               Hmm. Fawro were there, too.


I)            To, han din, borey din, gey no di cere, i ne i ma sambu Isa maayo ka no annasaara se. Ni faham wala?

               Right. Then, those people, they gathered and decided to give Isa’s name to whites. Do you understand?


――        Ay faham.

               I do.


I)            Kaŋ i na Isa maayo no annasaara se, to, ga ti kaŋ annasaarey Isa maayo sambu, a dira. To, waato kaŋ cine se no a dira, e, kokor banda a ye ka ka. I ne... Esk lokuco k i ne ma kate, kaŋ annasaarey na borey...

               When they gave Isa’s name to whites, whites took Isa’s name and left. Now, once they left, let’s see, they came back again. They said . . . Was it when they told them to bring it? Whites told people . . .


K)           Buuno. Buuno ma ka, boro no, Beybey no ka koy.

               It was Buno. Buno was the one to . . . No, it was him. It was Beibei who went.


I)            Beybey no koy. Madulla. Oho. Kaŋ i ne maayo sambu din, lokco kaŋ annasaara koy goro, a ne borey din kul a n i ce kaŋ a na maay sambu, to, a ne Isa ce no-din. To, ka ne Isa ca no-din, laabaari fo fatta, i ne annasaara borey din ka ga ce ne, a ga ba a m i wi. I ne a ga ba ga m i wi no. To, wo ti kaŋ Isa wono famiiyo borey, i di cere, i ne Isa a si koy. I ne Beybey ma koy. Oho. Ni ga faham? Isa wo i ne hal i na a wi, bora kul i muraadey hasara. Za kaŋ ga no Irkoy daŋ albarka, ga no go ga bora kul jere. Ni faham. Ya-din ga i ne a ma si koy, hambagar i ga a wi. Bora kul muraadey no ga hasara. Amma Beybey wo ma koy. Hambagar ba te wiyoŋ ga wo de i na wi daŋ, a si hay kul*.

              It was Beibei who went. That’s right. Hmm. They asked for those whose names were given. When whites left to take a break, those whose names were given, all of those whose names were given were called. Right. They were told Isa was being called there. Now, when Isa was called, certain information spread around. According to the information, whites were going to kill those who they told to come. It said they were going to kill them. Now, Isa’s family members got together, and they decided Isa was not going to go. They said Beibei should go instead. Hmm. You see? If he got killed, people’s needs were not going to be met. Since he received God’s blessings, he’d had people on his side. You see? That’s why they said, “Don’t go. You are probably going to get killed. People’s needs are not going to be met.” But they said Beibei should go. He is probably going to get killed, but that’s not a big deal. * [everyone laughs]


                   Ga ti, ga ti kaŋ a koy, Irkoy te mo wiyoŋ din da n i go ga te me. Ba kaŋ borey koy d i naŋ go ga borey wi daŋ. Ni faham. Annasaara ga borey ce, a g i wi, a ga borey ce, a g i wi. Kal i to Kutteytarey wone fuula bande, bora kaŋ ga fuula sintin do, ga do no i to. A ne annasaara se : Esk hal boro ga hin ka salaŋ, annasaara miyo, kaŋ a salaŋ annasaara se. A ne a se : Boro go ya. A ne to, ga ne ga ba a ma hã. A ne : Ni ma hã, a ne, : To, fo se kaŋ i go ga borey wi yaamo yaamo. To, i ne borey wey wo kaŋ si go g i wi, i si ba kal wo kaŋ annasaara ga ne ga ba a ma te din, i ma yedda a ga. Hal yedda a ga, kul i si wi. Amma d i man yedda i g i wi de no.

                   So he [Beibei] went. Then God made a massacre happen. You see? Whites call in people, they kill them. They call in people, they kill them. That’s how they came all the way to the family of the “hat” [chief] in Kurti, and the one who was going to be the first “hat” [the first chief]. He said to the whites, “Is there anyone who speaks your language and can communicate with you?” He [the interpreter] said, “Yes.” He said, “Good,” and said he wanted him to ask them something. He said, “Go ahead and ask,” so he said, “All right. Why in the world do they engage in such meaningless killing?” They said, “If these people were to stop killing, that would be because they agree to what whites want. So just agree to it. If you agree, they are not going to kill anymore. But if you don’t agree, they will simply kill you.”


                   To, ga ti kaŋ a ne to, ifo se kaŋ i man gey fa i si borey fahamandi. Bora kaŋ yedda i ma fend'a, bora kaŋ man yedda i ma wi. Oho. To, waat in i na borey fahamandi. Annasaara ga ba, a ma jina boro yoŋ daŋ, jina borey din i ma ka ka borey mey, i ga jangar ta borey ga annasaara fonda ra. To ga ti kaŋ a ne, to, ga wo ga yedda. To, Kutteytarey wone bora kaŋ na fuula sintin ne.

                   Now, so he [the first chief Kurtitarey] said, “Why don’t they try to make people understand that? They should leave alone those who agree and kill those who don’t agree.” Hmm. Now, so they made people understand. The whites said they wanted to appoint a headman, a headman that rules people, a headman that collects taxes from people for the whites. Now, so he [the first chief Kurtitarey] said, “All right. I approve.” Right. That’s how the chief system started for the people of Kurtitarey.


                   A ne ga wo ga yedda wo-din ga. To, ga ti kaŋ ga wi man koyne, to, sohoŋ i na annaasara fahamandi. Annasaara ne to, sohoŋ kaŋ ga * ma si wi koyne, boro kul kaŋ yedda i ma si a wi. To, waati kaŋ bora din ga no i na wiyoŋ gaayi, i bisa a ga, i to Beybey do. Ga mo ne nga yedda sohoŋ wiyoŋ si no koyne. Ya-cine no bora kul cendi i hallasi. I man bora kul wi.

He [the first chief Kurtitarey] said he would agree to it. Now, so he [the white man] stopped killing, and they made the white man understand. The white man said, “All right. Then * [inaudible] not going to kill. We’re not going to kill any of those who agree.” Now, this is how that person stopped massacres, finished his [the first chief Kurtitary’s] turn, and went to Beibei. He [Beibei] agreed, too, so he didn’t get killed. This is how all the people protected themselves. They killed no one.


               *Ni faham wala? **Wal manti ya-din no?***

*[to the transcriber] You understand? ** [to K.L.] Or was it not what happened? *** [no response]


               To, waato kaŋ wo-din te, a bisa, ga no annasaara ka ka kurey koyey daŋ. Ni faham. Sohoŋ kaŋ annasaara ka kurey koy daŋ, waat in, koyra ka ka koyra, a ka ka to ne-wo Fuliyande. Ni faham. To, ga ti kaŋ i na Isa maayo no a se. Ni faham. A na Isa maayo sambu, a bisa ka sobey ka koy de ma, maay sambu kal a koy Dulusu. To, Dulusu din no a go ga goro. No-din no a ne borey din me a me ma ka ka nga maay sambu. Oho. Borey kaŋ ga naŋ maay sambu din, i me a me ma ka. To, d i ka no-din, no-din no a ka ka cabe kaŋ borey wey, gey goro ka daŋ, gey no ga batomaa din kul hawzu. Ni faham. Gey no ga batomaa ikul hawzu. To, no-din waato kaŋ hero ka ka te ya-din, Urufa-borey, i ne gey man yedda Isa ma huro gey jina ka hawzu. Sohoŋ ke i ka ka faham kaŋ ya-din no. I ne gey man yedda. Ni faham.

               Now, after all this happened and passed, the white man came to appoint the head of the groups. You see? This time, the white man came to appoint the head of the groups. After touring every single village, he came to Fuliyande. You see? Now, they [the residents of Fuliyande] decided to give him Isa’s name. You see? Once he took Isa’s name, he passed through [Fuliyande] and went to Dourous. Now, he lived in Dourous. He told all those with the names he had received to come. Hmm. He told all those whose names he had received to come. Now, when they came, he [the white man] revealed that they would be assigned a status and they would be in charge of the entire places of their own. You understand? They were going to be in charge of the entire place. Now, when that was happening there, Urufa borey did not agree to the arrangement to make Isa the headman and let him rule them. They finally came to realize that that was what was going on. They said they would not approve. You understand?


               To, kaŋ i ne gey man yedda, sohoŋ ke i na cer cendi wo-din boŋ. To, annasaara ne : Hey! Borey wey, mey no jin nongo ra, mey no jin nongo ra? Urufa-borey ne gey no jin nongo ra.

               Now, the fact that they [Urufa borey] said they wouldn’t approve led to a fight. The white man said, “Hey, you guys. Who had been in that place? Who had been in that place?” Urufa borey said they had.


――        Urufa-borey.

               Urufa borey.


I)            Oho. I ne gey no jin nongo ra. Annasaara bumbo gonda nan ga wone taarifi tira fo kaŋ baru kul kaŋ go labo ra za Maali, kal kal kal hendi, ikul go tiraa din boŋ. Annasaarey tiraa sambu ka kate. Baru kaŋ a diy'a ra boro yoŋ go no, kul a.., a ma cebe borey se kal a ka ka to Urufa. A di kaŋ Urufa wo lokuco din boro yoŋ go a ra. Borey din a bey kaŋ Urufa-borey no. A to Fuliyande, a bey kaŋ boro yoŋ kul si no no-din, lokuco din. To, sohon a du ka bey Urufa-borey i jin. Amma a ne i se, sohoŋ, i ma ye gey dogo ra, no-din ga ka ka i gar. Amma boro kul ma ce..., boro kul, hal, hal ga ka no-din, no-din no *. Manti ni faham wala?

               Right. They [Urufa borey] said they had always been there. The white man? The white man had paper containing records of all islands around here, from Mali to faraway remote lands. Once you look at this paper, you will see who is on which island and everything . . . everything including the Ulfa island. He [the white man] noticed there were some people on the Ulfa island at that time. As for Fuliyande, there was no on on the Fuliyande island. Now, he [the white man] came to learn that Urufa borey were there first. But he [the white man] told them to go back to their land for the time being and that they would come and check themselves. But he told them to gather everyone . . . until they came over, came over, * [inaudible]. You understand?


               To, waato kaŋ wo-din te, sohoŋ ke i ne i ma koy. To, Isa din, Bonkooga kaŋ kate annasaarey, a baaso ti Isa.

               Now, that happened, and they [Urufa borey] also suggested they go. Now, as for Isa, a person named Bonkoga, who brought whites here, his cross-cousin was Isa.


――        Bonkooga baaso ga ti Isa?

               Bonkoga’s cross-cousin was Isa.


I)            Oho. To, Bonkooga din ga ka Isa ce, kambu ga, a na a fahamandi. Kaŋ hal annasaara ka, bora kaŋ gonda borey ga de no a ga sambu. Bora kaŋ sinda borey, ba a jin, a s a sambu. A ne hal a koy, a ma ceeci boro. To, wo no carmandi da, amma Urufa-bora wo ga, a man du wo laabaari. Ni di? Isa ka. A waafaku da Wogey. A waafaku da Wogey. I ne hal annasaara ka, kul i ma key ga banda. Ni di? Ga ti kaŋ hano kaŋ annasaara ka ka hã, a ne to, boro kul, boro hinka wo, boro kul ma kate nga jama ga ma jin. To, Isa din Wogey kul ka ka ye ya-here. Sohoŋ kaŋ Wogey kul ka ka ya-hare, a te jama. Urufa-borey, bora kaŋ ga naŋ go ga ye..., ga no ga du din, ga wo a ka ka key kal de nga huwo borey din hinne, a sinda jama To, ne no annasaara a sambu Isa. A fenda boro, Urufa-bora. Ni faham. To, ne no Uru..., Isa a na fuula sintin. Oho Manti Ni faham.

               Right. Now, Bonkoga called Isa and made him understand this. When the whites came, they would only choose someone with a family [as the chief]. They would not choose someone [as the chief] without a family even if they had been there first. He told him to find someone once [Isa] returned. That’s how he [Isa] got a sly idea, but Urufa borey did not get this information. You see? Isa came back. He [Isa] allied with Wogos. He allied with Wogo. They [the Wogos] said they would back him [Isa] when the whites came. You see? Then on the day the whites came to ask questions, he [the white man] said, “Now, everyone. Gather around the person between the two who you think should become the headman.” Now, all Wogos came to Isa. All Wogos came and became a majority. As for Urufa borey, returned . . . as for the one [who tried to receive the status of chief among Urufa borey], only his family members came to support him and didn’t become a majority. Now, that’s how the whites chose Isa and decided to ignore [the other] person, an Urufa borey. You see? Now, that’s how Ul-, . . . Isa’s time as chief began. Hmm. You understand?


――        Ay faham.

               I see.


I)            Waato kaŋ a na a sambu, a ne to, boro kul kaŋ man yedda, bora ma kabe sambu, sohoŋ borey kul yedda. Ga ti kaŋ Isa te borey se bonkoyni. Fuliyande wo fuula sintino ne-ya.

               When he [the white man] chose him, he told people to raise their hands if they didn’t approve, but everyone approved. That’s how Isa became the people’s chief. That’s how the chief system in Fuliyande started.


――        Ha.



I)            Wal manti ya-din no?

               Or was it not like that?


K)           Ya-din de no, ya-din de ka te.

               Yes, it was like that.


〔後略〕[Later part omitted]



5.      イスブの語り(2007228)  Isbou’s Remarks (February 28, 2007)

〔前略〕[Earlier part omitted]

5-1.  サーバ・テーラ村創設譚@ Story of the establishment of the village of Saaba-Tera I

――       To, ya-din ga sohoŋ, haayoŋo banbata no ay ga ba ay ma te ni se. Ay tamma senney kul a folloŋ. Ga ti ne da Saaba-Teera koyra singi senno. Fo se, e, i na koyra wo singi. Fo se ni no ka fuula sambu?

              Next, I would like to ask you about a big issue. They probably all come down to one story. I mean, the story about the establishment of the village of Saaba-Tera. Why, let me see, was this village founded? Why did you become the chief?


I)            Ayyo. Ni ga maar'a. Ni faham. Ni ga maar'a. Sohoŋ Saaba-Teera wo, ni fahama, ikkul Gaarokoyre no. Maana, ikkul Fuliyande no. Ikkul goro calla. Ni faham.

              All right. I’ll tell you. You see? I will tell you. First of all, Saaba-Tera was, you know, all part of Gaarokoyre. I mean, it was all part of Fuliyande. They all belonged together. You understand?


――       Ya-din de no.

              That’s right.


I)            Han din boro wo, Sandi wo baaba ga ka go bonkoynitara ra.

              At that time, that person, Sandi’s father was the chief.


――       Alzuma.



I)            A?



――       Sandi baaba wala? Alazuma

              Sandi’s father, right? Alzuma.


I)            Oho. Ga ka go bonkoynitara ra. Ni faham. A go bonkoynitara ra, bora kul go calla. Ni faham. To, ga din. A si ba Urufa-borey. To, a di ya-din, a di ya-din, kal a ka ka bu. Ay ne kal a ka ka bu. A buuyoŋo banda, izo wo huro.

              Right. He was the chief. You see? He was the chief and all the people lived together. You see? Now, he, he didn’t like Urufa borey. He didn’t like them, he didn’t like them, and he didn’t change that view until he died. Until he died. After he died, his son came into the picture.


――       Dulla.



I)            Dulla. Ga mo kaŋ a tun, Dulla. din ɲoŋo Urufa-boro no. Amma a si ba Urufa-borey. A gana baabo fonda. Ni faham. Amma Ɲoŋo Urufa-boro no bo. Amma a si ba Urufa-borey. Kaŋ a si ba Urufa-borey din, ir windo bumbo no a si ba zaati ka boori. Ay ne ga si ba ley-ley zaati. Ni di.

              Right, Dullah. He grew up. Dullah’s mother was Ulfa Boro, but he didn’t like Urufa borey. He followed his father’s footsteps. You see? But his mother was Ulfa Boro. But he didn’t like Urufa borey. He didn’t like Urufa borey, but what he actually didn’t like much was our family. Actually, he didn’t like our family at all. All right?


              Ay wo kaŋ go ma goro, a bey ka koyd'a ya-hare Tilabeeri, patanti banayoŋ se. Ni faham. A konda kalmi, ir jama ga ba kaŋ a ka miyo ne. Hal ir na yo koy k ir daŋ kasu, kal kasu miyo, kal i na kasu miyo feeri ya-cine. Hal ir ga huro, waato din, sef da..., e, sef da gardi. Gardi wone seefo. Kaŋ ga hawgey da kasizey. Kal de a na su, a na buusa fo kar. Ga ti kaŋ a go ga mota ra ka zuurandi ka ka, za a to ka zoora a na, buusa din kar, hal i ga koy k ir daŋ wo ra, kul buusa din kar. Ga ti kaŋ i na gaayi. A n ir, a n ir, a na ir gaayi. Ga ti kaŋ a m ir yend'ey ra. Ir yend'ey, yend ir. I man du k ir daab. Ni faham. Ga ti kaŋ ir ye ka ka. Ni faham.

              He tried to take me to Tilabeeri to pay for patents. All right? Our people were charged and went to the entrance. They tried to throw us into prison, and at the entrance of the prison, the gate opened like this. As we were about to enter, the gu-. . . , let’s see, let’s see, the chief of the guard, chief of the guard. The one who manages the prison, he came and blew a whistle. He rode a car over there and as soon as he got there, he blew a whistle. He came when we were about to be put into prison, and as soon as he hit the breaks, he . . . blew a whistle. He blew a whistle just in time before we were thrown [into prison]. So they gave up [trying to put us in prison]. He stopped us. Then he let us go. We, he let us go. Our prison door was never shut. You see? So we came back. You see?


              To, e, han kaŋ se a na wey-din te, torkey pananto, iyeyjey patanto, hiyey wono, ni faham, wo-din se no a na no-din te. K ir ye ka ka, ir bana a se. Ni faham. To, ka a na wo-din te din, ir bana a se. To, wo-din ir game te taali. Oho, ay na te ir game koyne. To, ni di?

              Now, let’s see, he [Gaarokoyre chief Dullah] was trying to have people pay for patents for oxcarts, goats, and boats at that time. You understand? That’s why he did such a thing. We came back and paid him. You see? Now, he did this, and we paid him. Right. This is the fraud that happened between us. Right. [The fraud] that was going to be commited again between us. Now, you see?


              To, sohoŋ ir go ma goro, ir go ma goro, kala, e, amiiru Kokor, amiiru Goro, Amiiru Daalagoro, gey mey koy di cere, i waafaku. I ne isa-borey kaŋ go Gurma caso ra, gey ma koy, gey mey ganandi, ma ye gungo ra. Ni faham. Gey mey kal i koy di Kunce, Kunce din gen d'ey haw. Kunce ga tiraa din hantum i se. Kaŋ boro kul man kabu gey bande, kul bora ma ye gungo ra. Ni faham. To, sohoŋ kaŋ wo-din te, ga ti kaŋ, Tilabeeri komandaŋo, Teera wono, Amiiru Deesa gum ya, Amiiru Kokor bumbo, ni faham, Teera wono komandaŋo, gey ka huro moota folloŋ, gey ka huro moota folloŋ, i na di za za za za Daaragoro. I go ga koyrey dira, i go ga koyrey gana, koyra kaŋ di to, i ma hã : War ga kabu? Da wan d'ey war si kabu, i ma ne : To, war ma ye gungo ra. I si dira mo : Kal war ma gana, hari kaŋ war gana i ma bisa. Ni faham. Ya-din i di ka te ka di ka ka to iddo. Sohoŋ k i ka ka to, iddo. To, ir mey, taalo kaŋ a te ir se din, ga ka na ir me ir me ir si pel a bande. Dulla. bumbo go ne. Sohoŋ ga wo a gana. I na a ganandi. Borey kaŋ ga baar'a, i gana a bande. Ir mey kaŋ na taali te ir se, ir wey in, in n a s a gana.

              Now, in the meantime, in the meantime, let’s see, the chief of Kokor [canton] and the chief of Daaragoro [canton], they got together and made an alliance. They said, “Let’s evict those on the west bank. Let’s make them move. Let’s send them back to the island.” You see? They went to see Kountche, who made a deal with them. Kountche wrote them paper saying those who were not registered in their cantons need to immediately go back to the island. You see? Now, this happened, and the commander from Tilabeeri, the commander from Tera, the chief of Dessa, the chief of Kokor, and the commander from Tera, they rode in one car, they all rode in one car. They started in Daaragoro [canton] and drove from one village to another all around to ask, “Are you guys registered?” at each village that they came across. They did this so they could say, “If you guys are not registered residents, you need to go back to the island.” They were going to say, “If you refuse to leave, there is something that needs to be done. You understand? They did this everywhere, and they finally came to us. Then they came to us. Now, as for us, because of the fraud he [Gaarokoyre chief Dullah] had commited upon us, we didn’t register our residency under him. Dullah himself was here [in the Saaba settlement] too. He then moved. He was forced to move. Those who liked him followed him. Us? We didn’t follow him because he commited a fraud upon us.


――       War sobey ka goro ne da no.

              Did you guys continue to live here?


I)            Ir wey goro ne da. Ga ti kaŋ ir kabu, ni faham. To, k in na kab wo-din te, ir jama ga ba. Ni faham. Zamma taalo din manti ir hinne se, a na te banɲey wey se.

              We continued to live here, and we registered our residency here. You understand? Now, our group is quite big. You see? We weren’t the only victims of the fraud but the slaves here were also victims.


――       Taali fo dumi no a te?

              What kind of fraud?


I)            Patanto din de. Banɲey mey a na i, a na i kalmi gey mey. Ni faham. E, Kaaney yoŋ wey, da Silla yoŋ wey kaŋ ay, ay ga ne ibeero, ikkul a ni kalmi. Ikkul ma dori. Sohoŋ k i ma dori, gey mey na, gey mey si, gey s a gana ka koy baro ra? Sohoŋ ga ti kaŋ i na gey naŋ ga kab. Ga ti kaŋ borey kul kab pat! Ni faham. Sohoŋ kaŋ borey kul kab, to, i ne sohoŋ amiiru Kokor ne sohoŋ borey wey, ga ga ba ga ma daŋ i se bonkoyni. Ni faham. To, bonkoynitara din, hano din Kaaney ga ti ir albeero, ga no ga baar'a. Ir wey ne a ma samb. Ni faham. To, Kaaney din mo, banɲey wey ne i si baar'a. Ni faham. To ga ti kaŋ Kaaney mo kate bonkoyni. Ni faham. Amiiru Kokor ga ba ga ma a daŋ, bumbo ga baar'a, ir wey ga baar'a, ir kaŋ bora no. Amma banɲey ne i si baar'a.

              It was patent-related. The slaves were charged as well. You understand? Let’s see, those guys including Kaaney and Silla, the guys I used to call brothers, they all got charged. They all experienced pain. Now, after experiencing such pain, why would they too, why would they, would they follow him to the island? That’s how they came to register their residency [on the west bank]. That’s how everyone came to register their residency. All right? Everyone registered. According to them, the chief of Kokor wanted to appoint a chief for them. You understand? Now, Kaaney was the oldest among us at that time, and he wanted the position of chief. We said, “Go ahead and take it.” You understand? Now, as for K.I., the slaves didn’t like him. You understand? K.I. almost became the chief. You understand? The chief of Kokor tried to appoint him the chief, K.I. himself wanted to become the chief, and we, as his family, wanted it, too. But the slaves said they didn’t want it.


              To, Silla yoŋ kaŋ ti ay beerey din, da boro wo da kaŋ tun ne-wo, dottiija din, gey mey ne zama da banɲey i si baar'a, to gey mey si..., gan da banɲey din gey si fun car ga. Ya-din ga a si huro. Sohoŋ i fend'a. Ga ti kaŋ borey ka ka goro, i sinda bonkoyni. Da jangaro to, i ma ne :I, ir ma koy, ir ma koy bana Looga.. Da jangaro tun, ir ma koy a bana Looga. Ya-din ir go, ya-din ir go. Ni faham. Kal kokor banda kaŋ hano k i ye ka ka ay wo daŋ. Ga ti kaŋ borey koy di cere, i ne :Heey! I ne Looga here koy lambayoŋo, furkutarey no gey se. Ni faham. Gey ma gey boŋ keyandi. Kaŋ gey ga gey boŋ keyandi mo, Kaaney wo i si baar'a. I ne gey si baar'a. Ni faham. Ga ti kaŋ i ne to, hal de ay, i ne hal ay wo, hal de Ur, Urufa-borey yedda, hal i ga ba ay, kul gey mey ga ba ay, borey wey ga ne. Banɲey din. Oho. Kul i m ey daŋ gey jine. To, waati kaŋ borey kul waafaku kaŋ, ikkul yedda i ga, ga ti kaŋ hin ay daŋ jine wo, ni faham. In na tira samb, in na hantum in na sambu amiir Kokor do. Amiir Kokor kond'a Teera. Ga ti kaŋ komandaŋo ka, sohoŋ ke a n ey da, ay naŋ di kaŋ, ay ti Gurma here bonkoyno. Ni faham. Wo ti bonkoynitara maana.

              Now, my bothers, including Silla, and the person who just left here, that elder, they said [K.I. cannot be the chief] because the slaves didn’t want him to. Right. They said they should not separate themselves from the slaves. That’s why he [Kaaney] didn’t receive [the position of chief]. And he was left alone. So the people continued to not have a chief. When the time came for paying taxes, they, they said . . . “Let’s go to Looga.” “Let’s go to Looga to pay taxes.” That’s what we did. You see? Until they appointed me [the position of chief]. It happened because people got together and said, “Hey.” They said, “It’s ridiculous we go to Looga and follow their chief.” You understand? We tried to appoint a headman of our own. They tried to appoint a headman, but they were not fond of Kaaney. They didn’t want him. You understand? So I said, “All right. Then it would be me.” I said, “If Ur- . . . , Urufa borey approve, if they would want me, it would be me.” The slaves [said they would approve]. Hmm. They also said they would want it. Now, they all agreed to make me the headman, and they all approved. You understand? We took paper, wrote in it, and took it to the chief of Kokor. The chief of Kokor took it to Tera. Then the commander came and said that from then on, I . . . I got . . . I was going to be the chief of the west bank. You understand? This is the story of the position of chief.               さて、わたしの兄であるスィッラたち、それとさっきここを出ていった人[50]、あの長老、彼らはというと、奴隷が彼を望まないのだからと言った、そう、彼らはというと、彼らと奴隷たちは別れるべきではないと言った。それゆえ彼〔カーネイ〕は〔首長位に〕入らなかった。そして、ほうっておかれた。それで人びとは首長をもたないままでいつづけた。納税の時期が来ると、彼らは彼らが…、「ローガへ払いに行こう」と言った。「納税になったら、ローガへ払いに行こう」。わたしたちはそのようにして、そのようにした。わかるね。その後このわたしを〔首長位に〕置くまでだ。そうなったのは、人びとが集まって、「おおい」と言ったからだ。彼らはローガに行ってそれにのっかるのは馬鹿らしいぞと言った。わかるね。自分たちの頭は自分たちで立たせようとしたのだ。彼らが彼らの頭をたたせようにも、カーネイは好かれていなかった。望まないと言われた。わかるね。それで、よし、わたしだと言った、ウル…、ウルファ・ボレイが承諾するなら、彼らがわたしを望むのなら、このわたしだと言った。奴隷たち〔がそう言った〕。うむ。彼らも前に置く、と。さて、わたしを前におくことでみなが合意し、みなが承諾した。わかるね。わたしたちは紙をとり、それを書き、それをもってココルの首長のところに届けた。ココルの首長はテーラにもっていった。こうして司令官が来て、これからはわたしが…、わたしがえた…、わたしが西岸の首長だと言った。わかるね。これが首長位の話だ。

              Amma taalo man tun kal boro wo kaŋ, kaŋ jin ka e, a jin ka ir fitina, ga ga kate da wone wo. Hal a naŋ man wo-din te, doŋ ir kul ga koy a bande gungo ra.

But the fraud was, that guy in the first place . . . let’s see, he sued us in the first place, and that’s how he committed the fraud. If he hadn’t, we would have all followed him to the island.


――       Ha.



I)            Ni diy'a.

              All right?


――       Waato kaŋ, e, un. Ganayoŋo waate, Gorɲo-haamey borey wo ke, ikkul koy, ikkul koy no.

              At that time . . . Let me see, Okay. At the time of moving, did all the people of Gornyo haamey leave? Did all?


I)            Oho, ikkul koy, ikkul gana.

              Yeah. They all left. They all moved.


――       Ba afo a man cindi.

              No one stayed.


I)            Ba afo a man cindi. Amma Urufa-borey ne i si gana. Urufa-borey mo jerey gana. Oho. Ayyo.

              No one stayed. But Urufa borey said they were not going to move. There were some that moved among Urufa borey. That’s right.


――       Ya-din de no.

              Is that so?


I)            To, a cindi sorkey in da borey banɲey wey ka cindi. Oho.

              Right. And some of the fishermen, us, and our slaves stayed. Hmm.


――       Da Bonkajerey borey mo i go ne Saaba-Teera.

              And Bonkajerey are also here in Saaba-Tera.


I)            Ayyo! To, in da borey din ir ka waafaku. Bonkajerey din in d'ey ka waafaku.

              That’s right. Now, we allied with them. Bonkajerey and we allied.


――       Bonkajerey borey wo ke waati din, i si ba i ma suba gey Bonkajerey borey ra ka te amiiru?

              Did the people of Bonkajerey not try to choose a chief among them?


I)            I si ba. Borey si baar'ey.

              They didn’t. People didn’t like them.


――       Ayyo.

              Is that so?


I)            Oho. Borey si baar'ey.

              Right. People didn’t like them.


――       Ifo se i si baar'ey?

              Why didn’t they like them?


I)            To, wo kaŋ se i si baar'ey, ni ga maar'a. Za hano kaŋ borey gey bumbo, gey wey banda no i go. Ay ne banda no i go. To, hoŋo d i ne i ma huro borey jine, borey si yedda. Oho. Ni faham. Borey si yedda. Hn. Za kaŋ za doŋ jina bumbo, gey wey bande no i go.

              All right. Let me tell you why they didn’t like them. Since a long time ago, people themselves . . . they have been under the control of others. Now, even if they said they want to become the chief, people would not let them. Hmm. You understand? People wouldn’t let them. Hmm. Since a long time ago, a long long time ago, they have been under others.


――       Fo se i go bande no?

              Why have they been under others?


I)            Wo kaŋ se i go banda? A? To, maadulla. Ni bey kaŋ, ni ma in na Bonda-haamey naŋ kokor ka ka wala? A? To, Urufa-borey jine i se, Urufa-borey ka jin prmie labo wo ra. Urufa-borey banda, e, Gorɲo-haamey, Gorɲo-haamey banda, Bonkajerey, Bonkajerey banda Fawro-haamey. Ni faham.

              Why have they been under others? Huh. All right. Listen. Didn’t they and Bonda haamey come later? Hm. Now, Urufa borey was ahead of them. It’s Urufa borey who has been in this land since the beginning. After Urufa borey, let’s see, it was Gornyo haamey. After Gornyo haamey, it was Bonkajerey. After Bonkajerey, it was Fawru haamey. You understand?


――       Ha.



I)            Ayyo, Fawro, Fawro-haamey din gey, ay ga tamma i jin Bonkajerey se.Fawro-haamey banda, Bonkajerey. To, ni di? To, ya-din ga, wo-din se no so..., ir wey d i naŋ ir g i daŋ i g i daŋ ir jina, ir si yedda me. Za kaŋ i naŋ ka k ir gar nong wo ra, hal i ne i g ir daŋ, i g i daŋ ir jine, ir si yedda. Banɲey wey, hal i ne i g i daŋ ir jina, ir si yedda. Ni diy'a.

              Right. Fawru, Fawru haamey was before Bonkajerey, I think. After Fawru haamey, Bonkajerey came. Now, you see? So that means . . . because of this, we, we will not let them become our headmen, our headmen. Since they came here and met us, we’ve never let us . . . let them become our headmen. As for the slaves, they didn’t let them [Bonkajerey] become their headmen either. You understand?


――       Ay faham. Ya-din no. Amma Urufa-borey ra mo borey fo fo i koy ka gana gey bande. Ifo se?

              I see. But some Urufa borey followed them. Why is that?


I)            Wo-din kaŋ gana i bande. Ga mo wo kaŋ se ni ga maar'a. Borey kaŋ ba..., Urufa-borey kaŋ gana i bande din, ni faham. Manti kala..., e, amiiru Deesa. A wone weyma izey no.

              Those who followed them? I’ll tell you about that, too. Those who wanted . . . the Urufa borey who followed them were, you know, let’s see, the children of the sisters of Dessa’s chief.


――       Hohoho.

              Hmm. I see. I see.


I)            Ni faham. Oho. Amiiru Deesa wone weyma, ga izey gey ti, Alhaji Buuba din baaba. Da Boro, Muusa Suley din baaba. Ni faham. To, a wone weyma izey no wey. Gey mey Deesa fuula se, sabbu se, ga se no i gana, manti boro.]

              You understand? Hmm. The children of the sisters of Dessa’s chief are Bouba’s father and that guy, M.S.’s father. You understand? Now, the children of his sisters. They are his sisters’ children. They didn’t move because of the status and the prestige of Dessa’s chief. It wasn’t [because of] people.


――       Ay faham. Ay faham.

              I understand. I understand. 


I)            Oho me.

              That’s right.


――       Hal i ga cindi ne da, manti Deesa ra no, Kokor kantoŋ ra no.

              If they’d stayed here, it would have become Kokor canton, not Dessa.


I)            To, madulla. To, gey mey si ba gey ma hun gey hase wone, Kuttey here ka ye Kokor here. Wo kaŋ se no i gana no, manti boro sabbu de i gana, borey hendi sabbo ra no i gana. To, kaŋ i gana din. Beene borey din, kaŋ yoŋ go kuuyoŋ jere din, gey no ga dabari i se. Gey mey borey mey k i ga dabari i se n i n i kabey gey bande. Ga ti kaŋ i gana ni bande yaamo. A, ir wey kaŋ i se dabari ir se, ir wey na ir si. Sanga, ni di, ya-cine no. Wo ka to Urufa-borey kaŋ gana i bande din, kaŋ gana, ya-cine no. Ya-din no ka gana i bande.

              That’s right. Now, they didn’t want to leave their maternal uncle, the Kurty’s side, to go to Kokor. They moved [to the island] not because of the prestige of that person [chief of Gaaorokoyre] but because of the prestige of the person over there [chief of Dessa]. Now, those who moved. Those who live up there, the tall guy who was here earlier, they were controlling them. They, those people were controlling them, so they registered their residency under them. So they just followed him. Oh, he tried to control us too, but we refused. That means, listen. That’s what it was. The Urufa borey that followed them, those who moved, that’s what happened with them. That’s how they followed them.


――       Amiiru Deesa weyma ga ti mey no?

              Who are the sisters of Dessa’s chief?


I)            To, e, amiiru Deesa kaŋ weyma no-din, manti kala..., Mumuni Hassaŋ kaŋ n i ga ne din. Oho. Mumuni Hassan no ka bu, Lambur wo go no sohoŋ. Hal dogo ra no Lamburo huro. Ni faham. Oho. To, Mumuni din, nga izey no. Ni faham wala? Weyma din i si ne a se kal de Hudo. Ni faham wala?

              All right. Let’s see. The sisters of Dessa’s chief . . . The name was Moumouni Hassan. Hmm. Moumouni Hassan died, and now there is Rambullo. Rambullo came after her. You understand? Hmm. Now, Moumouni Hassan, his children. You understand? Her sister is called Fudo. All right? You understand? You understand?


――       Hudo.



I)            Oho. Hudo no i ga ne a se.

              Right. Her name is Hudo.


――       Hudo ize ga ti A.B.?

              Hudo’s child is A.B.?


I)            A'a. Hudo ize ga ti H.K., S.K. Wey ti Hudo izey. Y.K. ga mo go no. Hudo izey ne-ya. To, Hudo din ga ti boro, Mumuni Hassan weyma. Ni faham. To, wo-din se no ba kaŋ Mumuni din si bonkoynitara ra, baabiizey ka go no. Si ganji gey wey naŋ gey i si, ir si kabu ne-here. Ni di ya-cine no. Oho. To, H.K. izo ti B.H. wo. H.S. izo ga ti M.S.. Oho. Gey mey hal sohoŋ i go de baabey cowo bande. Oho. Ni diy'a.

              No. Hudo’s children are H.K. and S.K. They are Hudo’s children. There is Y.K. as well. They are the children of Hudo. Now, as for Hudo, she is Moumouni Hassan’s sister. You understand? Now, so even if Moumouni wasn’t in the position of chief, she has brothers from the same father. That’s why we couldn’t stop them . . . [from moving], but we are not registered here. You understand? That’s how it is. Hmm. Now, H.K.’s kid is B.H. H.S.’s kid is M.S. Hmm. They are under their fathers. Hmm. All right?


――       Huun. Ay faham. A boori. Ya-din no. Wo-wo ke boro kul man har ay se. Ya-din no.

              Huh. I see. Great. That’s what happened? Nobody has told me all this. That’s what happened.


I)            Ya-din ka te. To, wo ka to hinne borey gana, amma manti borey sabbo se i n i gana bo. A'a. Ya-hare borey sabbo se no i gana.

              That’s what happened. Now, people moved just for this reason. People didn’t move for [the chief of Gaarokoyre]. No. They moved for the people over there.


――       To, ya-din no. Sohoŋ, Jaaya. Jaaya. Jaaya da ne da Saaba-Teera i ga waani cele.

              I see. Is that so? Now, Jaaya, Jaaya, Jaaya and Saaba-Tera are different, right?


I)            Oho, i ga waani cele.

              Right. They are different.


――       Bonkoyni go no-din.

              They have a chief too, right?


I)            Oho, bonkoyni go no-din.

              Yeah, they have a chief too.


――       No-din wo ke Bonkajerey koon go no no-din.

              Are Bonkajerey the only people there?


I)            Oho, Bonkajerey koon ka go no-din. To, gey mey da, Dulla. bande i ga kabu waati din.

              Right. Bonkajerey are the only people. Now, they used to have their residency under Dullah [chief of Gaarokoyre at that time].


――       Ho.



I)            Ni faham. Gey mey k i ga kabu Dulla. bande. Hano Dulla. din, gen d'ey i go ga car fitina.

              You see? They were registered under Dullah. Then Dullah and his people and they got into a conflict.


――       Ayyo. Waati fo no i ga car fitina?

              Is that right? When did they get into a conflict?


I)            A go ga nga hino, nga bonkoynitara din, a go g i hottandi, a go g i taabandi. Ni faham. Maana kaŋ go g i doorandi din, gey mey waato kaŋ kabo ka, gey mey huna bande. I goro yaamo no-din gey mey. Ni di. Ya-din ka te.

              When he was in power, in the position of chief, he made them [the people of Jaaya] suffer. You understand? Because he harmed them, they kept living there when they chose their residency [during the forced migration]. All right? That’s what happened.


――       Ayyo, ya-din no. To, sohoŋ Fawro-haamey borey. I si Saaba-Teera ne da. Wala?

              I see. That’s what happened. Now, I’d like to ask you about the people of Fawru haamey. They are not in Saaba-Tera, are they?


I)            Fawro-haamey. In d'ey ka kabu waati din bon jina waate.

              Fawru haamey. They and we used to live together in the times of our anscestors.


――       Ayyo.

              Is that so?


I)            Oho. H.D. yoŋ din, A.D. yoŋ din, Abudulahi yoŋ din. In d'ey ka kabu. Amma i kokor ka bere koyne.

              Right. H.D., A.D., Abudullahi, and their people. They used to live with us. But they later changed [the registered place of residency] once again.


――       Ayyo. Ifo se.

              Is that so? Why?


I)            He?



――       Fo se.



I)            Wo kaŋ se. To, wo kaŋ se ni ga maar'a. Sohoŋ, H.D. yoŋ din, kaŋ in d'ey kab, amma i kokor ka bere ya-hare. Ga mo wando, wando din kaŋ ni ga bey M.T. din.

              Why? All right, let me tell you. H.D. and his guys originally lived with us but later moved [the registered place of residency] there. His wife is M.T.


――       Oho. Ay ga a bey.

              Yes, I know that.


I)            To, ga mo bonkoyno Lamburo wo keyna kaŋ se i ga ne Sumaana. Sumaana din ga mo go bonkoynitara ra. Amma bonkoynitara din, a na taali te, gufornmon na a kar.

              Good. Soumana [the seventeenth chief of Dessa canton], who is the brother of chief Rambullo, was also in the position of chief. But he was stripped of this position by the government for a fraud he committed.


――       Gober...? Gouberɲmon na kar.

              Gober . . . The government stripped it.


I)            A?



――       Guuberɲmon na a ka.

              The government removed him.


I)            A na ka. Ni faham. Manti kal a Kunce waate no. Kunce hino waate no. Kunce no kate homo, ŋaari, Deesa meytara kul se a kata ŋaari. To, ŋaaro din no, a na, a na tugu. A man a no borey se. Ni faham. To, i koy ka kalmi. Mumuni din da kaŋ ti baabiizo n ga no koy ka kalmi. To, ga ti kaŋ i na sooja yoŋ ka ciino here, i ka ka windo se a si ka di na hama din kal garey ra. Garey ra hama din ga daab. Ni faham. To, ga ti kaŋ i na tira te a se. I na a ka bonkoynitara ra, i na Mumuni daŋ. Mumuni wo ka huro, a manti voot, i na a bere ka daŋ de.

              They removed him. You understand? This was during Kountche’s time. During Kountche’s reign. Kountche brought corn and other food. He brought food to the entire region of Dessa, which was under his rule. Now, he, he hid the food. He didn’t give it to the people. You understand? Now, he was going to be charged. Moumouni, his paternal brother [his rival] went and charged him. Now, a soldier was going to come at night, and he came to his house. Corn was in the house. Corn was covered [with a piece of cloth or something] in the house. You understand? Now, that’s how paper was written for him. He was removed from the position of chief, and Moumouni was appointed instead. Moumouni became [the chief]. So it wasn’t as a result of an election, but he was simply put there to replace someone else.


              To, Sumaana din, ga mo ga wone weyma ti H.D. wande wo, ni faham. Sumaana wande da H.D. wone, ikkul ɲa fo baaba fo. Ni faham. To, sohoŋ Sumaana yoŋ din, waato kaŋ H.D. yoŋ kab ne-here din, kul Sumaana yoŋ din i na i ce. I salaŋ i se. I ne hal ifo no i di amiiru Kokor here kaŋ se i ga..., i ga hun ya-hare ka ye no-din. To, ga ti H.D. yoŋ i ye ka ye. Ni faham.

              Now, as for Soumana’s s sisters. Listen. Soumana’s wife and H.D.’s wife have the same mother and father. You understand? Now, immediately after H.D. and his people registered their residency here [Kokor canton, Tera prefecture], Soumana and his people called him. They talked to him. They said, ‘Why in the world do they . . . do they leave their place and follow the chief of Kokor?’ So H.D. and his people went back to their place. You see? 


              To, shoŋ k i ye, H.W. din mo, E.D. din, beero ga huna, beero din mo ne ne a se hal a man bere. Kul ga ka ta a farey. Mo farey kaŋ H.W. ga goy gungo ra din, E.D. din yoŋ wone yoŋ no. E.D. yoŋ din gey wone. To, gey mey caba a se kaŋ hal a man bere ka ye ka ka, to, kul bey ka ta farey. Abdulahi mo bere. To, wo ka naŋ Fawro-haamey din kokor ka bere koyne. Oho. Ni faham wala?

              Now, they went back, and the next was Abdullahi. E.D.’s brother was still alive at this time. His brother told him not to move [the registered place of residency], or he would take his fields. The rice fields Abdullahi is working in on the island belong to E.D. and his people. Now, they emphasized if they moved their residency and never came back, they would take their fields right away. Abdullahi moved his residency. That’s how Fawru haamey eventually moved their residency again. Hmm. You understand?


――       Oho. Ay fama. Ya-din no.

              Yes. I understand. Is that right?


I)            Oho. Ayyo.

              Hmm. That’s right.


――       Ay faham. Da borey din. E, sanga hayo, taasi fersimi waate no ay faham no. Saaba-Teera borey go no, Saaba-Fuliyande borey go no,

              I see. And those people, let’s see, how do I say this. I noticed while distributing the grain. There are people of Saaba-Tera, and there are people of Saaba Fuliyande.


I)            *Ayyo.

              * [laughing] Right.


――       Da Saaba ra no a go, amma kaŋ go ga bana jangar Looga se mo go no mey.

              And there are also people who live in Saaba but are paying taxes in Looga.


I)            Oho.



――       Gey wo ke, fo se i go Looga bande.

              Why are they under Looga?


I)            Saaba-Fuliyande din kaŋ ni ga m i ga ne, manti Saaba-Fuliyande no. Saaba-Looga. Ni faham. I si kab kal Looga. Ni faham.

              You said Saaba Fuliyande, but it’s not Saaba Fuliyande. It’s Saaba Looga. You understand? Their residency is registered in Looga. You understand?


――       Looga.



I)            To, Looga din kaŋ i ga kabu din, ni faham, gey mey wo kaŋ si go Looga din, gey mey ay no i si ba.

              Now, those who are registered in Looga. Listen. They are in Looga, but they don’t like me.


――       *Ayyo!

              * [laughing] Is that right?


I)            *Oho. Hano kaŋ i ga ay daŋ din, borey koy i do daŋ de i ma waafaku. I ne hal ay no i ga daŋ kul i si yedda. Borey mey man ** borey mey man yedda, borey n ey daŋ. Sohoŋ kaŋ borey na daŋ..., mey daŋ kubey wey, cindi yaamo Looga. I ne gey si kab ay bande.

              * [laughing] Right. When I was appointed [to be the chief], they got together among themselves and made an alliance. They said they would not let me become the chief. The people** [inaudible], the people did not let me become the chief. Now, the people appointed . . . They couldn’t decide who to appoint as the chief and just stayed in Looga. They said they would not register their residency under me.


――       I si ba Dulla. yoŋ mo, ni mo.

              They didn’t like Dullah, and they didn’t like you either.


I)            Oho, i si gey mey bande. Ni di. Oho, sohoŋ i go de Looga ka kabu wey-wey. Ni di, ya-cine ka te.

              Right. They are not under myself either. All right? Hmm. These guys are still in Looga. All right? That’s what happened.


――       Ya-din no. Ay faham.

              I see.


I)            Oho.



――       Amma fo se i si ba ni no.

              But why don’t they like you?


I)            N?



――       Fo se i si ba ni no?

              Why don’t they like you?


I)            *Wo kaŋ se i si ba ay? To, guna de, za ni ga bey ka hã, boro yoŋ wey ne ma tun boro konney de yaamo yaamo. Ni faham. Boro fo yoŋ i si ba boro de no, fisbillahi. Ba da gomuni te i si ba ni. Oho. Doŋ da manti wo-din, taali kul ay man te i se. Ay man taali kul te i se. Amma i si ba de kaŋ i mey daŋ bonkoynitarey no wal ay no i si ba.

              * [laughing] Why don’t they like me? Now, listen. If you ask them, they will say it’s because they just don’t like me. You understand? People don’t like some people. Indeed(Fisbillahi). Even if you do them a favor, they still don’t like you. Right. If not, I didn’t commit any fraud on them. I didn’t commit any fraud on them. They just didn’t want a chief, or they didn’t like me.


――       Ay faham.

              I see.


I)            Ni faham, wala?

              You see?


――       Ya-din no. Huun. Hal. Ya-din ga hal sohoŋ ni ga jonte, ma si jonte fa. Amma...

              Is that so? Huh. By the way, if you get sick. I mean, I don’t want you to get sick, but . . .


I)            Ha'a. Da Irkoy kata, a ga te, waati kul sinda taali kul.

              That’s all right. If that’s God’s will, let it happen. I don’t mind it at any time.


――       Ya-din ga han fo, boro fo no ga fuula sambu. Ni ga zumb, boro fo no ga fuula samb me. Koyra wo ra wo ke Urfa-borey ra no boro ga suuba? Ya-din no a ga te.

              I mean, someone will become the chief someday, right? You resign and somebody else will become the chief, right? Is he going to be chosen among Urufa borey? Is that what is going to happen?


I)            Oho.



――       Urufa-borey kul no ga a ga te? Sanga...

              Can any Urufa borey become the chief? For example . . .


I)            A'a. Ikkul si te.

              No. Not everyone.


――       Ikkul si te.

              Not everyone.


I)            Kal borey kaŋ tuk ay ga. Oho. Borey kaŋ tuk ay ga. Sohoŋ di ga samb sohoŋ, ay kal de i ma samb ay bumbo izey, wal ay beero kaŋ ga.. in d'a kul ɲa fo baaba fo.

              Only those related to me. Right. Only those related to me. Right now, it would be my children . . . or my brother who has the same mother and father.


来訪者    Wassalaamaleykum

Visitor:    As-salamu alaykum.


――       Maaleykom salaam.

              Wa alaykumu as-salamu


I)            Maaleykom salaam.

              Wa alaykumu as-salamu.


〔録音中断〕Recording discontinued




5-2.  サーバ・テーラ村創設譚A Story of the establishment of the village of Saaba-Tera II

――       De Saaba-Teera koyra singiyoŋo senno ra, wo kaŋ ay dirgan go no, ga ti boro fo ka har ay se.

When we talked about the creation of the chief of Saaba-Tera, there was something I forgot to mention. It’s something someone told me about.


I)            To.

              All right.


――       Hayyow, urugga karyoŋ waate, hayo ciito bambata no tun, urugga karyoŋo banda de. Sanga de... N? Urugga karyoŋo, waato kaŋ urugga kar, war kul go Urufa ra wala?

              Let’s see. When the AHA was built, there was a big trial, right? After the AHA was built. That means … um. When the AHA was built, when the AHA was built, you were all in Ulfa island, weren’t you?


I)            N?



――       War kul go Urufa wala Gurma no...

              Were you all in Ulfa Island or on the west bank?


I)            Gurma no ir go.

              We were on the west bank.


――       Gurma no war go. Huun.

              You were on the west bank. Huh.


I)            Oho. Ir go ne da Gurma.

              Right. We were on the west bank.


――       Ayyo. Huun. De wo-din banda, i na urugga kar, de kampaaɲu fo, kampaaɲu hinka bisa, to, waat in no kuudeta tun.

              You were? Huh. Then the AHA was built, the first farming season passed, the second farming season passed. And then, the coup occurred.


I)            Ayyo. To. Nhun.

              That’s right. Good. Hmm.


――       Un.



I)            Kuudeta fo dumi no.

              What kind of coup are you talking about?


――       Ya-din ga delgey, paley kaŋ koma din, i na ŋa gey gamo ra hinne, de wo...

              So the delegates redistributed the plots that slipped away among themselves, and ….


I)            Oho, ay faham sohoŋ. Sohoŋ danga... Toonandi de sohoŋ.

              Right. Now I know. So …. Just tell me the whole story.


――       A, wo-wo ay bumbo mo ay man bey ka boori no. Boro ka har ay se de. De i na te ciiti? I te ciiti, de boro kaŋ te kuudeta, i du jere. Da Delgey yoŋ mo i du jere. To, waato din, delgey din ra, Sandi go no kaŋ ti amiiru. De wo se no boro kaŋ si baar'ey, boro kaŋ si ba delgey yoŋ, kaŋ ti amiiru yoŋ, i hun car bande. De borey kaŋ si baar'ey, no ka marga, de i na ni suuba ka te bonkoyni ka koyra wo singi. Ya-din no boro fo ka ne.

              Um, I don’t know much about it myself either. It’s just something someone told me about. So you had a trial, right? You had a trial, people who started the coup got some [of the plots], and the delegates also got some. Now, one of the delegates was Sandi, the chief. And because of that, the people who didn’t want him, the people who didn’t want the delegates, one of whom was the chief, separated. Then the people who didn’t want them had a meeting, chose you as the chief, and established this village. That’s what someone told me.


I)            Oho, bora man du bando.

              Hmm. That person doesn’t have any proofs.


――       Ayyo.

              Is that so?


I)            Bora naŋ deedandi de. Ni faham. Hano kaŋ dalgey huwo din, kuudeta din, ay wo da ka te. Oho. Ay ka kuudeta din te. Han din, han din, han din i man ne daŋ bonkoyni, ni faham.

              He just told you a story. You understand? The coup that happened at the delegate’s house, I started it. Right. I started the coup. That day, that day, that day, they didn’t say, “Let’s assign a chief.” You understand?


――       Ni nda may no ka te...


              You and who else ….

I)           Ay no dalgey, dalgey, ayyo, e, i waafakey boŋ. Ni faham. K i waafakey boŋ. deyna taali keyna fo te urugga ra. Zambar taaci no i ga jukke. Ni faham. Hal ce fo te kaŋ i na taali keyna fo te, a man to hay kul. Kaŋ boro yoŋ go ga te, i si ta i ga ba dala. Lokoco din ga zambar wey no i n i jukke. Zambar wey cindi gu. Ni faham. Ikul waafaku i ne, gey da cala din ra i na car yaamar i na gaayi zambar wey. Ni faham. To, de i man zambar weya bana kul i ne i ga ta paley. Ni faham. Ni faham wala?

              I had the delegates, the delegates, right, let’s see, they reached an agreement. You understand? They reached an agreement to make people pay a fine of 20,000 CFA franc if they caused minor troubles. People didn’t [used to] have to do anything when they only caused minor troubles. The delegates didn’t take even 5 CFA franc from them. But at that time, they decided to impose a fine of 50,000 CFA franc, 75,000 CFA franc. You see? Everyone agreed. They said … they talked among themselves and decided to take 50,000 CFA franc from people. You understand? Now, because he didn’t pay 50,000 CFA franc, they tried to take away his plot. You understand? You got it?


――       Ay faham.

              I got it.


I)            To, ga ti kaŋ ay mo, ay fatta fondo fo ra, ay koy du alooma fondo fo. Kaŋ gonda gaabi. Zambar weya din a man te. Paley taayoŋo mo a man te. Ni faham. To, ay n i zeeri no-din. Ni faham. To, kaŋ wo-din te, ga ti kaŋ ay mo sohoŋ ke, ay ga bey ma cabe i se kaŋ ay mo, ba kaŋ i go dalgeytara din ay mo ga cabe i se kaŋ Fuliyande din ra, Fuliyande da Looga gamo ra, boro kul si bisa ay. Oho. Ga ti kaŋ ay mo ka ka huro, ay huro ka te anketto. Ni faham. Sanda politiiku. Ay ne politiiku wo-din te waato kaŋ ay politiiku nin ka boori, ay man du kal boro weytaaci cindi gu. kaŋ n ay gana. Ir m i ka, ir ma dalgey ka. Ni faham. Oho. ir ma dalgey ka. Boro wey taaci cindi gu no ay du kaŋ n ey gana.

              Now, because of this, I, I decided to take action as well. I decided to take powerful action. Because making people pay 50,000 CFA franc is not good. Taking away people’s plots is not good, either. You know? Now, because of that, they defeated me. You understand? After that, I decided to make them pay, to make those in the delegates’ position understand that nobody in the area from Fuliyande to Looga had more power than I do. Right. That’s why I joined. I joined the investigation, in other words, politics. I conducted politics, and when politics was ripe, I had 45 followers. We decided to remove them, to remove the delegates. All right? Mm. We decided to remove the delegates. What I got was as many as 45 followers.


              To, borey din, e, borey kaŋ kab Sandi banda a go i ra, ay ne i go i ra. Ni faham. Suley yoŋ wey da i go i ra. K.S. yoŋ kaŋ go i go i ra. Ni faham. Jama ga ba kaŋ in d'ey no. Amma ikkul ay, ay sabbo din no i gana. To, ga ti kaŋ ir, ir ka ka, ay ka ka cabe kaŋ i g i ka, ay g i ka dalgeytara ra. Ni di.

              Now, some of these people were backing Sandi. They were among the people, too, all right? You understand? Sourey and his people were among them. K.S. and his people were among them. You understand? We were powerful. But all of them followed me, my prestige. Now, so we … I made it clear that we were going to remove the delegates from their position. I made it clear we were going to remove the delegates from their position. All right?


              To, waato kaŋ ay ka ka cabe k ey ga i ka dalgeytara ra, k in d'ey sanno daabu ne-wo, kal ir senno koy Tilabeeri. I n ey no tira kal ay ma koy no i se. Suba attinno, hal gey, hal gey ga ka, kul gey ma gar bora kul na car kubey i g i ka. Ni faham.

              Now, I made it clear that we were going to remove the delegates from their position, then I said no more. Until this story reached Tilabeeri. I was given a piece of paper and was told to give it to them [the delegates]. They [the commander and the ONAHA staff] wanted all of us to gather to remove them [the delegates] when they [the commander and the ONAHA staff] came next Wednesday. You understand?


              To, k ey ka te tira, ni faham. To, bora kaŋ se ay na tiraa no, L.F. ya ni ga a bey? Ay ne a se a ma gaab tiraa ga kal attinno. Attinno ciino, a ma kond'a ka no i se. To, ga mo kaŋ a taay'a. A man te wo k ey ne. Za a ta i se, wiiza bisa koyd'a ka no i se. A man goro ka batu atinno ciino kaŋ ay ne. Ni di. Za i di tiraa din, sohoŋ i hambur, to, i sambu koporatifu nooro, koporatifu nooro din i sambu nooru boobo, i koyd'a Tilabeeri. I ne Irkoy se i ma te ngey se faaba. Oho, i ma si gey ka. Ni faham. To, i na nooro din no. Ay wo man bey. Kal kaŋ komandaŋ wo ka, gen da Wanaha direkutaaro i ka, ga ti kaŋ i ka k ir hã :Ifo se kaŋ war go ma cer yenge? Oho,:Ifo se kaŋ war go fitina? Ay deede, ay deede hatta i ki.., taali k i go ga te, kaŋ si cimi bande. D ey m i deede. Ga ti kaŋ komandaŋo a ne i se : Wa di, boro wo a gonda cimi da war. Oho. Wanaha direkutaaro, a ne i se : Boro wo a gonda cimi da war. I ne i se : War sinda cimi pat pat pat! Ni faham.

              Now, when I received the paper …. Are you with me? Now, I gave the paper to someone. Do you know L.F.? I told him to hold on to this paper until Wednesday. I told him to bring it to them [the delegates] on Wednesday evening. Now, he got the paper. He didn’t do what I told him to do. What he did is when he got the paper from me, he immediately brought it to them. He didn’t wait until Wednesday evening as I told him to. All right? They saw the paper and got afraid. So they brought co-op money, lots of co-op money, to Tilabeeri. They said, “Please save us.” Mm. They begged them [the commander and ONAHA’s head manager] not to remove them. Now, they [the delegates] gave them [the commander and ONAHA’s head manager] the money. I had no idea until the commander and ONAHA’s head manager came. They came and asked us, “Why are you guys fighting?” Right. “What is this conflict about?” I told them. I told them their [the delegates’] … all the fraud and wrongdoing they have been committing. Then the commander said to them [the delegates], “You guys got that? This man is more right than you guys.” Mm. ONAHA’s head manager also said to them, “This man is more right than you guys.” They said, “You guys are not right at all.” You understand?


              To, waato k i na i goy..., ir, ay gonda cimi dey, i n i taalandi. Waati din no i ne ay se : Amma ni mo ni gonda taali. Ni faham. I ne ay se : Ni taalo ka ti borey kaŋ ni ga ne karmi ka i man to hõyoŋ. I ne kaŋ gey n i daŋ, gey man i daŋ kal jiiri hinza boŋ. To, jiiri hinza wo, ba i go ga taali te, i si hin k i ka. Kal de jiiri hinza a to. Ya-din ga i ne ay se : Ba kaŋ ni gonda cimi, ni si hin k i ka da manti jiiri hinza a naŋ to. Ni faham. Kal de da jiiri hinza to. To, waati kaŋ i ne, to, sohoŋ ke i ne ay se : Ni senno si no, danga i si hun. I ne ay se : I si hun kal de da jiiri hinza a to. Oho. Ni faham.

              Now, when they … decided we, we were right, they [the delegates] misled them [the commander and others]. Then they said to me, “But you are also wrong on something.” You understand? They said to me, “What’s wrong is the timing of your accusation.” According to them, they replace delegates every three years. Now, during these three years, you cannot remove them even if they commit fraud. Until after the three years is over. So they said to me, “Even if you are right, you cannot remove them if their three years is not over.” You understand? “Until after the three years is over.” Now, then they said to me, “You are not going to get what you want. In other words, they are not going to quit.” They said to me, “They are not going to leave until after the three years is over.” Mm. You understand?


              Amma borey kaŋ boŋ, in d'ey yenge din, palaa iddu no. I na pala taaca no ay se. I n ihinka no i se. I ne ay ma no ay borey se palaa taaca. Gey mey ma sambu ihinka i ma no gey borey se. Ni diy'a. Oho. Zama kaŋ, kaŋ in na car kar, ir go ga car yenge din, pala idduwa din, i go g i no gey borey se, ay mo ne borey se samb, ay ne i ma koy k i goy, ay borey koy i n i tunandi. I na yeejey daŋ i n i tunandi. Wo-din kul yenga go ga te waati din. To, kaŋ i ka ka ciiti ir se. paley din itaaca i n i n ey borey se, i ne pala hinka no i borey se. To, sohoŋ i ne ir ma sawa. I ne ir ma sawa, ir ma fenda fitina. Borey wey i si hun kal de jiiri hinza. Oho. Zama za gey ga i daŋ wo-din boŋ gey ni daŋ. Ne no ir m ir ga car ga.

              Having said that, the dispute we had with them was over six plots. They [the commander and others] gave me four plots. They said they would give them [the delegates] two plots. They told me to give the four plots to my family. They took two, and they told them to give the two plots to their family. All right? Mm. That’s because the reason why we were fist fighting with each other, we were fighting with each other is because they [the delegates] were trying to give those six plots to their family. I told my family to take them and work there. My family went and cultivated the plots. They brought in cows and cultivated the plots. In those days, all of these things led to disputes. Now, when they [the commander and ONAHA’s head manager] came to judge us, they gave my family four plots, and they told me to give their family two plots. They said, “Make peace now.” They told me to make peace and forget the conflict. They were not going to leave [the position of delegates] until after the three years is over. Hmm. That’s because if they have been chosen to be there, they have been chosen to be there. Then we should help each other.


              To, k i n ir ga car ga, Ni faham. Kaŋ ir ye ka ka. Ni faham. Hal bora sanno din no, sohoŋ hal hal kuudeta wono, doŋ ba borey kaŋ go a bande din, doŋ i ga hima ka kabu ay bande me. Amma ni di, kaŋ i ka waati din kaŋ wo-din te, ga ti kaŋ ey borey wey ka, jamaa ka i waafak i di cere. Ni faham. Da * ka ti ..., e, ay borey, i koy waafaku. In d'ey kul, ay wo bumbo ka fonda n cabe i se. Ay ne i se : Wa di, borey han kaŋ naŋ na ir zeeri, manti ba jiiri hinza n i ka naŋ ir zeeri. Ay ne i se : Kal kaŋ ir wey ir koyra sinda bonkoyni. Ni faham. Wo-din kan naŋ ir zeeri. Hal ir koyra naŋ gonda bonkoyni, doŋ i s ir zeeri. Ni faham. Oho. To, ay ne i se : Amma ne-here no i gaabu da ir. Gey wey koyra a gonda bonkoyno, han din Sandi wo beero, Dulla. ga go bonkoynitara ra, Dulla. din no ga koy Tilabeeri, a ma, a ma dalgey senno boŋ, ga no ma koy a m ey senno hasara, a ma ka. Ga no ma koy a m ey senni hasara, a ma ka. To, ga ti kaŋ in na zeeri din. Ni faham. I mongo ka hun. To, ni di. To, ga ti kaŋ ay mo ci borey se kaŋ : Hal ir mey naŋ gonda bonkoyni, a si hin ka ir senni hasara. Amma miso kul kaŋ borey himanda, hal wan da bonkoyno kul na car kubey dira do, bonkoyno din i ga hawgey da senni, ka bisa ni wone, ni kaŋ ti, ni kaŋ manti bonkoyni no. To, waati din ay senno waan ir borey lakkaley di, ga ti kaŋ ir koy di cele, i ne to, gey mey daŋ bonkoyni. Ni faham. Amma borey din kaŋ..., kaŋ ga kabu Tilabeeri here, ikkul i ne gey si. Maana i ne gey si gana. I ye Sandi din da here, i ye Dulla. din dabari koyne. Oho.

              Now, we were told to help each other. You understand? Then we came back. You understand? According to the person, about what he said about the coup, if he was right, the people who had been backing him [the chief of Gaarokoyre] since before the coup would have been backing me. But look, they came and did all this, and my family came, and they all talked and reached an agreement. You see? *[inaudible] Let’s see, my family, they reached an agreement. All of us did. I, nobody else, showed them how it should be done. I said to them, “Now you know. They defeated us. Even after the three years is over, we will still be defeated.” I said, “That’s because we, we don’t have a chief in our village.” You understand? “That’s why we got defeated. If only we’d had a chief in our village, we wouldn’t have been defeated.” You understand? Mm. Right. This is what I said, “They are more powerful than us. That’s because they have a chief in their village.” At that time, Sandi’s elder brother Dulla was the chief. I’m sure Dulla went to Tilabeeri, and he, he told them about the delegates, and he went, ruined my plan, and came back. He went and ruined my plan. Now, that’s how we got defeated. You understand? They [the delegates] ended up not leaving. Now, all right? Right. So I said to people, “If we’d had a chief, he wouldn’t have been able to ruin our plan. When you guys walk down the street, you run into the chief. The chief pays close attention to all the things people say and do, and then takes preemptive actions before you, who is not the chief, can do anything about it.” You understand? Now, my words grabbed people’s rational mind, and that’s how we became convinced, and they also said we should assign a chief. You understand? But the people who were registered as residents in Tilabeeri … they all said they were not going to do it and went back to their place. In other words, they said they were not going to follow me. They went back to Sandi’s side and started listening to Dulla’s orders again. Hmm.


――       Ay faham.


              I see.

I)            Oho. I ye Dulla. bande. Oho.

              Right. They went back to backing Dulla. Hmm.


――       Waati din, Sandi wo ke manti amiiru no.

              Sandi wasn’t the chief at that time, was he?


I)            Oho. Dal, dalgey de no. Dalgey de no manti amiiru no.

              Mm. He was a delegate. He was just a delegate and not the chief.


――       Haan.



I)            Ni faham.

              You got it?


――       Ay faham ka boori.

              Yes, very well.


I)            Oho. Dalgey de no manti amiiru no.

              Right. He was just a delegate. He was not the chief.


――       Ya-din ga patanti, patanti ra mo, e, amiiru bumbo no ka te taali, Dulla. kaŋ ti amiiru.

So with regard to the sales tax incident, sales tax, let’s see, Dulla, the chief himself, committed fraud.


I)            Wo-din se.

              That’s why.


――       And Sandi, one of the delegates, also committed fraud.

              De delgey kaŋ ti Sandi mo, a te taali.


I)            Maadulla.

              That’s right.


――       Wo-din se no war anniya haw.

              That’s why you guys made a decision.


I)            Maadulla.

              That’s right.


――       War koyra singi.

              You guys established your own village.


I)            Ni di. To, taalo din, dalgey taalo din mo amiiru ye ka huro a ra koyne. A huro hal jindo ga a faasa.

              Now you know. You see, the chief was also involved in the fraud, the fraud the delegates committed. He meddled with it and defended it.


――       A'a?



I)            Oho me.

              Isn’t that right?


――       Ayyo.

              Is it?


I)            Oho me. Kaŋ keyna go dalgeytara ra din. To, wo, wo ka ye ka borey biney marey koyne. Ni di. To, wo, wo laasab no bora te ni se din, amma wo kaŋ se ir wey si ne wo-din no, hal wo-din no, doŋ ir borey kaŋ go kuudeta ra din, doŋ ir kul no ga car gana ka kabu me. Amma ni di a go i..., kaŋ go ir here waato k i di cimo, kul i ye ya-here. Oho. Kul i ye ya-hare, Adamu yoŋ windey no. Kul i ye ya-hare. I hun ir bande. Ni diy'a.

              It is. His younger brother was in the position of delegate. Now, because of that, people felt pain in their heart again. All right? Now, that person told you the story with an emphasis on this point. But the reason why we didn’t say so earlier is because if it had been the case, all of my family who joined the coup would have come together and backed me. But these people who were on our side … they went back to the other side as soon as they found out the truth (won the trial). Right. They went back immediately. People in Adam’s compound are a good example. They went back immediately. They left us. You understand?


――       Ayyo. To, ya-din ga waato kaŋ wa te kuudeta, e, mey yoŋ no go ni bande?

              Is that so? Yeah. So when the coup occurred, let’s see, who was backing you?


I)            A...

              Uh ….


――       Adamu go ni bande, Suley mo go ni bande.

              Adam was backing you. Sourey was backing you, too.


I)            Oho. K.S..

              Hmm. K.S.


――       K.S. .



I)            Oho, a go ey bande. Suley go ey bande. Oho. Ayyo. Hey, i jama ga ba, T.F. yoŋ din kul g ey bande. Oho.

              Right. He was backing me. H.D. was also backing me. Mm. Right. Hey, that group is too big. T.F. and his people were all backing me as well. Mm.


――       Uudu yoŋ mo ni bande.

              U.M. and his people were also backing you.


I)            Oho. Ayyo. Ikkul go ay bande. Ni di? Borey din waato kaŋ wo-din te, kul i ye ya-hare. Oho. I man kabu ay bande koyne. Ya-din ka te.

              Mm. That’s right. They were all backing me. All right? After that incident happened, they went back to the other side. Mm. They didn’t back me anymore. That’s what happened.


――       Ya-din ka te.

              That’s what happened.


〔後略〕[Later part omitted]



6.      スレイの語り(200725) Sourey’s Remarks (February 5, 2007)

6-1.  代表解任騒動をめぐる語り Remarks regarding the incident over delegates’ removal

〔前略〕Earlier part omitted

――       To, wo kaŋ ay ga ba ay ma bey, ga ti mate kaŋ cine no ni du pala kaŋ ni no Ali se.

              Now, what I would like to know is how you originally got the plots you gave Ali.


S[64]          Mate kaŋ ay te ka du pala. Kaŋ ay no Ali se.

              How I originally got the plots. [How I got the plots] I gave Ali.


――       Un.



S)          Pala din, dalgey, gey no ka no Al haji se. Al haji kaŋ go Looga, ni ga alhaji bey?

              Ga se i na no. Dalgey din, i na paley fersi. Ir mo wey, ir man yedda nda wo-din. Delugey, i si ma te goy henno. I goyo se, i ga boori. In ne in naŋ gey ka. Waato kaŋ in ne ir gey ka, in d'ey, ir yenge. B.H. yoŋ n in ne kal ir m i ka i ma hun, delgeytara, i ne ngey si hun. in ne kal i ma hun, i ne gey si hun. To, waat in, paley k i n i nooyandi, delgey ni nooyandi, ir mo ne ir taayey. In ne Ali a ma sambu. Ali din, a hambur waati din. Ba kaŋ ir no, a hambur.

              The delegates had given the plots to E.M. E.M. from Looga. You know him, don’t you? They had given the plots to him. That’s how the delegates redistributed the plots. We didn’t condone it. The delegates were not doing their job like they were supposed to. They were using their job to their advantage. We said we would remove them. When we said we would remove them, we got into a conflict with them. We told B.H. and his people that we would remove them, and that they should leave the position of delegates, and they said they would not leave. We said they should leave, and they said they would not leave. Now, so we said we would also take the plots they had redistributed, the ones the delegates had redistributed among themselves. We said to Ali, “Take it.” As for Ali, he was afraid at that time. When we gave him the plot, he was still afraid.


――       A hambur fo?

              What was he afraid of?


S)          A hambur taayoŋo. Ni faham. In ne ba wo a hambur, in no ga yeng nda dalgey. Ni faham. Manti a senni no. Waat in delgey, in d'ey ir ka ka yenge, hal ir koy komandaŋ kwaara. Ir koy, o, kopperatiifu, Tilabeeri. k ir koy Tilabeeri din e, Tilabeeri wone komandaŋo, e'e, Wanaha wone direkuteero, a ne ir ma koy komandaŋo do. Komandaŋo mo ne, ir ma koy, ga ga ka. Hal in d'ey yenge, kul ga ga ka, k ir gar, wo da. In d'a ir koy, faro ra, i ne alfaro kul ma marga, no-din direkutaaro do, in ne kal i ma hun, i ne gey si hun. in d'ey yenge. Waat in ir car sambu, bor kul ye hu. To, waati din no i na han fo daŋ, kaŋ komandaŋo ne nga ka.

              He was afraid of the plot being taken away. You understand? We said, even if he was afraid of it, it was us who was fighting with the delegates. You know? It had nothing to do with him. At that time, we were having a dispute with the delegates. And finally, we went to the commander. We went, let’s see, to the co-op in Tilabeeri. When we got to Tilabeeri, the commander of Tilabeeri and ONAHA’s head manager told us to go see the commander. The commander of Tilabeeri said, “I would be there too, so go ahead.” He said if we started fighting, he would come right away and meet us there. We and he [the commander?] went to a field, and they [the commander and ONAHA’s head manager?] told all the co-op members to gather at the head manager’s office. We told them [the delegates] to leave, and they said they would not leave. We and they fought. We made an arrangement, and everyone went home. Now, then we decided on the day for the commander to come.


              Komandaŋo ka, i ne to mate,taali fo da taali fo no i te, kaŋ se ir ga i hin ka. Anndamiizo hal a te taali, ga no ni ga ka. Amma ir ka ne ir ga baar'ey, jiiri hinza boŋ, in n i daŋ, hal taali fo no i te ir se kaŋ ga ne g ir m i ka.

              The commander came. He said, “Now, what kind of fraud did they commit that made you want to remove them?” He said, “People commit fraud, so they get removed. But you wanted them and thus decided to put them in the delegates’ position for three years. So what kind of fraud did they commit that made you want to removed them?”


              We said to him, “They are committing many kinds of fraud. They consume all our money, and they don’t take their job seriously. That’s why we don’t want them. We are determined to remove them.” The commander made and agreement with them and said to us, “Absolutely(Wallahi), when the term ends, when the three years has passed, then you can remove them. But now, leave it alone.” Then referring to what we did, AHA’s director ….

              In ne i se, taaley, i ga ba, i go ir noorey ŋa, i go ga te goy yaamo. Wo-din se ir si baar'ey, ir m i ka. Komandaŋo din mo gan d'ey waafaku, i ne ir se wallaahi, kal de di daato to, jiiri hinza hal a to, waat in kul gey ga i, i barmey, amma sohoŋ, ir ma fend'ey. Ga ti wrugga wono presidaŋo, to, sohoŋ wo kaŋ gey ga te...


――       Presidaŋ ga ti B.M.?

              By “director,” do you mean B.M.?


S)          Ha'a, manti B.M. no. H.S. no i ga ne a se. Waat in, presidaŋo, a ne ir se sohoŋ, paley din kaŋ ir taay'ey, i ma fende i se. Amma ir ma koy goro, hal waato kaŋ se, i barma to, to, kul gey ga i barmey. Ir ma koy a ga cindi, ha, a ga cindi kayna i se. Hal jiiro to, kul gey ga te ir se tira, a ma ka kaŋ ir ga i barmey. Ga ti ir senno baŋyoŋo, ir koy goro, ga ti i na tira te ir se,ka ka, han din no ir ni barmey. Kaŋ B.M. wo huro. Ir na boro jiney din ka, han din no B.M. no huro. Boro jiney din manti B.M. no. Da J.S.. J.S. no ti torezooriya. Ali no ti presidaŋo ce jina. Ya-din no i te ce jina. To, yenga wo no Ali du pala din. ni faham. A baŋyoŋo ne.

              It’s not B.M. His name is H.S. At that time, the director told them to forget about the plots we took. But [he also said] to us, “Wait until the time comes to replace the delegates. When the times comes, we will immediately replace them. There is a little time left until then. There is a little time left, so leave it alone. When that year comes, we will give you paper to replace them.” That was it. We decided to wait. Then they gave us paper, and we replaced them on that day. That’s when B.M. joined the delegates. On the day we removed the headmen, B.M. became one. Until then, B.M. wasn’t a headman. And J.S. J.S. became in charge of accounting. H.S. became the director. These are the former delegates. Anyway, Ali got a plot as a result of this dispute. You got it? That’s the end.


〔後略〕[Later part omitted]



7.      セイブの語り(2007210) Seib’s Remarks (February 10, 2007)

7-1.  代表による制裁措置と回避措置Sanctions and evasive measures used by the delegates

〔前略〕[Earlier part omitted]

S)[69]         Danga sohoŋ, hal bon na taali te uruggaa ra, alfari se, wal dalge se, hal wan da alfari ka yenge, kul a ga koy har dalgey se dalgey ma ka. Hal i ka, ni ne-ya, bora kaŋ wan d'a yenge ne, i ma war kul hã, boro kul ma deede ha kaŋ na war yengandi. I ga war kul hã ha kaŋ na war yengandi. I ma guna bora kaŋ gonda cimi, da bora kaŋ sinda cimi.

               So for example, if someone commits fraud against a co-op member or a delegate in the AHA, and if you fight with a co-op member, he immediately goes to the delegates and tells them to come over. When they come, you are here and whoever you are fighting with is over there, and both of you guys need to answer questions. Both of you tell him why you are fighting. Both of you guys need to answer why you are fighting. They decide who is right and who is wrong.


               To, bora kaŋ sinda cimi din, i ga a yaamar, a ma si wo dumo te koyne. Hal a yedda, i ga fenda senno. Amma hal a man yedda, kul i ga ye ka fenda senno kal de da a ye ka te taali boro fo se koyne, wal a na taali te dalge se, kul dalga, a ga har celey se. Hal a har celey se din, dalgey hinne i ga senno guna gey boŋ se, i ma koy wo kaŋ boŋ yenge din guna Da dalga kaŋ sinda cimi, dalgey hondi i si a taalandi. Amma da bora sinda cimi, ga mo i ga ye ka jukke koyne.

               Now, they give the one that is wrong a warning not to repeat it in the future. If he agrees, that’s the end of the story. But if he doesn’t agree, they will leave it alone until he commits another fraud against somebody else. Or until he commits fraud against one of the delegates. If he does, the delegate tells his colleagues about it. Once his colleagues hear about the fraud, they examine it among themselves and go investigate it to find out what they are fighting about. If the delegate is wrong, the other delegates rectify his mistake. But if that person is wrong, they impose a fine on him.


               Amma da de i bey dalga ka sinda cimi, i si ne a ga taali, bora din kaŋ gan da go yenge jine. Amma i ga koy kambu ga ka salaŋ a se, i ma ne sohoŋ i ma fenda senno, i ma fenda senno. Amma hal a k i ka fari koyo, palaa koyo, ga ka sinda cimi, hal i koy Jomona, ga no ikkul ga waafaku senni folloŋ boŋ, i ma hantum ga wono angure taayoŋo tiraa ga, i ma a no D.A. se kaŋ ga angure no borey se.

               But even if the delegate is wrong, they never say he is wrong in front of the person he is fighting with. They take his hand, take him somewhere, and tell him to forget about it, forget about it. But if the plot owner is wrong, they go to Jomona, make an arrangement, write down his name on the paper used for fertilizer distribution and give it to D.A., who distributes fertilizer to people.


               To, wo-din boro kul si a ci ni se dalgey ra. Dalgey din mey, i si a boro fo boŋ se, mosoko bora ga koyde ni nongu fo ka har ni se. Ikkul ga goro de ya-din, kal de han kaŋ i ne i go angure no ma ka ka koy i ga ci i ga borey no angure kal de i ma to ni do. Waat in i ma ci ni se, D.A. ga ci ni se kaŋ han filaana hane ni na taali filaana te, i naŋ jukke ya-cine. Ma bana. Da ni ne wal han fo hane, D.A. ga ci ni se han kaŋ, wan d'a wo..., wal han filaana hane wan da boro kul man te ya-cine wal man te ya.

               Now, none of the delegates lets you know about this. Delegates don’t exist for one person. Let alone no one [other than a delegate] would take you somewhere and let you know about it. Everyone simply waits until you are told to come because they have fertilizer for you, and until the very day your turn to get your fertilizer finally comes. And that’s when they tell you. D.A. tells you that you caused this problem on this day, and that a fine has been imposed on you. You ask him when it happened, and then D.A. tells you you and somebody did this kind of wrongdoing on this day.


               To, waati din no ni ga faham ka boori kaŋ war bey ka yenge. Amma ni wo mo miile wal a to ya-cine ni bino ra ga laasabu ya-din. D.A. wo mo a si salaŋ ni se koyne a ga dangey yaamo ya-din a si ye ka ni fahamandi koyne. Waati din ma sobey ka ceeci da ni ga du nooru garaw boro fo do, ni ma koy ceeci ma ka ka bana D.A. se. D.A. ma ta nooru ka no dalgey se, wo-din dalgey wone. Da ni mongo ka du garaw, kul angurey kaŋ ni koy ta, ni ga ci D.A. se a m i no ni se, hal ni ga ceeci boro kaŋ ga dey angurey ne da Jomoona, ma ka angure din ra ka neere ha kaŋ ga to marja kaŋ i naŋ jukkey din, ma bana D.A. se. D.A. ma no dalgey se. Wo kaŋ cindi, ma sambu ka koyd'a ni palaa ni mo. Amma hal ni man te ya-din, ni hutu ka dira ni koy hebo ra, wan nongu fo ka koy angure dey, i ga naŋ kal de ma koy a sey ni palaa ra, d i man ne gey ga ta ni..., d i man ne gey..., ga ta ni palaa, kul i ga jindo kire, kaŋ ni si du hari kaŋ ga haŋandi kal de ni ma ma hasara.

               Now, this is when you realize clearly that you had a fight. You might have suspected something like that might happen. As for D.A., he doesn’t give you any more details. He keeps his mouth shut and never gives you a chance to understand what happened. Now you have to look for someone who will lend you money. You have to find someone and come back to pay D.A. Once D.A. receives the money, he gives it to the delegates. It will be the delegates’ money. If you can’t borrow money, you first get fertilizer from D.A., find someone in Jomona who wants to buy fertilizer, and sell some of the fertilizer so you have enough money to pay D.A for the fine. D.A. then gives it to the delegates. You bring the rest [of the fertilizer] to your own plot. But if you don’t, let’s say, if you get angry, go to the market, and buy fertilizer somewhere there, they will turn a blind eye until you use it in your plot. They don’t tell you they will take away your . . . your plot and just close the floodgates. You can’t get enough water to irrigate your plot, so your rice will die.


               Ya-din cine n i ga te. Ba bon na taali te, i si naŋ boro ma bey, kal de han din hane, ga n i ga ci boro se.

               This is what they do. Even if someone caused a problem, they don’t let him know about the penalty until that day. They tell him about it that day.


――        Waati kaŋ i ga jukke, mate kul kaŋ no..., delgey, delgey mey i ma, waato kaŋ i m i marga, i ga marga, de i ga waafaku folloŋ de i ga jukke de no. Delgey folloŋ hinne, a si hin ka te jukke?

               When they impose a fine on someone, the delegates, the delegates themselves . . . they get together and agree on it. Then they impose a fine. Can’t one delegate impose a fine on someone?


S)            A si.


               They can’t.

――        A si.


               They can’t.

S)            Oho. Hal de manti yenga a naŋ beeri gumo kaŋ bora na taali te dalga se, kal de bino tun-key gumo. Ga hinne marje kul kaŋ a ne, i ma bora jukke. Celey kul si kakaw. Ikkul ga ne ya-din no, ya-din no. A ga hin ka te mo dalgey ra heri ga ne : He! A ga bisa ba ya-din, a hima a ma bisa ya-din. I ma ye ka laasaabu ka tonton koyne bora se.

               Right. But if fraud was committed against a delegate, if it is a large dispute, and if it made him extremely angry, then that’s another story. He will say he will impose as hefty a fine as he wants. His colleagues won’t argue. They will all say, “Do it. Do it.” That’s possible. Some of the delegates might even say, “Hey, make him pay more. Make him pay more,” and impose an even higher fine on that person.


               Gey hinne da cala. Amma da boro fo go i ra, kul i si wey din dumey te. Kal de dalage koono hinne. Dalgey din ra mo, boro kul si ta ka koy a har boro fo se, gey ma maar'a, i ga dalga din mo di ikkul naŋ ga dangey hinne, gey waafaku kaŋ gey te din bo. Ba bora gonda ga cele fo, a si ta ka har a se. Zama da a na har a se, a ga hin ka te bora din mo gonda cele fo, ga mo ga har. Ya-din a ga so bey ka te ya-din kal de ikkul ma maar'a. Ya-din ga i koy a di, boro kul ga sobey ka ci mate kaŋ ti kaŋ naŋ gey te ka bey.

               Only them and their colleagues. But if there is even one person [who is not a delegate], this kind of thing doesn’t happen. It happens only when there are delegates themselves and nobody else. None of the delegates would tell it to somebody else because it will then be revealed. Then that delegate will be caught. All of them keep their mouths shut as to what they have agreed on. Even [the delegates’] friends won’t know about it. That’s because if they tell a friend about it, that person might tell his friend. Then eventually, everyone will know about it. [Then the delegates] will ask each one of them how he found out until they catch him.


――        Ay faham ka boori.

               I see.


S)            Un. Amma da angure ta yoŋo to, borey koy angure ta, D.A. ban ka ci bora se, bora bana, waati din i ba si da senno. Ga se wo, palaa ke kuul si yedda dalge ma ka ka gar, gey go ga dalgey ciiney. I si yedda. Ba i go dalgey senni te, d i di dalgey fo go ka, ba huwey do no, i ga dangey, i ga senno barmey, i si naŋ a ma ma. Zama da a ma kul a ga miile i naŋ go sobey ka d ir ka dalgey wow, wal a ga har caley se filaana ka sobey ka dira k ir wow, i ga bora jukke, kal de han kaŋ bora koy angure ta, a ma ka ka gar i na ga jukke. A si bey ha kaŋ se i na ga jukke. I si a fahamandi, kal de a ma bana. Da a man bana mo, i ga ta a pala. To wo-din se no borey ga hambur dalgey. Oho.

               Yeah. But when it’s time to get fertilizer and people go to get fertilizer, and when D.A. tells them about it, and when people pay the fine, they [the delegates] have nothing to do with the whole thing. That’s why all plot owners don’t want the delegates to be there when they are talking about the delegates behind their back. Of course, they don’t like it. They are talking about the delegates, and if they see a delegate coming their way, they will shut up or change the subject even if they are in their house so he won’t hear them. If he hears them, he will think they are insulting the delegates, tell his colleagues that so-and-so is going around, making fun of them, and impose a fine on him. He will notice he has been fined on the day he gets fertilizer. He has no idea why he has been fined. They never give you a chance to understand. They just make you pay. If you don’t pay, your plot will be taken away. That’s right. That’s why everyone is afraid of the delegates. Alas.


――        Ay faham ka boori. War bumbey wo ke war bana?

               I see. Did you guys pay?


S)            Oho. Ay wo ke ga miile garaw kul se ir gar.

               Yeah. I think we paid every time we got an advance.


――        Wa du jukke?

               Were you guys fined?


S)            Ir? Iboobo.

               We. A lot.


――        A lot. Do you know why?

               Iboobo? War man du ha kaŋ se no?


S)           Jerey ke. Ikkul D.L., a ga har ey se. D ey koy ta angure, de i na hã wo kaŋ se no i ne ir di no. Diire go no, jukke go no. Amma jukke wo ke, i man bey k ir jukke. Amma i g i doona k ir di. Goyyoŋ ka go no kaŋ borey ga koy te teyzey paley do. To, wey din hal boro goro man koy kul zangu hinka nga bana wal zangu gu. wey din dumey ke ce bo bo ir ga bana. Kaŋ ir si koy hense dogo do.

              Partially. D.L. told me all about it. Besides, when I went to get fertilizer, they explained why I would get caught. There is a fault, and there is a fine. As for a fine, we usually don’t know why we have been fined. But we get fined a lot. Part of our job is to go to nurseries. If we don’t go, we get fined 1,000 to 2,500 CFA franc. We’ve paid lots of these types of fines. Because we didn’t go.


――        Ha. Amma ay man faham. diiyoŋ ga waani jukkeyyoŋ ga waani? Mate no i ga waani?

               Huh. But are a fault and a fine different? How are they different?


S)            Diire wo, da ni ceeci zebuyoŋ, hal ni gonda sorho dalgey fo do, ni ga koy a do ka ceeci a ga wan d'a hinne game. A ma ga celey suurandi i ma te ni se ya-cine kul a ga hin ka te, da n te saaye, a ga koy har caley se wal bumbo ma bana ni se. Ni wo si ba bey. To, jukke wo mo taali wone no. Da wan da boro ye..., ga ma car dori waati kul paley boŋ. Wo-din ti jukkey ga wo marje kaŋ i baŋ ka ne de no. Ni faham. Mate kaŋ ay wo ga miile ga ti feeyanka no-ya. Yenge diire da diire, goyyoŋ diire wo, i ga waani.

               With a fault, you could find a way to have the amount you have to pay decreased. If you have someone close among the delegates, you go to him and you guys find a way. He will persuade his colleagues to help you. If you are lucky, he might even tell his colleagues that he will pay on behalf of you. And you? You don’t even notice. Now, a fine is what you have to pay if you commit fraud. If you and someone else . . . hurt each other over plots all the time. This is a fine, and you are simply told how much to pay. Do you understand? That’s how I think they are different. A more serious misconduct like causing a dispute and a less serious fault like missing work. They are different.


〔録音中断〕[Recording discontinued]


7-2.  代表と身内

〔録音開始〕Recording begins

――        K.L. sorofo senno, fo se borey ga baar'a. Wo senno kaŋ ni ka harey se sohoŋ da, wo no ni ma ay fahamandi.

               Why is K.L. so popular? Why does everyone like him? Can you explain what you’ve just told me?


S)            Oho. To, wo kaŋ se borey ga baar'a. A naŋ go ga kookar i te borey se gumo-gumo no-din. Zama hal i na boro di, kaŋ a laasabu ga boro ti ni, kul a ga hin ka bana ni se. A si naŋ boro kul ma bey, mosoko i ga miila K.L. ka go bana ni se yoŋo se no waati kul ni go te taali. A naŋ ga tugo ka ci ni se wal a ma nooru no ni se, ni ma bana.

               Sure. Now, why does everyone like him? That’s because he is committed to helping everyone. I mean, he will pay the fine on behalf of people he considers his family. So for example, if you get caught, he will pay for you. He doesn’t let people know about it. Or nobody thinks you are always causing problems because K.L. is there to pay for you. He secretly gives you money and tells you to pay the fine with his money.


               Oho. Wal da borey koy Jomona goy do ra, i ga hin ka te i ga hooy no-din, kadde aluura guuru taaci wal alaasar. To wo-din da n..., a di kaŋ ga boro ti ni wal ni co..., koy ca se ka ne wallahi ni wo naŋ ga herey, a gaŋ no nooru ka ne ma koy ŋa. Wo kaŋ se borey ga baar'a gumo no-ya.

               Yeah. Or when people go to work in Jomona, they spend the day there and sometimes end up staying there until four in the evening or sunset. Now, if he considers you his family, he will call you in, saying that you must be(Wallahi) hungry, give you money, and tell you to go eat. That’s why everyone likes him so much.


               A naŋ go te borey se, a go borey ma kaanandi, ga se ba i ne gey ma dalgey ka d i koy vot, boro boobo ga gana a here, i si ba a ma fun, zama i ga bey da a go no din, gey si taabi gumo.

               He does these things for people. He makes people happy. So when someone says, “Let’s go vote to remove the delegates,” most people support him. They don’t want him to leave. That’s because as long as he is there, their lives won’t be too difficult.


――        Ay faham ka boori.

               I see.


S)            Oho. A goyda kookari no-din here.

               Yeah. He is trying hard over there.


――        Hun. Huun. Amma bora din hinne no? Sanga de B.A. ka ti, Fuliyande delge, a si te ya-wo-cine?

               Uh-hm. But is it only him? For example, B.A. is a delegate from Fuliyande, isn’t he? Doesn’t he do these kinds of things for you guys?


D)           Heey, B.A. sinda K.L. bino cine, a sinda K.L. bino cine, a ga sandi, ba a ga te da manti boro kul boro kul se. To, K.L. mo borey kaŋ a ga te i ga ba gumo ka bisa borey, dalgey hondi. Dalgey kul gonda ga bora kaŋ se a ga wey din dumey te. Amma K.L. ga bisa ikkul boro. A ga te gumo ka bisa ikkul.

               Nah. B.A. wouldn’t do what K.L. does for us. He doesn’t have the heart like K.L.’s. That would be difficult. Even if he did, he wouldn’t do it for everyone. Now, K.L. is more popular than the rest of the people, the rest of any other delegates. Every delegate has family members he would do that kind of thing, but K.L. does it better than anyone else. He does it more than anyone else.


――        Huun.



S)            Oho



――        B.A. wo ke a si te hay kul ne da fuliyande borey se?

               Doesn’t B.A. do anything for the people of Fuliyande?


S)            Ba a go te, i si naŋ boro ma bey, i naŋ ga tugu ka te. Da dalga voote kaŋ borey kul go bey dalgey filaana ga no go te borey se ya-cine, kul i ga laasaabu, sohoŋ dalga din, ga se kaŋ a go gomuni te borey se, ga se no borey kul go ba si, i ga sobey, i ga waati kul taali te. Bora ga tugu ka te.

               Even if he does, he does it secretively so people won’t know. At the time of an election, if everyone knows this delegate is doing this favor for his family, then people will think they continue to commit fraud because that delegate is helping them, and then their popularity will wane. People do these things secretively.


――        Huun.



S)            Bora naŋ ga tugu ka te. A si naŋ ga caley ma bey.

               People do things secretively. They don’t do things in a way their colleagues will find out.


――        Huun. Ni wo ke ni si a bey.

               Huh. Do you know?


S)            Nn?



――        B.A. no ka kookari te boro fo se.

               Do you know if B.A. is trying hard to help someone?


S)            Ay si a wone kul bey ay wo.

               I have no idea. I don’t.


――        Huun. Hu, hun.

               Huh. Hmm.


S)            Ay si a bey. * Zamma ir bumbey wo ay wono key go deede nise wo, ay man bey ka har boro kul se.

               I don’t. *[silent for three seconds] I mean, we ourselves, I’ve never told what I’ve just told you to anybody else.


――        Huun. Ay faham.

               Huh. All right.


S)            Amma ya-din d ir go waati kul.

               But that’s how they always are.


――        Huun.



S)            * Hal manti a naŋ go te ay se,ni mo boro fo go te ni se, in da ni, ir ga naaney care, ir hinne ir go deede yaacine wo, ir ma deede car se ga hinne no ga naŋ boro ma bey, amma ya-cine boro si te deede-deede yaamo.

               *[silent for three seconds] Let’s say he is not doing any favor for me, or if you have someone who is doing a favor for you (like K.L.). If you and I trust each other, and we are just here by ourselves, we might share that with each other. But I wouldn’t just tell my secrets to anyone like this.


               I wouldn’t agree to. The delegate himself would stop doing what he is doing if people keep telling other people about it and the words get around. As you keep talking about it, his colleagues will hear about it and think you want to impose a fine on him.

               I si yedda. Dalga bumbo hal a ma kan boro go sobey ka deede borey se a ga hun, a si ye ka te boro se. A ga miile sohoŋ boro naŋ ga ba ni ma sobey ka ci hal ga caley ma ma hal i ga ga jukke.


――        Huun. N? Amma. Ifo se i ga tugu?

               Huh. Hmm. But why do they keep it a secret?


S)            Aa?



――        Ifo se i ga, i si ba i ma har borey se? Zama sorho de no me.

               Why do they, do they not want to talk about it? I mean, it’s a good thing.


S)            Ga da ne ay go ci ni se. Ay ne hal, danga ir, ni bey K.L. go te ir se gomuni boobo, to d ey sobey ka ci borey se, borey go sobey senno har han fo a ga hinka te dalgey fo ga ma. Ni faham.

               I just told you. Listen. K.L. is helping us in many ways. If I keep telling people about it, the people will keep talking about it too, and one day at last, delegates will hear about it. Do you understand?


――        Huuhun.



S)            Ya-din ga hal dalgey din ga ma, a ga ci ga celey se, ga cele dalgey se, kaŋ wo kaŋ se ce boobo yoŋ ir si ga ka goyey do din, K.L. do, ir go du sarhaa din. Ni faham.?

               So if a delegate hears about it, he will tell his colleagues about it, his delegate colleagues. He will tell them why we missed many days of work. Then they will say, “It’s because of him.”


――        Huuhun.



S)            Ya-din ga hiino, dalgey i ga marga ka K.L. din jukke. I ga ne ga se no, ga no go te ir se gomuni yoŋo se no waati kul da goy go te, ir si ka

               Then after that, when delegates get together, they impose a fine on K.L. They tell him we don’t show up at work because he is helping us.


――        Ya-din ga ne da no sanno kaŋ ga san, e, nafa go no. Ya-dinga delgey bumbey mo i ga car jukke no.

               So right there, let’s see, there is something important there. So do delegates impose a fine on each other?


S)            I ga car jukkey me.

               They impose a fine on each other.


――        Huun.



S)            Ga se boro kul danga te hay fo kaŋ ni ga bey hal a koy jine a ga te taali, kul naŋ ga tugu ka te. Da i ga bey kaŋ ni wo ni ga sobey ka dira ka deeda borey se, i si te ni se. Ba ifo.

               So everyone keeps it a secret even if, for example, you are causing problems because you know he is a headman. If he finds out you are telling everyone about it, he won’t do favors for you. He won’t do any favors for you.


――        Huhuun. Ni wo ke ni ga bey dalgey car jukkeyoŋo

               I see. You know delegates have imposed a fine on each other.


S)            Dalgey?



――        Nn..



S)            Wallaahi ba ifo si ay lakkalo ra sohoŋ da wo ke. Amma ay ga miile ke delgey i ga car jukke. Ifo kul kaŋ na taali te, kul i ga jukke wal i ma ne gey ma a ka.

               Wallahi, I don’t remember any incidents. But I think delegates impose a fine on each other. If someone causes a problem, they impose a fine on that person right away or call him in.


――        Huun. Ay faham.

               Huh. Okay.




8.      ニェンドゥの語り(2007126) Niyendo’s Remarks (January 26, 2007)

8-1.  なぜイサ・ベーグンが首長になったかWhy Isa Beegun became the chief

 Shoŋ waato din, kaŋ borey, dottiijey deede ir se, waato kaŋ annasaarey ka, k i ga ba ngey ma koytara te, ga no i na borey kul sambu ka koy daŋ Gaarokoyre. Waat in borey ga hambur Surgey. Ni go ga faham?

About that, people, the elders told us that when whites came, they wanted to create a position of chief. So they captured all people and went to Gaarokoyre to assign one. People were afraid of the Tuareg at that time. You know that, don’t you?


 I na borey sambu i koy daŋ Gaarokoyre. Annasaara fo yoŋ ka, kaŋ yoŋ i naŋ gey ka bor te. Sohoŋ i ka i ne, Gaarokoyre Wogey ga ba, gey ma daŋ a se bonkoyni. Amma gey ga koy ka ye ka ka. Hal gey ka ka, boro dumma kaŋ gey ga ba, hal a man to, to, kul koyra dottiija, gey ga wi. Ga ti sohoŋ borey mey kaŋ i ka, boro yoŋ wey-cine i sinda wande. I koy naŋ gey kabu huwey te. Sohoŋ hal annasaara ka ka gar koyra, to, mate kaŋ i ga ba, sohoŋ i ne wal manti, mey ti i bonkoyno, i ne Beegun.

 They captured people and went to Gaarokoyre to assign one. A group of whites came and tried to get people on their side. Now, when they came, they said, “There are too many Wogos in Gaarokoyre, so let’s put a chief there.” But they left once and then came back. They were going to kill the elders in the village unless enough number of people decided to agree with the whites by the time they came back. When they came, people were young and without wives. They went to build an administration office. Now, whites came, looked around the village, and what did they want now? They … they asked who the chief was. They [the people] said it was [Isa] Beegun.



8-2.  なぜボンダ・ハーメイの祖先はガーロコイレに移住したか Why the ancestors of Bonda-haamey moved to Gaarokoyre

 Sohoŋ waato kaŋ aŋasaarey ka, ga no i ne gey ga daŋ bonkoynitarey, a ne ga si ba. Sohoŋ sooja fo, kaŋ, fo no, sooja fo kaŋ si i ga ne Looji. Nhun. Sooja ti i coro. Sooja no ka har a se, a ne a se, i ga ka ka daŋ bonkoynitarey. A ne nga si ba. A ne a se, i ka, i si boro kul daŋ kal ga. To, ga ti nga mo a ne nga bonkoynitara din se, a di ka goro kal hano kaŋ i ka, i na daŋ bonkoynitarey. A naŋ ga tiraa sambu, a na no beero se, ga wo dira ka ka ne. Ga, ga ka kat'a ne. A ne ga si ba bonkynitarey.

Now, when whites came, I mean, when whites said they would create a position of chief, he said he didn’t want it. Now, a soldier, a soldier named Roji. Mm. A soldier who was a friend of theirs. This soldier came and talked to him [Surgo]. He told him there was going to be a position of chief. He [Surgo] said he didn’t want it. He [Roji] said they were not going to appoint anybody other than him [Surgo] as the chief. Then he told him to wait until the day the position of chief would be created to [assign him] the position. He [Surgo] got a piece of paper, but he gave it to his brother and fled here. That’s how he came here. He said he didn’t want to become the chief.




9.      ブーバの語り(20061030)  Buba’s Remarks (October 30, 2006)

命名式になされた忠言Advice given to a young man at his baby’s naming ceremony


――        Ni ma yaamar a se.

               Do you want to give him some advice?


B)[74]         Oho.



友人1     Yaamar kaŋ ni ga to a to.

Friend 1   Are you going to give him the advice you should give yourself?


友人2     Yaamaro kaŋ ni ga taaro.

Friend 2   That’s some advice you can’t give.


B)           Yaamar ay ga taaro de, a ma hin suuri.

B)            It’s some advice I can’t give. Be patient.


友人1     Ya-din no.

Friend 1   That’s right.


B)           Zama hal borey te windi jiney hoŋo, a te windi jine ga boŋ se.


B)            That’s because if a person becomes the head of a household, he is the head of his own household now.

友人2     A te baaba.

Friend 2   He became the father.


B)           A te ga boŋ baaba. To, a kul kaŋ boro albeero si, a cindi, ni go no, ni ti ni boŋ baaba. Ya-din ga a ga hima nda gan da beero kaŋ cindi, i ma car lakkal.

               He himself became the father. Right. If there are no elders, the one who is left, the one who is alive, meaning you, are the father of yourself. So he and his older brother, who are left, should take care of each other.


友人2     Da keyno.

Friend 2   And his younger brother.


B)           Oho. A ma hawgey da gey ɲa, a ma hawgey da i won albeerey kaŋ cindi. To, manti bora kaŋ na bor, boro, boro hay hinne ga ti baaba.

               Right. Take good care of your mother. Take good care of the elders who are still alive. Right. Your father is not just the person, person, person who sired you.


友人2     Ga ti ir baaba.

Friend 2   That’s our father.


B)           Oho. Da baabey buuno kaŋ cindi. Ya-din ga ma hense ka wey-din lakkal, da gey ɲa, da ga keyney da hasey. Oho, ni faham wala? Wo-din no i go ga ne.

               Right. And be nice to other small fathers, I mean them, their mother, their younger brothers, and their uncles. Mm. You got that? That’s how it is.




10.   マハマドゥの語り(2007215)  Mahamadou’s Remarks (February 15, 2007)

10-1.           強制移住騒動をめぐる語りStory about the incident in which people were forced to move

〔前略〕[Earlier part omitted]

――       To, de I.D..

              Now, and I.D.


M)[75]       Hun.



――       I.D. wo ke, ay mo ga bey ka boori.

              I know I.D. well, too.


M)          Manti ni ga a bey.

              You do, don’t you?


――       Nn.



M)          To, madulla.

              Mm. Good.


――       S.L. yoŋ kura izey de no. Ay kura izey de no.

              He is in S.L.’s age group. He is in my age group.


M)          Ayyo.

              That’s right.


――       De wande ga ti J.S.. Wal? Ni ga a bey?

              Was his wife J.S.? Do you know her?


M)          Ay ga a bey ka boori.

              I know her well.


――       A sinda maadake?

              Does she have a nickname?


M)          Jeli de no ay no ka bey.

              I only know the name Jeri.


――       Jeli



M)          Oho.



――       To, ni ga a bey man boro no?

              Now, do you know where she is from?


M)          Ne da Looga boro no. Mehena. Jeli wo ke Mehena boro no.

              She is from Looga right there. Mehenna. Jeri is from Mehenna.


――       Mehena.



M)          Ay ne S.M. wo ke Meehenna, zama koyra wo da a goro, in d'ey kul windi folloŋ waat in.

              You know, S.M. [Jeri’s father] is from Mehenna. Because he used to live in this settlement. We used to share a compound.


――       A?



M)          Ir kul windi folloŋ.

              We shared a compound.


――       Ayyo.

              Is that so?


M)          Parti wo de ka ka k i ka no-din ka ye Mehena din.

              The political party came, so he went back to Mehenna.


――       Ha.



M)          Un.



――       S.M..



M)          Un.



――       A goro ne da Fuliyande.

              He was here in Fuliyande.


M)          Ne da i goro. Kaagey kul ne no in d'ey, in d'ey windo kul windi folloŋ.

              He lived here. All his ancestors were here. We and they lived in the same compound.


――       Huun. Parti no ka gaarey?

              Huh. Did the political party kick them out?


M)          Oho. Partiyey no ka ne boro kaŋ go gungo ra kul..., da a man kabu, da a go gungo ra, da a man kabu gungo ra kul, da a go G, Gurma, da a man kabu Gurma kul a ma fatta ka ye Gurma. To, ga ka ti gey mey kabu yaamo no-here.

              Right. The political party said, “Those who are on the island … those who are on the island but are not registered as residents on the island, not registered as residents on the island, those who are on the we-, the west bank and are not registered as residents on the west back, they must leave and go back to the west bank.” Because of that, they ended up registering their residence over there.


――       Huun.



M)          Oho.



――       Hal ay ga hantum yawo-cine, ay man taali. S.M. kaagey, a goro Fuliyande. Parti no ka ne da a go gungo ra, amma a kabu Gurma ra, a ye Gurma ra.

              Let me write it down so I won’t make mistakes. S.M.’s ancestors lived in the Fuliyande settlement. Parties said those who were on the island but were registered as residents on the west back must go back to the west bank.


M)          Wo ti cimi.

              That’s exactly right.


――       Wo se no i gana. A te?

              That’s why they moved. Is that right?


M)          Wo ti cimi. Ma si, ma si dere. Zama kaayo, kaayo kaŋ na hay, gen d'ey kaayi woyo, ikkul ɲa fo, baaba fo. Guna si ne kala filaana*. Ni go ga ma. Filaana** Coyey. Coyey wo, ga ka ti S.M. baaba ma, kaŋ na Jeli hay. Coyey Ɲamarkandey. Ni go ga ma. Ɲamarkandey ga ka Coyey hay. Ni go ga ma? To, Ɲamarkandey mo, boro kaŋ na hay i si ne a se kal de Fofogaakoy. Ga ka Ɲamarkandey hay. Ay mo kaayi. I si ne a se kal Farmo, Farmo Ikina. Ikina din, ga ka ti Fofogaakoy ize no nga mo.

              That’s exactly right. Don’t make mis-, mistakes. Because his ancestors, the ancestors who gave birth to him, they and my maternal ancestors shared the same mother and the same father. Look. So-and-so* [calling S.M.’s father a different name]. Are you listening? So-and-so** [calling S.M.’s father “Choiyei”]. Choiyei is the name of the father of S.M., who sired Jeri. Choiyei Nyamarkandi. You understand? Nyamarkandi sired Choiyei. Now, as for Nyamarkandi, it was Fofogaakoy who gave birth to him. She gave birth to Nyamarkandi. My ancestor’s name was Farmo. Farmo Ikina. Ikina was also Fofogaakoy’s child.


              Oho. Ikul kaayi fo, ikkul windi folloŋ i go te kala i ka ka ka gana waat in gana-gana, i ga gana ka koy zumb de i keydiya ka far. I ma ye ka ka. Sohoŋ kal i goro yaamo Gurma.

              Mm. We shared an ancestor. We also shared a compound. At that time, they moved back and forth. They cultivated land [on the west bank] during the rainy season and came back [to Fuliyande]. Now they just live on the west bank.


              To, k i goro Gurma din, partiyey ka, i ne sohoŋ boro kul kaŋ naŋ go Gurma, kul kaŋ man kabu Gurma, kaŋ man kabu Gurma ra kul ga fatta ka ye gungo ra. Boro kaŋ go ga gungo ra, kaŋ go ga kabu Gurma kul ga fatta, gungo ra ka ye Gurma. Da ni goydo gungo ra, ni sinda, da boro ma gonda goydo, Gurma ni sinda. To, ga ti gey wey goro yaamo no-din.Manti ni faham. Ga ti i goro yaamo no-din. I kabu yaamo no-din, i goro no-din. Oho. Ga ti i no-din no, ir kul kaayi folloŋ.

              The reason why they settled on the west bank is because parties came and said, “Those who are on the west bank but are not registered as residents on the west bank, those who are not registered as residents on the west bank, must immediately leave there and go back to the island. Those who are on the island but are not registered as residents on the west bank must leave the island and go back to the west bank.” There is nowhere on the island where you can work. Even if you want a place where you can work on the west bank, there isn’t any. Now, because of this, they just started living over there. You understand? That’s why they just started living over there. They registered their residence over there, and they live over there. Mm. That’s why they started living over there, but we still share the common ancestor. 


――       Ayyo.

              I see.


M)          Hun.



――       Wo-wo ke, may yoŋ waate no i na te? Ni si a jiiro bey?

              During whose reign did this happen? Do you know the year?


M)          Joori.

              It was Diori.


――       Joori.

              Was it Diori?


M)          Joori hano kaŋ Joori huro, gan da Zibbo Bakari, i na car di presidentara ga. Ni go ga ma? To, k i na car di presidentara ga, Zibbo Bakari a du presidentara. A te handu iddu. I ka ka konkonsa kar, ka ka ka ne, ka koy hawandi nda Fulansi borey. Da doktey kaŋ go no, i ne ŋaarey hayne taasey kaŋ yoŋ go, mangazey kaŋ go Nizeer ra. I hayno hasara. Loktortey ne, doktey ne hayno hasara boro kul kaŋ na hayne ŋa, a ga bu. Mati ni faham. To ga ka ti, Zibbo Bakari mo na borey tunandi a na borey daŋ a ne i ma hayney kul mun haro ra. Waato kaŋ i na heyney mun ka ben, ga no Joori soora se a ne ya-din ga hundi no a ka, boro kaŋ na ŋaari ka, dameyzey cirey ga hundi ka, to, k i n i ga hundi ka yoŋo din, ga ka ti i ka ka konkonsa kar zumandi kal Joori daŋ hino ra. Ni go ga ma? Waato k i huro hino ra, i goro ka boori, Zibbo Bakari, ay ne boro wo, Musse Buubu da Joori, gey ka du, gey ka go hino ra, boro, Muse Buubu bo go assambule, Joori go presidaŋ. To, ga ka ti Buub, Musse Buubu din ne sohoŋ borey...

              During Diori’s reign, when Diori wanted to become the President, he fought with Djibo Bakary over the position of President. Are you listening? Now, they fought over the position of President, and Djibo Bakary first got it. Six months passed. A meeting was held. He humiliated French during the meeting. Moreover, the doctors said pearl millet in the warehouse managed by Niger’s government was going bad. The doctors, the doctor said pearl millet was going bad and if people were to eat it, they would die. Do you understand? Now, so Djibo Bakary provoked everyone and said, “Dump all of the pearl millet in the water.” Once they dumped all of the pearl millet, Diori prepared himself and said that he [Djibo] had taken people’s lives, he had taken lives from people who needed the food, the red man had taken people’s lives. Now, when words spread that lives had been taken, a meeting was held, [Djibo] was overthrown, and Diori came to power. Are you listening? When they came to power, Djibo Bakary, I mean, Mr. Bubu and Diori obtained power. Things worked out well with Bubu in the parliament and Diori being the President. Now, according to Bubu, Mr. Bubu ….


――       Buubu, Buubu mey?

              Bubu, Bubu who?


M)          Buubu Hamma.

              Bubu Hama.


――       Nhun.



M)          Manti ni faham. A ne boro kaŋ ga kabu..., isa ra, kul kaŋ go Gurma, kul a si du... Hu'hu. Manti no din no. No-din wo bisa, ir man to no-din.

              You got it? He said …, “Those who are registered residents in the river but are on the west bank ….” No. That’s not it. We’ve passed that. We are not there yet.


――       Hun.



M)          Waato kaŋ wo-din ban. Ni go ga ma? I, i, i presi..., hayo, parti wo din ben. I ka, i na Joori zeeri. Seyni Kunce na zumandi. Seyni Kunce zumandi yoŋo banda, ni go ga ma, kaŋ Muse Buubu ka ka huro. Ay..., Muse..., boro, Ali Seybu ka ka huro. To, Ali Seybu yoŋo, ga no, kantoŋ, sefu da kantoŋey din, gey ka ka ne sohoŋ borey kaŋ go presidentara, ay ne borey kaŋ go gungey ra, da borey kaŋ go Gurma, sohoŋ gey naŋ gey fey. Tilabeeri meyra ne, Gurma meyra ne. To, sohoŋ boro kul kaŋ naŋ go Gurma, kul sinda fari gungo ra, boro kaŋ go gungo ra, da ni go Gurma da, ma gana ka ye Gurma, ni sinda fari Gurma. To, wo ka te wo te. Un.

              When it ended. Are you with me? Th-, th-, the Pres-…, let me see, when the party’s rule ended. Diori was overthrown. Seyni Kountche overthrew him. After Seyni Kountche overthrew him. Are you listening? That’s when Mr. Bubu came into power. I … Mr., it’s that person, Ali Saibou came into power. Now, [during the reign of] Ali Saibou and his people, the canton, the canton chiefs said, “From now on, those in the position of President …” No, that’s not right. The canton, the canton chiefs said, “From now on, we are going to distinguish those on the island and those on the west bank. Tilabeeri will rule here, and the west bank will rule here. Now, from now on, those on the west bank will not have a field on the island, and those on the island, even if they are on the west bank, they are not going to have a field on the west bank [unless] they move to the west bank.” So this is what happened.


――       Fo se i ga te yawo-cine. Ay wo ke ay man faham.

              Why did they do such a thing? I don’t understand.


M)          To. A, ko, a kantoŋey de ka wo te, prepaare ka te i na to hino do, i na te ya-din. Ga ti i ne borey kaŋ go Gurma da ya-here, kul ma gana ka ye. To, i ne : Da boro go Gurma, da ni man gana mo, ni sinda hu, ni sinda fari. Manti ni faham. Naŋ ga gana hinne ka ka. Waato, tamo din, boro boobo gana ka ye gungo wo ra. Ka fatta Gurma din ka ka ye gugo ra. To,...

              All right. Um, the co-, the canton chiefs did it. They made the arrangement by using their power and made it happen. And then they told people on the west bank and people over there [on the island] to move. Now, they said, “Even if you are on the west bank, you will have neither a house nor a field unless you move here.” Do you understand? “Come only if you move here.” At that time, many people came back to this island. They left the west bank and came back to the island. Now ….


――       May yoŋ, may yoŋ ka?

              Who, who came?


M)          Kaŋ yoŋ fun gungey ra? Ne-wo ra? To, guna C.C., S.C., J.C, ir bonkoyni wo da, beero kaŋ si i ga ne kal de Dulla.

              Who came back to the island? Here? All right. Look. C.C., S.C., J.C., and Dulla, the older brother of the chief here.


――       Dulla*.

              Dulla* [calling his father a different name].


M)          Oho, Dulla.. Ga mo bere. E...

              Mm. Dulla. He moved as well. Let me see ….


――       A ka ne da?

              Did he come here?


M)          A man ka ne, amma a ye Gaarokoyre.

              He didn’t come here. He went back to Gaarokoyre.


――       A, Gaarokoyre.

              Oh, Gaarokoyre [island].


M)          Maadulla. I koono ka sobey ka gana boro kul kaŋ Tilabeeri go, kul gana ka ye ka ka gungo wo ra. To, borey kaŋ si hin..., Tilabeeri gaara din, gey mey goro yaamo, kaŋ yoŋ mana hin ka fatta yoŋo, gey wey ber ka kabu yaamo, Teera ra.

              That’s right. They moved one after another, and all the people in Tilabeeri came back to the island. Now, those who couldn’t …, [those who couldn’t comply with] the order for people of Tilabeeri to move out, they just settled there. Those who couldn’t leave there ended up registering their residence in Tera.


              To, Sohoŋ wo ka borey din kul ka ne-wo, don sambu Looga ka Ɲajin-bangu-kaara k ey ga ne Conandow, a me a me kal Jaaya, a me a me Fuliyande wo de ikkul ga kabu. Ikkul koyra wo de ir ga kabu. Oho, amma soohoŋ kaŋ wo-din te, i ne ngey si gey key si ngey huwey taŋ, gey ga kabu yaamo Gurama ra. Oho, ga ti kabu yaamo Gurma ra din. Oho, to, sohoŋ wo-din ka ka ben sohoŋ. Boro fo fo go ga bere ka ka koyne. Oho.

              Now, this removed all the people from here. Everyone used to be residents of Fuliyande, from people in the Nyajin Bang Kaara [settlement] in Looga, also known as the Chonandou [settlement], to people in the Jaaya settlement. Everyone was a resident of this village. Mm. But after this incident, they said they couldn’t, they couldn’t leave their house, so they would just register their residence in the west bank. Hmm. Now, that’s over. Some of the people moved again. Hmm.


――       Wo-din ban yoŋo wo ke, mate kaŋ cine no a ban no?

              How did all this end?


M)          E?



――       Soojey ka? Waato kaŋ...

              Did soldiers come? I mean, when it happened ….


M)          Soojey man ka.

              Soldiers didn’t come.


――       I man ka.

              They didn’t come.


M)          I ne de soojey, i ga ka. I ne soojey ga ka boro kul kaŋ man gana, borey..., soojey ka k i ganandi. Amma i ne nongu yoŋ ra soojey ka, amma ir wey do soojey man ka.

              We heard soldiers would come. We heard soldiers would come, and those who wouldn’t move would be forced to move by those bastards …, those soldiers. I heard soldiers went to some places, but they didn’t come here.


――       Ho. Ne da here, ne da batoma ra.

              I see. Here. Around this area.


M)          Oho, batomey kul i ne sooje yoŋ ka ya-hare boro kaŋ man gana, kul i ga, i ga a ganandi da gaabi. Amma ir wey do ne, ir man di sooja fa.

              Right. We heard soldiers would be everywhere and people who hadn’t moved would be forced to move. But here, I didn’t see a single solider.


――       Ba Saatoni here mo, Korbore here mo.

              Not in Satoni or Korbore.


M)          Kul i man di Sooja.

              I didn’t see any soldiers.


――       Ha.



M)          Huun.



――       Ya-din no.

              Is that so?


M)          Hun. *

              Hmm. *[silent for ten seconds]




10-2.           代表解任騒動をめぐる語りRemarks regarding the incident over delegates’ removal

――       Wo-din banda no Saaba-Teera mo i na singi no?

              After that, the village of Saaba-Tera was established, right?


M)          Maadulla. Saaba-Teera mo, wo kaŋ singi, ni ga maar'a. Ay, Suley, Ali, B.A., K.S., ir gungo wo borey ne. Ni go ga ma? Ir gungo borey ne. Gurma mo, Gurma borey D.K.. Mey. T.B. Muusa yoŋ baaba yoŋ wey da. Boro, J.F.. L.F.. Isub. Adamu. * Ir borey wey, ir ka ne : Ir si ba Dalugey. Ni go ga ma? In ne : Ir si ba dalugey. Kaŋ d i na.., dalugey ka, zama dalugey naŋ go g ir zamba. Ir di ka yenge, ir di ka yenge, ir di ka yenge wo-din boŋ. Kal ir ka ka kurey fey..

              That’s right. I’ll let you know how Saaba-Tera was established as well. Me, Sourey, Ali, B.A., and K.S. are from the island. Are you listening? These are the people from our island. And as for the west bank, people from the west bank are D.K. That guy, M.A.’s father A.H. And then that guy, J.F. L.F., Isbou, and Adam. *[silent for six seconds] As for us, we said, “We don’t want the delegates.” Are you listening? We said, “We don’t want the delegates,” and tried to remove them. That’s because they, the delegates, were cheating us. We kept on fighting, fighting, and fighting over it. Then finally, our group ended up splitting up.


――       *Sobey ka har, sobey ka har.

              *[Getting a child who entered out the room] Please continue. Please continue.


M)          Ayyo. Kal ir ka ka kurey fey. K in na kurey fey din, i koy, ir ka ka to ciiti, komandan yoŋ ka. Ir ka ka koy ciiti han din. In na pala fo yoŋ ta, ay ne paley kaŋ ngey taali n i fey. Kaŋ da de gey, gey ma taŋ gey boŋ se, ngey ma no wo.., gey boŋ se, ir si yedda wo-din ga. To, ir di wo-din ra, ir di wo-din ra, kal kal kal ir ka ka to zuuzuma. To, ka ka zuuzuma, paley k ir noyandi din, komandan ne ir se sohoŋ ke wey-din i ma te ir wone. Wey kaŋ gey mey noyandi a ma te i wone. To, ni di, wo, wo ka han din sintino te, to, ir ka ka.., ir ka ka hayow, marga. In ne sohoŋ ir naŋ ga hun, ne-wo tiira ra. Ni go ga ma. In naŋ na hun Te..., ne-wo tira, ir ma koy ye...,

              All right. So our group ended up splitting up. Out group split up, and after a while, we had a trial, and the commander and others came. We went to the trial that day. We received some plots. No, I mean the plots they were going to redistribute unfairly. The plots they had set aside for themselves. The plots they had given themselves. We [said we] would not condone it. Now, then, then, it was finally the time for a judgement. Now, at the time of the judgement, the commander said to us that, from then on, the plots we had given away were going to be ours, and the plots they had given away were going to be theirs. Now, you see, this happened on the first day. Now, we came back, and let’s see, we had a meeting. We talked about leaving this place’s paper (removing our residence from here). Are you listening? We said we should leave T-, this place’s paper ….


――       Saaba.

              To Saaba.


M)          Ha'a. Saaba man du waat in. A man du waat in. In ne in naŋ ga hun ne tiira ra.

              No. There was no Saaba yet at that time. Not yet at that time. We were going to leave this place’s paper.


――       *Sobey.

              *[Getting the child out the room] Keep going.



10-3.           サーバ・テーラ村創設譚@ Story of the establishment of the village of Saaba-Tera I

M)          In ne sohoŋ wo-din, ir, ir, in ne, sohoŋ ir naŋ marga ka wo-din, ir ma maraga ka wo-din daŋ..., ir ma ir bonkoyno ceeci ka daŋ. Ir ma hun amiiru Fuliyande wo bande. To, wo-din ir ka k ir marga te, in na wo-din soola te, in ne ir si ba kal Isubu. Isubu ma huro jine ka te ir se bonkoyni. To, ga ka ti Isubu mo koy, a sobey ka huro ka fatta amiiru Kokor do kal a du presi..., a'a, kal a du bonkoynitara. To, hano kaŋ i ne gey ga ka ka kabu ir se, ir ka ka kabu, ay wo tun ne da. Ay ne ay ga koy kabu. Ni go ga ma?

              We said, “Now that this has happened, we, we, we should get together and assign … find and assign a chief. Let’s stop backing the chief of Fuliyande [the chief of Gaarokoyre].” Now, we had a meeting, prepared for it, and decided Isbou was the right person. We said Isbou should gain power and become our chief. Now, so Isbou went to see the chief of Kokor, and got the position of Pres- . . . no, chief. Now, on the day of registering our residence, we came to register our residence. I left here. I said I would go to register my residence there. Are you listening?


――       Huhun.



M)          Adamu, ga ka ay gaayi. A ne ay se ay si koy kabu. Ay go ga koy kabo do, ay to... Manti ni ga Adamu huwo bey?

              Adam stopped me. He told me not to go register my residence there. I was on my way to the place where they registered residence, and I …. You know where Adam’s house is, don’t you?


――       Un. Ay ga a bey.

              Yes, I do.


M)          To, ni bey kaŋ gey da Isubu huwo man moor cele. Ga no a na ay gaayi, ga ka kanda ay ka gaayi ka daŋ huwo ra ka ne ay si koy kabu. Ay ne a se ay ga koy. A ne ay se ay si koy. Ay ne a se ay ga koy. A ne ay se ay si koy. *

              All right. You know his house is not far from Isbou’s house, don’t you? He stopped me there, stopped me, brought me into his house, and told me not to go register my residence there. I said, “I’m going.” He said, “Don’t go.” I said, “I’m going.” He said, “Don’t go.” *[silent for three seconds]


――       Ha. Ifo se?

              Huh. Why?


M)          Ay ne a se : Fo se ni ne ay si koy. A ne : Ha'a. Ya goro de ay koyra ra, ba wo ba kaŋ gey kul haawandi din, gey man yedda. Ay ne a se : Ay ga haaw? Ay wo si hawando ra. Zama wo kaŋ se, ay ne a se ay si haawan do ra, guna ne-wo kaŋ ay go, Fuliyande koyra wo ra, ay sinda ba ba ba ba ba ba, ba, labu guri ize folloŋ kaŋ ga ay ka zafa ka ba filaana* ma du ra kari. Ay wo man du Fuliyande ra. Ya-din ga ay Fuliyande gora ka banza. Ay si ba ay si gora, a ne ay se : Wo hinne, ay ne a se : Wo hinne? Wo ma ga ay ga fatta. A ne ay se : To, ye, naŋ. Ga ga ay no fari. Fuliyande ra ihinka. Amma ay si koy kabu, ay ne : Man farey?. A ne hayni faro kaŋ ni ga di a go koyra bande wo da. Da ga mo faro kaŋ go ne-wo, a ne nga gey no ay se.

              I said, “Why are you telling me not to go?” He said, “No. You should live in my village. I can’t let you humiliate all of us like this.” I said, “Humiliate? I don’t understand why it can be humiliating.” The reason why I said I didn’t understand why it was humiliating is because, look, here in the Fuliyande settlement, where I am, I don’t even have the smallest, smallest, smallest, smallest, smallest parcel of land. I don’t even have land that I cultivated and that so-and-so* [his wife’s name] can use as a small garden. That means my life in Fuliyande is only temporary. I don’t want to live here. He said to me, “That’s it?” I said to him, “It’s important to me. That’s why I’m leaving.” He said to me, “All right. Go home. Leave it alone.” He was going to give me two fields in Fuliyande if I didn’t register my residence there. I said, “Which fields?” He said “The pearl millet fields right there behind the settlement.” He said he would give me the pearl millet fields and also a rice field there.


――       A no, a ne no ni se yaamo?

              Did he say he would give them to you, give them to you with no charge?


M)          A ne ay se yaamo. Ni di?

              He said he would give them to me with no charge. All right?


――       Ha.



M)          Ay waati din ay ne ay ka ka huro.

              Then I said I would stay [in Gaarokoyre].


――       Manti hi yoŋ no...

              He wasn’t lending them to you ….


M)          Manti hi yoŋ no. A ne nga no ay se. Kaŋ bor kul se hã, de ay koy ne. Ni di? Ga ka ti ay man koy kabu. Kaŋ kab wo ban, a ye ka ta farey. Manti ni faham.

              He wasn’t lending them to me. He said he would give them to me. Ask everyone. That’s why I came here. You see? That’s why I didn’t register my residence there. Once the registration was over, he took away the fields. Do you understand?


――       Ay faham.

              I understand.


M)          A ta farey.

              He took away the fields.


――       Ha.



M)          Adamu.

              Adam did.


――       Hun.



M)          A ta farey. Ga ka ti hano kaŋ a ka ka ne nga ga bonkoynitara wo di, ay wo guna, bandey, ay ne a se : Wallaahi ay si koy ni bande, boro kaŋ ga ay dabari mosoko ni bande. To, ga ka ti Isub bonkoynitara wo, wo ka te. Un.

              He took away the fields. So when he came to me and told me he wanted to get the position of chief, I said to him, “Wallahi. I would not back you. You already tell me what to do. I would not back you.” So that’s how Isbou got his position of chief. Mm.


――       Ay man faham. E, Adamu na fa..

              I don’t understand. Let’s see. Adam ….


M)          A n i ta. Za waato kaŋ i kab, kabkey dira, keyney ga ka ka bere, a zoora, a ne ay se hayni fend'ey.

              Took away my fields. Immediately after the registration was over, right after those who registered their residence left, his younger brothers came and started weeding, and he told me to forget about the pearl millet.


――       Maaleykom Salaam.

              Wa alaykumu as-salamu.


M)          Maaleykom Salaam. A n i ta.

              Wa alaykumu as-salamu. He took them away.


――       Ha.



M)          Oho. To, wo ka te.

              Mm. Right. That’s what happened.


来訪者    Mate war wiccira.

Visitor     How are you this evening?


M)          Samuyi kal baani. Samuyi. Samuyi.

              I’m fine. Fine. Fine.


来訪者    Ir ma wiccira baani.

Visitor     Have a good evening.


M)          To, amiin.

              Hmm. Amen.


〔録音停止〕Recording discontinued



10-4.           サーバ・テーラ村創設譚A Story of the establishment of the village of Saaba-Tera II

〔録音再開〕 Recording resumed

――       To, wo kaŋ ay man faham go no. Ga ti, hayo, sohoŋ da ay koy ka samb taasa yoŋo se no ay man faham. Sanga delugey, delugey ga ti pala kar yoŋo banda wala?

              Now, I’m not sure about something. That is, let’s see, I didn’t understand because I was getting some plates. So the delegates, the delegates came after the plots were built. Am I right?


M)          Pala karyoŋo bande. Waat in ir wey da ti delugey. Ni go ga ma. To, i go ga borey matunciga gumo, ay wo fatta dalgetara ra. Ay ne ay si baar'a. Ni go ga ma? In d'ey yenge wo dumo boŋ ay si baar'a. To, ga ka ti ngey mey ka sohoŋ, pala kul kaŋ naŋ koma, kul i naŋ ga samb ka no boro fo se. De ir wey ga baar'a, ir si duw'a, gan da gey dalgey din cala se i ga no. Amma ir sin no. Ir mey ne : Hal fo se wo go ga te. Doŋ s a ra kaŋ i ga hal pala koma, i m ir mey no. I ma si gey dalgey hinne no. To, wo ti ir yenga sintino. Kaŋ na ir mey ne : Wallahi a si te. Ga ti ir boŋ ga boŋ ir ka ka yenge, kal ir koy zuuzuma din. Oho. To, Zuuzuma yoŋo, waato kaŋ zuuzuma din ben, kaŋ in da komandaŋ koy zuuzuma, ir koy komanndan do ka koy zuuzuma din, waato kaŋ zuuzuma yoŋo ben, ga no in ne : To, sohoŋ ir mey ir si kab. Zama amiiru Fuliyande han din, ga ka ti...

              After the plots were built. We were the delegates at that time. Are you listening? Now, they put people in great misery. That’s why I left the position of delegate. I said I didn’t want it. Are you listening? I don’t like the kind of conflict we had with them. Now, that’s because they would immediately take plots that slipped away from people and redistribute them to one of their family members. So we couldn’t get them even if we wanted them. They were only redistributed to the delegates and their family. We said, “How can you do such a thing? This is unheard of. When plots slipped away, some of them used to be redistributed to us. You shouldn’t only give them to the delegates.” Now, this was the beginning of the dispute. We said, “Wallahi. That’s not good.” Then it led to a dispute, and we went to a trial. Mm. Now, the trial, when the trial was over, we and the commander [of Tilabeeri] went to the trial, we went to the commander for the trial, and the trial was over, and then we said, “All right. We are not going to back him anymore.” That’s because the chief of Fuliyande [the village of Gaarokoyre] at that time ….


――       Dalgey daŋ.

              He appointed the delegates.


M)          Ha'a. Ga wo dalgey se ka boori. Ni go ga ma? Ga ka huro dalgey se. Ir mey ne ir si baar'a. Ir si kab a bande. To, ga kate ir koy kabu waani. To, ga ka ti ir, ir no, ir kabo..., gurpo wo ka tarey, kaŋ koy minto din te, sohoŋ waato kaŋ in na minto te ka ben, boro boobo, hun minto din cire. Un. I ne ngey si yedda. To, ga ka ti amiiru, Isubu wo ka ka bonkoynitara wo, in na a ma koy ka a ceeci, kaŋ a ka ka ceeci, kaŋ a duw'a wo. Un. Amma manti boro fo ka daŋ, ir wey da ka a daŋ.

              No. He was cordial to the delegates. Are you listening? He supported the delegates. We said we didn’t want him. We were not going to back him. Now, that’s why we went somewhere else to register our residence. Now, that’s how we registered our residence …, took this group out, had a mint, and once we finished the mint, many people were in that mint. Mm. They said they were not going to condone it. Now, that’s how Isbou was chosen to become the chief, and we told him to look for it. He went to look for it and got it. Right. But it wasn’t anybody who assigned him the chief position. It was us.


――       Huun.



M)          Ir wey da ka a daŋ. Oho. Ir ka ne a ma fatta amiiru bande, ir ma a daŋ bonkoynitarey. Ga ti in na daŋ bonkoynitaro wo ra.

              It was us who assigned him the chief position. Mm. We said, “Let’s leave the chief. Let’s create a chief position.” That’s how we assigned him the chief position.


――       Ni ne minto? Minto ga ti mey no?

              You said “Mint.” Who is Mint?


M)          Danga, ir koy marga ya-cine wo, ga ka ti minto k ey ga ne.

              It means gathering like this. We call it a “mint.”


――       Ho.

              I see.


M)          Danga ir go ga marga, keyna keyna kul ir ma car samb, ir ma koy marga. Ir keyna keyna kul ir ma car samb ir ma koy marga, ir ma koy reeunion danga de de reeunion ya-cine wo. Oho, to, ga ka te waato kaŋ i ne a ban, waati din i ne sohoŋ ke ir, ir ma Isubu daŋ bonkoynitarey. A ma koy ceeci, ga kata a koy ceeci. Oho.

              So we have a meeting. We even bring little ones when we get together. We got together with little ones and had a reunion. This kind of reunion. Mm. Now, it was over. Then they said, “Let’s make Isbou the chief. Look for it and bring it back.” He looked for it and brought it back. Mm.


――       E, wan da may no go, e, minto wo ra.

              Let’s see. Who else besides you were in that mint?


M)          Ir kul, ay, borey kabu ni se wo kul, ir kul kaŋ g ey kabu ni se, ir kul go minto din ra pat!

              All of us. All the people I listed for you earlier, all of us were there for the mint.


――       De, ifo se war suuba Isubu?

              And why did you choose Isbou?


M)          A, a naŋ ga waani senni waat in, a si hambur mo. Oho. A si hambur, a ga key jine. Wo kaŋ ban ka ne wo-din ma te, wo-din boŋ a ga bu. Oho. Ga se in ne sohoŋ Isubu ga no a ga te ir se bonkoyni. Oho. Zanka no ke. Oho.

              Hmm. He was reasonable at that time. He was also fearless. Mm. He was fearless and stood before us. After something was over, he did everything he could to turn around what people said was not working. Right. That’s why we said we should make Isbou our chief. He was a child. Mm.


――       E. Kokor. Kokor. Kokor bonkoyni wo ke a man jin ka ne war se war ma koyra fersi? War man ne yawo-cine?

              Let’s see. Kokor, Kokor. Didn’t the chief of Kokor tell you guys to split the village beforehand? Didn’t you guys say that?


M)          Oho. Za, han din. A man ne.

              Oh. Not until that day. He didn’t.


――       A man ne. War no ka ne...

              He didn’t. You guys did ….


M)          Ir bumbey ka ne. Ir bumbey ka ne ir si, ir si ba ir bonkoyno wo Gaarokoyre bonkoyno wo ir si a gana. Waato din ir kul si kal Gaarokoyore bonkoyno bande. In ne ir si a gana. Ir naŋ ga a fey. To, waati k ir fey, ni go ga ma? Ga no ir ne Isubu se a ma koy ceeci bonkoynitarey. Oho. Waat in no a koy amiiru Kokor do, gen d'ey sa, geydey sa, gen d'a salaŋ. Ga kat'a a na a no bonkoynitara.

              We ourselves did. We ourselves said we didn’t like the chief of Gaarokoyre and we would not follow his orders. We all used to back the chief of Gaarokoyre. We said we would not follow his orders anymore. Let’s split up. Now, after we split up, you see, then we told Isbou to go and find the position of chief. Mm. Then he went to the chief of Kokor and had a talk, talk, talk. Then he was given the position of chief and brought it back.


              To, hano kaŋ kabu yoŋo go ka, a donto ka ne ir kul se, han filaana i ga ka ka kabu, ir ma ka. Oho, ga ti ay wo tun ne da, kal ay koy no-din. Ay ne ga to no-din, Adamu no ay gaayi ka ne ay se ay ma si koy. Ay ne a se fo se, in d'a ka ka di, ay ne a se ay ga koy. A ne ay se ay si koy. Ay ne a se wallahi ay ga koy. Waati din da in d'a de ay ne a se : Guna, Fuliyande ra, ba, ba naŋ kaŋ ay ga, ay ga, ay wande ka du kari, a si a ra. Ay sinda a ra. Ya-din ga ay ga koy. Ga ti a ne farey no ay se. To, ka ne ay se, waato kaŋ keydiya ka ka to, kaŋ borey ga fari duma, a ne ay se : Fend'ey. Manti ni faham. Ga ti ay fand'ey. Ir koy bine, ka k ey no, ay ka ka dey fari. Ay du fari ne-wo, ay du Tikooga din.

              Now, when the day of registration came, we were all told to come to register our residence on this day of this month. Mm. So I left here and went there. When I got there, Adam stopped me and told me not to go. I said, “Why? It’s something we and he decided. I’m going.” He said, “Don’t go.” I said, “Absolutely(Wallahi), I’m going.” That’s when I said, between us, “Listen. Over there, in Fuliyande, I don’t even have the smallest, smallest parcel of land where I, I, my wife could get a small garden.” So he gave me some fields. Now, that’s what he said, but when the rainy season came and people were about to sow seeds, he said, “Leave them alone.” You understand? So I left them alone. It was God’s blessing to give me the fields. I bought the fields. I got some fields here and some more in Tikooga.


――       May, may ga no ni dey?

              Who, who did you buy them from?


M)          Ay man dey kal filaana* ga. ** ***Filaana ga ay ne ay dey. Ay ne mo faro dey filaana ga, ay ne hayni faro dey filaana ga. Oho.

              I bought them from so-and-so* [Adam’s brother who shares the same father]. **[inaudible]*** [Making sure Adam and this older brother does in fact share the same father] I said I bought them from so-and-so. I bought a rice field from Adam and I also bought a pearl millet field from Adam. Mm.


――       Ha. Marje no?

              Okay. How much?


M)          Mate kaŋ ay ne ay dey?

              How much did I pay?


――       Oho. faro.

              Yes. For the fields.


M)          Faro. Fari fa, ay man dey kal zambar waranka cindi gu.

              Fields. One was 125,000 CFA franc.


――       Ho.



M)          Ifa, zambar wey cindi iyye.

              For the other one, I paid 170,000 CFA franc.


――       Ha.



M)          Ni faham.

              You got it?


――       Kal de ni dey wey-wey, ni man go, ni man goy da ni wone ba afo.

              Until you bought them, did you not have any fields where you worked?


M)          Ba ifo. Ay sinda ba ay bumbo wone fo.

              Even one. I didn’t have a single field of my own.


――       Huun. Ayyo.

              Huh. Is that so?


M)          Un.



――       Sanga de.., Adamu no ka ni zamba no?

              So does that mean Adam deceived you?


M)          Adamu ka ay zamba.

              Adam deceived me.


――       Ha.



M)          Adamu ka ay zamba. To, ga ti hano kaŋ hane, gan da amiir wo ka ka bonkoynitara di, ay mo boro kul kaŋ ga ay hina, ay si koy a bande.

              Adam deceived me. Right. So when he and the current chief tried to get the position of chief, I said I would not back anyone who would try to make me obey him.


――       Huun.



M)          Manti ni faham.

              Do you understand?


――       Ay faham.

              I understand.




11.   マラーウの語り(20051122) Maraaw’s remarks (November 22, 2005)

11-1.           集落と親族 Settlements and families

M)[89]        Fuliyande gungo wo, dumi hinka no. Gorɲo-haama, Fawru-haama.

               This place, Fuliyande, is made up of two dumis: Gornyo-haama and Fawro-haama.


――        Hawro-haama?

               You mean Hawro-haama?


M)           Fawru-haama.



――        Fawro-haama?

               Is it Fawro-haama?


M)           Oho. I dumi hinka din no. Oho. Gorɲo-haamey ke, gey ti bonkoyni-izey. Ni faham.

               Hmm. These two dumis. Hmm. Gornyo-haamey is the chief’s family. You understand?


――        Ay faham.

               I understand.


M)           Oho. To, Fawro-haamey mo, i windo no M.S. yoŋ no. Wo-ne Fawro-haamey windo no wo-ne.

               Hmm. Now, as for Fawro-haamey, their compound is at MS’s. That’s Fawro-haamey’s compound.


――        E, ya-din ga M.S. mo Fawro-haamey no?

               Let’s see. So is MS Fawro-haamey?


M)           Fawro-haama no. Oho.

               He is Fawro-haamey. Right.


――        Ya-din ga H.M. mo da N.K. mo.

               So HA and NK are, too.


M)           Oho. Fawro-haama no. Oho.

               Right. They are Fawro-haama. Hmm.


――        Da ni ya Gorɲo-haamey no.

               And are you Gornyo-haamey?


M)           Oho. Ay wo, dumi hinka no.

               Hmm. I belong to two dumis.


――        Un?



M)           Ay ɲa Fawru-haama no. Ni faham. Ay baaba Gorɲo-haama no. Oho. Ya-din no.

               My mother is Fawro-haama. You understand? My father is Gornyo-haama. Hmm. That’s right.


――        Ha ha ha. Da S.L., S.L. ya Gorɲo-haama no wala Fawro...

               I see. What about Seib? Is Seib Gornyo-haama or Fawro-….


M)           Fawro-haama no. Amma i gonda Gorŋo, Gorɲo here ce. Kaayo, Gorɲo-haama no. Oho. Kaayo Gorɲo-haama no.

               He is Fawro-haamey. But they also have origins in Gorgo, Gornyo. Their ancestors were Gornyo-haama. Right. Their ancestors were Gornyo-haama.


――        Un. Kaaga, a hun Gorɲo-haama no. Da T.K? Ya-din ga K.S..

               Hmm. Their ancestors were originally Gornyo-haama, I see. Then what about TK? I mean KS?


M)           Aa?



――        T.K.

               What about TK?


M)           T.K.. Fawru-haama no.

               TK. He is Fawru-haama.


――        Nda a ga hiiji da A.S..

               Then he married AS.


M)           Oho. Gorɲo-haama no.

               Right. [AS is] Gornyo-haama.


――        Oho. A, ya-din no. Ay man a bey. To, Fuliyande ra Gorɲo-haama go no, Fawro-haama go no.

               Ha. Is that so? I didn’t know that. Now, there are Gornyo-haama and Fawro-haama in Fuliyande.


――        To, nda sohoŋ, e, Boŋooga ya, Boŋooga ra..

               Now, next, let’s see, what about Bongooga, Bongooga?


M)           Boŋooga Gorɲo-haama de no go no kal de Hawsancey.

               In Bongooga, there is only Gornyo-haama except for the Hausa.


――        Ikkul Gorɲo-haama no?

               Is everyone Gornyo-haama there?


M)           Un.



――        Da Tikooga?

               What about Tikooga?


M)           Tikooga. Fawro-haama no go Tikooga. Un.

               Tikooga. In Tikooga, there is Fawro-haama. Hmm.


――        E, ya-din ga Tikoga ra Gorɲo-haamey i si no?

               I mean, so is there no Gornyo-haamey in Tikooga?


M)           A si no.

               There isn’t.


――        A si no.

               There isn’t?


M)           Un.



――        Oho. Ay faham. Nda sohoŋ... Gurawa jina. Gurawa.

               Ha. I see. Then …, first, what about Guraawa, Guraawa?


M)           Guraawa Bonda-haama yoŋ no.

               Guraawa just has Bonda-haama.


――        Bonda-haama yoŋ. Borey kul Bonda-haama yoŋ no?

               Is it Bonda-haama? Are they all Bonda-haama?


M)           Guraawa borey kul Bonda-haama yoŋ no.

               Everyone in the Guraawa settlement is Bonda-haama.


――        Ho. Ya-din no. Doŋ, doŋ borey Bonda-haamey yoŋ mo, Fawro-haamey yoŋ mo, Gorɲo-haamey mo, e, i goyda, e, fo no i ga ne, i goyda baaba, i goyda baaba fo?

               Ha. Is that so? Let’s see, a long time ago, were Bonda-haamey, Fawro-haamey, and Gornyo-haamey, let’s see. How should I put it? Do they all share the same father?


M)           Oho.



――        Wal i sinda?

               Or do they not have one?


M)           O, guna Bonda-haamey din, manti kal gey wone nda isa, Isa-koyey no.

               Ah, you see, Bonta-haamey is …, the river belongs to them. They are the owners of the river.


――        A, Bonda-haamey.

               Ah, Bonda-haamey.


M)           Guraawa borey.

               People in Guraawa.


――        Ho, isa.

               Ha, the river.


M)           Isa, gey no, wone nda, gey, ha kaŋ go a ra kul, i woney. Heri kaŋ go isa ra kul i woney.

               The river belongs to them, them. Everything in the river belongs to them. Everything in the river belongs to them.


――        Ho. Hay kaŋ go isa ra kul gey wone?

               Ha. Everything in the river belongs to them, huh?


M)           Gey wone no. Un. Da hay fo dere ni se haro ra sohoŋ, danga jiney fo dere ni se haro ra sohoŋ wala ni hiyo no mun isa ra, kul ni ga koy har i se. I ga ka ka miri ka koy ganda ka guna, i ga di, i ga kand'a.

               Everything belongs to them. Right. If you lose something in the water, for example, if your boat sinks in the river, you go talk to them. They swim to the bottom of the river, look for it, find it, and bring it to you.


――        Ho. Ya-din ga fo no i ga ne, e, Do.

               Ha. So what is it called? Let’s see. Are they Do?


M)           Oho.



――        E. Guraawa borey kul ga Do no?

               Let’s see, is everyone in Guraawa Do?


M)           Oho.

               That’s right.


――        Un. ha, ha, ha, ha. Da, a, Saaba.

               Ha. Hm, hm, hm. And I’d like to ask you about the Saaba settlement next.


M)           Saaba. Saaba din, ga mo kunda hinza no a ra.

               The Saaba settlement. In the Saaba settlement, there are three groups (kunda hinza n a ra).


――        "Kunda hinze naa ra"? Haamey maayo no?

               “Kunda, Hinza, Naara.” Are they the names of someone’s descendents?


M)           Gorɲo-haamey go a ra. Hun?

               First, there is Gornyo-haamey. Hmm.


――        Ha.



M)           Fawro-haamey go a ra. Urufa-borey go a ra.

               There is Fawro-haamey. There is Urufa-borey.


――        Urufa, haamey?

               Urufa-…, haamey.


M)           Oho. Urufa-borey.

               Hmm. It’s Urufa-borey.


――        Urufa-borey. Urufa-borey... Urufa ya maayo kaŋ go ya-hare wala?

               Urufa-borey. Urufa-borey …. Isn’t Urufa the name of the place over there?


M)           Oho. To, i borey go no. I borey go no, i borey, i, i kuk, i kuunda go no Saaba din ra. Ni faham.

               Ah, right. Those people are there. Those people are there. Th---, all of those people …, that group is in Saaba. You understand? Yeah. Right. Those people are there. Those people are there. Th---, all of those people …, that group is in Saaba. You see?


――        Ay faham.

               I see.


M)           E, Ni man di Saaba gonda bonkoyni fo ya-hare kaŋ, manti ir wona.

               Well, do you know Saaba has another chief on that side? The chief that’s not ours?


――        Ha, ha, ha.

               Hm, hm, hm.


M)           Gaarokoyre Teera.

               In Gaarokoyre Tera.


――        Oho, Teera. Oho, oho, oho.

               Oh, Tera. Yes, yes, yes.


M)           To, Urufa-borey no no-here.

               Right. Urufa-borey is on that side.


――        Ha.



M)           Oho. Wey-din Urufa-boro yoŋ no.

               Hmm. They are Urufa-boro.


――        Urufa-boro. Ya-din ga boro kaŋ ga fatta Urufa ka goro ya-hare.

               Urufa-boro. So these are the people who decided to leave Urufa to live over there?


M)           Ka goro ya-hare.

               They are the people who decided to live over there.


――        Ha.



M)           Amma Kurtey yoŋ no.

               But they are Kurtey.


――        A, ikul Kurtey yoŋ no?

               Oh, are they all Kurtey?


M)           Ikul Kurtey yoŋ no.

               They are all Kurtey.


――        Ya-din no. Ni si farga?

               Is that so? Are you tired?


M)           Un.



――        Ni si farga?

               Are you tired?


M)           Ay si.




11-2.           ゴルニョ・ハーメイについての系譜語り Remarks about Gornyo-haamey’s lineage

――        To, sohoŋ ay ga ba ka hã, to, ya-din ga Gorɲo-haamey. Gorɲo-haamey ya, Gorɲo. Gorɲo na sintin ka te Gorɲo-haamey wala? Ya-din ga Gorɲo-haamey izey ya kul Gor, e,baaba baaba baaba baaba da baaba, ga te Gorɲo no. Wala? To, ya-din ga za Gorɲo kal de ni, ay ga ba ka bey mate cine boro ga, fo no i ga ne, boro ga sey ka sey ka sey.

               Now, what I’d like to ask you about next is, now, so, about Gornyo-haamey, Gornyo-haamey; Gornyo, a person named Gornyo started Gornyo-haamey, right? So everyone in the Gornyo-haamey family, I mean, their great-great-great grandfather is Gornyo, right? Is that right? Now, if that’s the case, I’d like to know how people from Gornyo to those in your generation…, how can I put it, how they descended. 


M)           Oho. Dumo ma sey ka ba. Guna, Gorɲo-haamey wey, i kaayey...

               Ah, you mean how the family descended and grew in number? Listen, the ancestors of Gornyo-haamey ….


――        I kaayey. Un.

               Their ancestors. All right.


M)           Man tun kal za, Gorɲo wo Beegun no na hay.

               At the beginning, this person named Gornyo sired Beegun.


――        Beegun izo ya Gorɲo no?

               Is Beegun’s child Gornyo?


M)           Oho. Beegun, Gorɲo.

               Hmm. Beegun, Gornyo.


――        Beegun Gorɲo.

               Beegun Gornyo.


M)           Oho. Beegun Gorɲo.

               Right. Beegun Gornyo.


――        Beegun Gorɲo. Un. Huhun. Nda?

               Beegun Gornyo. All right. Then?


M)           Gorɲo, Isa ti baabo.

               Gornyo’s father is Isa.


――        Gorɲo baaba ya, Isa?

               Gornyo’s father is Isa.


M)           Isa.



――        Gorɲo go no, Gorɲo izo ya Beegun no?

               There was Gornyo …, and Gornyo’s child is Beegun, right?


M)           Oho.



――        A booli?

               Am I right?


M)           Un. Beegun Gorɲo.

               Hmm. Beegun Gornyo.


――        Beegun Gorɲo.

               Beegun Gornyo.


M)           Oho. Isa Beegun. Ni hantum Isa Beegun?

               Hmm. Isa Beegun. Did you write down Isa Beegun?


――        Oho, oho.

               Yes, I did.


M)           To, Beegun Gorɲo.

               All right. Beegun Gornyo.


――        To, e, ay ga hantum koyne.

               Yes, let’s see, I will write it down one more time.


M)           Ayyo.

               Oh yeah?


――        Sintinay, e.

               First, let’s see.


M)           Isa.



――        Isa, ay hantum.

               I got Isa.


M)           Isa Beegun.

               Isa Beegun.


――        To.



M)           Beegun Gorɲo.

               Beegun Gornyo.


――        Beegun Gorɲo.

               Beegun Gornyo.


M)           Gorɲo Siyaaka.

               Gornyo Siyaaka.


――        Siyaaka.



M)           Siyaaka Haŋadumbu.

               Siyaaka Hangadumbu.


――        Haŋadumbu. Huhun.

               Hangadumbu. All right.


M)           Oho. Haŋadumbu din, ay si baabo bey.

               That’s right. I don’t know who Hangadumbu’s father was.


――        Uhun. Haŋadumbu ya man boro no? Za doŋ...

               Ha. Where was Hangadumbu from? A long time ago ….


M)           Za doŋ borey no.

               Someone from a long time ago.


――        Un, za doŋ a go ne da Fuliyande, Gaarokowaara ya-hare?

               No. I mean, a long time ago, was this person in Fuliyande? Or was he in the Gaarokuwaara Island over there?


M)           Oho.



――        Gungo ra?

               Was he in that Island?


M)           Oho.



――        Ya-din ga Kurutey no?

               So he is Kurtey.


M)           Oho. Kurtey no.

               Hmm. He is Kurtey.


――        Ha, ha, ha.

               Hm, hm, hm.


M)           To, Beegun din.

               Now, as for Beegun.


――        Gorɲo?

               You mean Gornyo?


M)           Beegun.

               No, Beegun.


――        Beegun.



M)           Oho. A hay ize boobo.

               Right. He had many children.


――        Beegun ga, a hay ize boobo. Uhun.

               Beegun had many children. Okay.


M)           Ize jina Isa. Wala?

               The eldest son was Isa, right?


――        Ize jina Isa. Oho.

               The eldest son was Isa. Okay.


M)           Isa banda, a hay Hiri.

               After Isa, he had Hiri.


――        Hayhili?



M)           Hiri.

               It’s Hiri.


――        Hili?



M)           Hiri.

               It’s Hiri.


――        Hiri.

               It’s Hiri.


M)           Oho. Ay kaay no wo-din Hiri.

               Right. Hiri is my ancestor [= grandfather].


――        Oho. Hili.

               Oh, Hiri is.


M)           Hiri.

               Yes, Hiri.


――        Hiri. Un. Isa go no, Hiri go no?

               Hiri. Okay. So there was Isa, then there was Hiri?


M)           A hay Sandaari.

               He sired Sandaari.


――        Sandaari.



M)           Oho. Tabba kaayi no wo din.

               Right. He’s TD’s ancestor.


――        Tabba kaay no.

               TD’s ancestor is ….


M)           Un. Sandaari.

               Right. Sandaari.


――        Oho.

               All right.


M)           A hay Beybey.

               He sired Beibei.


――        Beybey?



M)           B.H. kaay no wo-ne.

               He is BH’s ancestor [= grandfather].


――        Ho.



M)           A hay Buɲo.

               He sired Bunyo.


――        Buɲo.



M)           Un. Buɲo wo izo wey yoŋ no a du, boro hinka no.

               Hmm. Bunyo had two girls.


――        Boro hinka.

               Two girls.


M)           Un. I ga ne ifa se Meyya.

               Right. One was named Meiya.


――        Meyya.

               Meiya. Okay.


M)           Ifa mo ay si bey, a, Hawwa.

               The other one was, let’s see, oh, Hawwa.


――        Hawwa.



M)           Un.



――        Weyboro no?

               They are women, right?


M)           Weyboro hinka no.

               Two females.


――        Wey boro hinka no a hay.

               He sired two females.


M)           A du.

               He got them.


――        A du. Huhun. Isa, Hiri, Sandaari, e, Beybey, Buɲo.

               He got them. I see. Isa, Hiri, Sandaari, let’s see, Beibei, Bunyo.


M)           Oho. To, a hay Muusa.

               That’s right. Now, he sired Musa.


――        Muusa.



M)           Muusa, Hamma Hammadu kaayi no.

               Musa is Hamma Amadou’s ancestor.


――        Hamma?



M)           Hammadu, kaŋ go Ɲamey, kaŋ ti "parmier-ministor", wo-din.

               It’s Hammadou in Niamey, the Prime Minister.


――        Ho, Hamma Amadu.

               Ha. Hamma Amadou.


M)           Oho. A kaayi no ti Muusa.

               That’s right. His ancestor is Musa.


――        Oho, ay faham. Hammadu kaayi. Ya-din ga Hamma Amadu Muusa no?

               Ha. I see. He is Hammadou’s ancestor. So is that Hamma Amadou Musa?


M)           Un. Muusa ti kaayi.

               Right. Musa is his ancestor.


――        Amadu Muusa ya Hamma Amadu baaba no?

               Is Amadou Musa Hamma Amadou’s father?


M)           Ee?



――        Amadu Muusa. Amadu Muusa ti...

               Amadou Musa. Is Amadou Musa ….


M)           Hamma Hammadu.

               It’s Hamma Hammadou.


――        Hamma Ammadu.

               Hamma Ammadou.


M)           Oho. A kaayi, a kaayi no ka ti Muusa.

               Right. His ancestor, his ancestor is Musa.


――        Ya-din ga Muusa Beegun ga ti ga kaaga.

               So a person named Musa Beegun is his ancestor.


M)           Ga kaaga.

               His ancestor.


――        Uhun.



M)           Baabo baaba.

               His father’s father.


――        Baabo baaba.

               His father’s father.


M)           Ga ti Muusa.

               That’s Musa.


――        Huun.




11-3.           首長位の継承過程@ Succession of the position of chief I

――        Amma Isa ga ti bonkoyni wala?

               But Isa was the chief, right?


M)           Oho, Isa ga ti bonkoyni jina.

               Right. Isa was the first chief.


――        Ha.



M)           A banda, Hiri.

               Then it was Hiri.


――        A. Waato kaŋ Isa bu, Hiri ga ti, bonkoyni.

               Ah. After Isa died, Hiri became the chief.


M)           Bonkoyni. Waato kaŋ Hiri bu, Sandaari, a ga te Bonkoyni. Waato kaŋ Sandaari bu, Diriisu Isa. Diriisu din, Isa ize no.

               The chief. After Hiri died, Sandaari became the chief. After Sandaari died, Diris Isa became the chief. Diris was Isa’s child.


――        Diriisu.



M)           Un. Diriisu ti..., e, Kudi yoŋ baaba. Kudi manti ni ga bey?

               Right. Diris is …, let me see, Kudi and those guys’ father. You know Kudi, don’t you?


――        Kudi. Ay si a bey. E.

               Kudi? I don’t know him. Um ….


M)           Wo da Buuba yoŋ baaba wo.

               He is the father of Buba and other guys there.


――        Kudi? Buuba? A, o, Buuba baaba.

               Kudi? Buba’s father. Ha. Oh, Buba’s father.


M)           Oho, ga ti Kudi. Oho. Cirɲi no i ga ne a se.

               Right. That’s Kudi. He was also known as Chilni.


――        Nhun.

               I see.


M)           Oho, Cirɲi.

               Right, Chilni.


――        A, Cirɲi mo Kudi mo ikkul afo no.

               Oh, are Chilni and Kudi the same [name]?


M)           Oho. Ikkul afo. Oho, Cirɲi din, Diriisu ize no.

               Right. They are the same. Hmm. Chilni is Diris’s child.


――        Ha.



M)           Oho. Waato Sandaari bu, Diriisu no ti bonkoyni. Oho

               Hmm. After Sandaari died, Diris became the chief. Hmm.


――        Ay faham. Da Diriisu banda?

               I see. And after Diris?


M)           Diriisu kaŋ a bu, a gonda ize aru beeri fo, kaŋ se i ga ne a se Alzuma.

               After Diris died, he had an older son named Alzuma.


――        Alzuma.



M)           Oho, Alzuma no te bonkoyni.

               Right. Alzuma became the chief.


――        Ha. Alzuma Diriisu.

               Ha. Alzuma Diris.


M)           Oho. Alzuma din kaŋ a bu, a gonda ize aru beeri fo, kaŋ se i ga ne a se Dulla., Dulla. no te bonkoyni.

               Right. When Alzuma died, he had an older son named Dulla, so Dulla became the chief.


――        Ya-din ga Dulla., a, Dulla*..

               So Dulla, oh, Dulla* [using a different name to refer to the father]


M)           Dulla..



――        Huhun.

               I see.


M)           Oho. Dulla bu,Sandi, a te bonkoyni.

               Hmm. Dulla died, and then Sandi became the chief.


――        Ho. Ya-din ga Dulla keyna no.

               Ha. So Dulla’s brother.


M)           O, Dulla keyna yoŋ no.

               Right. One of Dulla’s brothers.


――        Huhun. Ga ti bonkoyni. To, Sandi banda?

               I see. He became the chief. Now, what about after Sandi?


M)           Sandi go no sohoŋ, Sandi no go no sohoŋ.

               Sandi is still there, you know. Sandi is still there.


――        Oho. Ay faham. Huun. Ay ga miile, ya-din no, ay faham. N? Cirɲi. Oho. Sandaari. Diriisa Isa.

               Oh, I see. Ha. I just thought …. I see. I understand. Wait. Chilni. Oh, Sandaari. Diris Isa.


M)           Diriisu Isa, Isa Beegun, Hiri Beegun, Sandaari Beegun, Beybey Beegun, Buɲo Beegun, Muusa Beegun.

               Diris Isa, Isa Beegun, Hiri Beegun, Sandaari Beegun, Beibei Beegun, Bunyo Beegun, Musa Beegun.


――        Muusa Beegun.

               Musa Beegun.


M)           Amma Beegun izey i ga ba, jerey ay si i bey.

               But Beegun has so many children I don’t know the rest.


――        Huun. Ay faham.

               Really. All right.



11-4.           初代首長イサ・ベーグンと奴隷制について Regarding Isa Beegun, the first chief, and slavery

――        A. Isa Beegun. A gonda gaabi?

               Let’s see. Did Isa Beegun have power?


M)           A gonda gaabi. E, Isa Beegun, boro no kaŋ a gonda "darza".

               He had power. Well, Isa Beegun had “dalza [prestige, metaphor for magical powers].”


――        Darza? A gonda darza?

               Dalza? He had dalza.


M)          Amma gaabi wo, Hiri Beegun ga no te gaabi nda Beegun izey kul.

               But when it comes to power, Hiri Beegun had the strongest power of all Beegun’s children.


――        Ho. Ya-din no. E, darza? Darza ti fo no? A, ay faham. Maayo. Ma*.

               Ha. Is that so? Let me see. You said “dalza.” What is dalza? *[looks up the word in a dictionary] Oh, I see. It means name, name.


M)          Oho.



――       A maayo kul ga a bey.

               It means everyone knows his name.


M)          Oho.



――       Amma wiza, Hiri. A goyda gaabi.

              But it was actually Hiri. He had power.


M)          A goyda gaabi. Oho

              He had power. That’s right.


――       Ho. Ya-din no. E, tira kaŋ annasaara ka hantum...., Japon. Japon ra ay bey Isa Beegun no.

              Ha. Is that right? Let’s see. On some paper written by a white …, right, Japan. I knew the name Isa Beegun back in Japan.


M)          Ayyo.

              Did you?


――       Ka hantum Isa Beegun. To, da a ne Isa Beegun waate, Kurtey borey ga koy kal de beene.

              [A white] mentioned his name in some paper. Now, he [the white] said the people of Kurtey had gone all the way up to the upstream [on the Niger River] during Beegun’s time.


M)          Oho, kal Maali.

              Oh, yeah. Up to Mali.


――       Unhun. A, ka du, fo no i ga ne, ka te ka wongu. Ka du...

              Right. And, let’s see, how should I put it? A war. To get [something] ….


M)          Boro. Oho, ka ka nonguriyo ka te banniya.

              To get people. Hmm. To bring them here and make them slaves.


――       Uhun. Isa Beegun waate no?

              Yes. Was it during Isa Beegun’s time?


M)          Isa Beegun waate no.

              It was during Isa Beegun’s time.


――       Ha. Hiri waate mo war te ya-cine?

              Ha. Did you guys do the same during Hiri’s time?


M)          Ay si no ay wo.

              I wasn’t there [at that time].


――       Un.



M)          E, Isa da Hiri kul, car bande no i tun.

              Let me see. Isa and Hiri. They grew up together.


――       Ya-din no. Waato kaŋ annasaara ka, Fulansi borey ka, may no ga bonkoyni no?

              Did they? When whites came, when the French came, who was the chief?


M)          Waato Annsaarey ka? Isa Beegun no go bonkoyni.

              When whites came, Isa Beegun was the chief.


――       A, Isa Beegun waate no.

              Oh, it was during Isa Beegun’s time.



11-5.           デーサ首長とゴルニョ・ハーメイの親族関係 The family relationship between the chief of Dessa and Gornyo-haamey

――       A, da Isa Beegun nda Deesa. Deesa Amiiru, i sinda dumitarey no?

              Let me see. So are Isa Beegun and Dessa, the chief of Dessa [canton] related?


M)          I go.

              They are.


――       I go. Mate cine?

              They are. How are they related?


M)          Sohoŋ, Deesa amiiru wo, Hassan Hamisatu, a wone Isa...

              About that, the chief of Dessa, Hassan Hamisatou, he ….


――       E, Hassan, e, baaba maayo fo no?

              Let’s see, Hassan. Let’s see, what’s his father’s name?


M)          I si ne kal Hassan Hamma. Oho. To, Hassan Hamma din, Isa Beegun ize wey beero ga no a ga hiiji.

              His name is Hassan Hamma. Hmm. Now, the daughter of Isa Beegun married Hassan Hamma.


――       Isa Beegun?

              Isa Beegun’s daughter.


M)          Ize wey beero kaŋ se i ga ne, Kadi.

              Her name is Kadi.


――       Kadi.

              Kadi. Okay.


M)          Kadi Isa.Ga no Hamm..., e, Hassan din ga hiiji, Hassan Hamma. Oho

              Kadi Isa. She married Ham---, let’s see, Hassan, Hassan Hamma. Hmm.


――       Ho.



M)          Oho, kaŋ ti bonkoyni, bonkoyno. Oho

              Right. She married him, the chief. Hmm.


――       Ha, ha, ha. E. Ya-din no. Amma e, ay ga miile Deesa borey mo Fuliyande borey mo, Garokoyre borey mo, ikkul Kurtey borey no.

              Hm, hm, hm. Well, is that so? But let’s see, to me, the people of Dessa, the people of Fuliyande, and the people of Gaarokoyre are all Kurtey, aren’t they?


M)          Ikkul Kurtey borey no. Amma.

              They are all Kurtey, but.


――       Amma?



M)          E, boro fo yoŋ go no kaŋ hondi ra, dumitarey, boro yoŋ go no kaŋ Kurtey yoŋ no ne-wo da, amma gen d'a i si dumi.

              Well, they are Kurtey here, but some of them are not related to that family over there.


――       Ho.



M)          Amma, ay wo, ay baaba ɲoŋo Deesa boro no. Ni faham.

              But me, my father’s mother was from Dessa. You understand?


――       Ni baaba ɲoŋo, ya-din ga ni kaaga wey.

              Your father’s mother. You mean your grandmother.


M)          Oho. Deesa boro no. Ni faham. Deesa bonkoyno wone izo ize no. Ya-din ga ay kaaga woyo, Deesa boro no. Ni faham.

              Right. She was from Dessa. You understand? She was a grandchild of the chief of Dessa. That’s why we can say my grandmother was from Dessa. You understand?


              Oho. Amma boro yoŋ go no kaŋ dumitarey i si i gamey ra, boro yoŋ go, boro yoŋ mey go no kaŋ gey ga dumi.

              Hmm. But some people claim they are related even though they are not.


              Oho. Boro boobo go no kaŋ yoŋ gonda i ɲeyze, kaŋ gey ga dumi. Boro yoŋ mo go no kaŋ gey ga dumitarey si i gamey ra. Amma ikul Kurtey no.

              Hmm. Many people say they are relatives, they belong to the same family. [Among those people,] some are not related [to the chief of Dessa]. But they are all Kurtey.


              Amma Kurtey kul, i famiiyo go ganda, Jamaare.

              But they are all Kurtey. Their family is in Jama’are, downstream [on the Niger River].


――       Jamaare. Jamaare? E, koyra maayo?

              Jama’are [tries to find it on a map]? Jama’are. Um, is that a name of a village?


M)          Koy..., e, Jamaare din, koyrey ga ba. Oho. Ni di Jamaare din, guna, Maluŋ yoŋ go no, Kosaraamiyo yoŋ go no, Zemey yoŋ go no, e, Jeja, Jeje yoŋ go no, Garbeegunjiya yoŋ go, Boŋa yoŋ go no, Faana yoŋ go no. Koyrey ga ba. Kaŋ jerey ay si ba maayey bey, i go no, i ga koy. Kal ra Sonsoni.

              A village … Well, there are many villages in Jama’are. Hmm. Listen, in Jama’are, there is Marun, Kosaraamiyo, Zemey, let’s see, Jeja, I mean Jeje, Karubeegunja, Bonga, and Faana. There is an infinite number of villages there, so I don’t even know all the names. There are many. All the way up to Sonsoni.


――       Kal de Sonsoni, a, ay faham, ay faham.

              Oh, up to Sonsoni. I see. I see.


M)          Oho. Kul Kurtey no wey din. Ikul mo i ɲeyzey go beene, wal Deesa, ga ka koy Fuliyan, Gaarokoyre, Fuliyande.

              Hmm. People in these villages are all Kurtey. Their relatives are dispersed from Dessa, upstream [on the Niger River], to Fuliyan-, Gaarokoyre, Fuliyande.


――       Ho. Ay faham. Amma, Kur... Un annasaara, tira fo kaŋ annasaara fo hantum, a ne Kurtey borey dumi boobo go no, Kurtey borey bumbo ra mo dumi boobo go no, amma ikkul fatta Me, Meyana, wal Menaka? To, ay go ka, Gawo no.

              Ha. I see. But Kur---, yeah. A white, a white wrote in a book that the Kurtey have many relatives. The Kurtey have many relatives, but all of them came [from a certain place]. Let’s see. Meyana, Menaka ... Hold on one second. It’s Gao.


M)          Gaawo.



――       Ya-din ga Mali no.

              In Mali.


M)          Mali no. O, Kuttey mo fun kal Maasina.

              Mali. Yeah. Kurtey came from Macina.


――       A., Maasina, Maasina, Maasina.

              Oh, Macina, Macina, Macina.


M)          Un. Kuttey Maasina no i hun. Ay go ka.

              That’s right. The Kurtey came from Macina. Give me one second.


〔録音中断〕Recording discontinued


11-6.           首長位の継承過程A Succession of the position of chief II

〔録音再開〕[Recording resumed]

M)           Ay dere nongu fo. E, waato kaŋ, e, Diriisu Isa din a te bonkoyni din,

               I made one mistake. Well, it’s about when Diris Isa became the chief.


――        Oho, Diriisu Isa.

               Okay. Diris Isa.


M)           Oho, ka te bonkoyni din, kul i na Diriisu Isa ka, i daŋ Hassan. Hassan Isa.

               Right. Immediately after Diris Isa became the chief, people removed him and assigned Hassan, Hassan Isa to the position.


――        Hassan Isa.

               Hassan Isa?


M)           Oho, Hassan Isa go no kaŋ ti B.H. baaba.

               Right. There was Hassan Isa, the father of BH.


――        Hassan Isa. A, e, Isa go no, Hiri go no, Sandaari go no, Beybey go no, Buɲo go no, Muusa go no, da Hassan go no?

               Hassan Isa. Um, let’s see. There was Isa, Hiri, Sandaari, Beibei, Bunyo, Musa, and then there was Hassan?


M)           Hu'un. Hassan din Isa ize no.

               No. Hassan is Isa’s child.


――        Isa. A, ni ga cim, ni ga cim, ni ga cim. Isa ize Hassan. Diriisu banda, Hassan Isa.

               Isa. Oh, that’s right, that’s right, that’s right. Isa’s child is Hassan. After Diris, it was Hassan Isa, right?


M)           Oho. Ya-din no.

               Hmm. That’s right.


――        Nhun. E, Hassan ka, Hassan haama i go no?

               I see. Let me see. Does Hassan have descendants?


M)           N?



――        Hassan haama E, Hassan Isa haama. Sohoŋ Garokowaara ra, i go no?

               Hassan’s descendants. Um, are Hassan Isa’s descendants in Gaarokoyre now?


M)           Hassan. Hassan, ga izo ti Botoga.

               Oh, Hassan. Hassan’s child is BH.


――        Hassan izo ga ti Botoga.

               Hassan’s child is BH.


M)           Ya-din no. Oho. Haruuna wo da kaŋ go ne, Botoga wo. Ali yoŋ baaba. Hassan izo no. Dottiijaa din, manti ni ga a bey?

               That’s right. Hmm. It’s Haruna [another name of BH] there. It’s BH. Ali’s father and BH’s child. That elder. You know him, don’t you?


――        Ya-din ga Sooja?

               So it’s Soja [another name of BH], right?


M)           Sooja. Oho, baabo, ga ti Botoga.

               It’s Soja. Right. His father is Bodoga.


――        Huun. Ay faham.

               Ha. I see.


M)           To, waato kaŋ Diriisu, hun, ga no Hassan din... Alzuma ga huro.

               And when Diris left [the position of chief], Hassan …


――        Hassan ga te, huhun, Hassan ga huro. Nda Hassan banda.

               Hassan became the chief. I see. Hassan became one. Then after Hassan, Alzuma became the chief.


M)           Alzuma. Hun.

               Alzuma. Right.



11-7.           クルテイの起源・移住過程について The origins of the Kurtey and their migration process

――        Oho. Ay faham. Ya-din no. Tira fo kaŋ annasaara fo no ka hantum, a ne Kurtey borey ga ti Fulaŋey no.

               Ha. I see. Is that right? According to the book written by a white, the Kurtey are originally Fulbe.


M)           Un. Fulaŋey no.

               Right. They are Fulbe.


――        Cimi no?

               Is that true?


M)           Fulaŋey no. Un. Waato kaŋ i hun Maasina, waat in Fulaŋ yoŋ no. Waato kaŋ Kurtey hun Maasina, waat in Fulaŋ senni i ga te. Oho. Waati din mo boro bi si, sanga ir ya-cine wo, i ga cirey coy no.

               They are Fulbe. Hmm. When they left Macina, they were Fulbe. When the Kurtey left Macina, they spoke the Fulbe language. Hmm. They were not Black like us, but they were red.


――        I ga cirey coy no. Ha. Amma mate cine i ga barmey?

               They were red. Ha. But why did that change?


M)           Wo kaŋ naŋ i barmey? Kaŋ i ka nonguriyo wo, ni faham. Jerey i hiiji Wogey ra.

               Why did it change? When they came here, you see, some of them married Wogo.


――        Jerey i hiiji Wogey ra.

               Some of them married Wogo.


M)           Wogey ra, jerey hiiji Kaadey ra. To, ya-din no i dumo te ka sobey ka barmey, jerey mey i ga hiiji gan da cere ya-cine wo, gan da cere ya-cine wo i ga sobey ka hiiji calla, hala sohoŋ ya andunɲa ra borey din ya koyd'a Fulaŋ senni, sohoŋ borey kokor ka tun din, ya koyd'a gey Fulaŋ senno, Fulaŋ senno dere i se sam! Ikkul i si waani hunkuna.

               Some of them married Wogo, and some others married Kaado. Now, that’s how dumis kept changing. People married each other like that, and continued to marry, and the people who came here with fluent Fulbe at that time have completely lost the language as you can see now. They don’t know it anymore.


――        Oho. Amma gey yoŋ i ga waani?

               Ha. But did they know it?


M)           Aa?



――        Ya-din ga, Isa Beegun. Isa Beegun waate borey hatta-hatta borey ga waani?

               So Isa Beegun. During Isa Beegun’s time, did some people know it?


M)           Oho, i ga waani. Oho. Isa Beegun waate din. Boro yoŋ go no kaŋ ga waani.

               Yeah, they did. Hmm. During Isa Beegun’s time, some people knew it.


――        Oho. Amma sohoŋ a si no.

               I see. But no one does anymore.


M)           A si no.

               No one.


――        Paat! Ley!

               No one. At all.


M)           Un. Kal de boro kaŋ koy laabu fo no i goro wan da Fulaŋey ya-cine wo, i ma waani. Amma manti dumi senni.

               Right. Except for those who learned the language by living with Fulbe somewhere. But it's not a language of their dumi.


――        Ya-din no. Hal baaba ga salaŋ Fulaŋey senni waati kul, izo mo ga waani.

               I see. If a father always speaks Fulbe, his child will learn it, huh?


M)           A ga waani. Maadulla.

               Yes, he will. That’s right.


――        To, ya-din de no. Amma hal Fulaŋo ga hiiji Kadey wala Wogey. Oho, ɲa ga salaŋ waati kul Zarma senni.

               Yeah, that’s right. But if Fulbe marries Kaado or Wogo. Right. If a mother always speaks Zarma.


M)           Zarma senni.



――        To, ya-din ga zankey wo, a ga waani Fulaŋo senni da Zarma senni

               Then the child will speak Fulbe and Zarma.


M)           Zarma senni.

               He will speak Zarma.


――        Sohoŋ, hal baaba ga waani zarma senni hinne, izo a si waani Fulaŋo senni.

               Next, if a father only knows Zarma, the child won’t know Fulbe.


M)           Hinne

               Only Zarma.


――        To, ya-din ga boro kaŋ fatta ma.., e, Maasina?

               Right. So when people left there, let’s see, Macina, was it?


M)           Un.



――        A ga waani Fulaŋ senni.

               They understood Fulbe.


M)           A ga waani Fulaŋ senni.

               They understood Fulbe, indeed.


――        Alboro no?

               Was that a guy?


M)           Oho.



――        Alobor.

               A guy.


M)           Oho, alboro no.

               Right. A guy.


――        Maayo, ni si a bey?

               Do you know the name?


M)           Kaŋ fatta Maasina? Ay si, ay si a bey. Alboro kaŋ, danga kaayi, kaayo kaŋ hun Maasina, kaŋ ka ka goro ne, ay si a bey.

               When they left Macina? I don’t know. I don’t know that. A guy. I’m telling you even I don’t know the name of the ancestor who left Macina, the ancestor who settled here.


――        A, ni si a bey.

               Oh, you don’t know.


M)           Kaayo kaŋ hun Maasina, kaŋ ka ka goro ne,ay si a bey.

               Even I don’t know the name of the ancestor who left Macina, the ancestor who settled here.


――        Amma boro wo ga hay, e, ya-din ga Isa Beegun kaaga. Nda boro wo ga hay Deesa amiiru kaaga. Ya-din ga, Deesa amiiru haamey borey mo, Garokowaara borey mo, ikkul sintin za boro kaŋ fatta...

               But this person sired that person, right? Let’s see. So he sired the ancestor of Isa Beegun. Then this person also sired the ancestor of the chief of Dessa, didn’t he? Which means the decendants of the chief of Dessa and the people of Gaarokoyre are all from ….


M)           Masina. Oho

               Macina. Right.


――        Masina. A.

               Macina. A-ha.


M)           Oho, ikkul Maasina no hun ka ka.

               Right. They all came from Macina.


来訪者     Yutaka. Ni kani baani?

Visitor      Good morning, Yutaka.


――        Samuy walla, fo nda kaayaŋ.

               Good morning. Welcome back.


M)           Ikkul Maasina no hun ka ka. Kurtey kul. Maasina no i kaayey hun ka ka goro nonguriyo. Mate kaŋ Wogey kaayey hun. Wogey wey, Tondojerey no i ga hun. Wogowtarey wo, Tondojerey, i kaayo ti Tondojerey, Tondojerey din no hun. Maasina, o, Maali. Ga no ga no ga hun, e, Maali.

               They all came from Macina. All of the Kurtey did. Their ancestors left Macina and settled here, just like the Wogo’s ancestors did. The Wogo were originally Tonto-jerey. In case of the Wogo, Tonto-jerey, Tonto-jerey, their ancestors, Tonto-jerey left Macina, um, Mali.


――        Mali. Oho, Oho

               Mali. Really?


M)           Amma Kuttey mo Maasina no i hun. Ga da Maali ra no Maasina go, ka ka goro labey wey ra.

               But the Kurtey are from Macina. Macina is in Mali, from which he [the Kurtey] came and settled in lands around here.


――        Ha. Ya-din no. Ay ga hima nda ay ma laasaabu.

               Ha. Is that so? We have to give that a thought.




12.   ムーサの語り(200728)  Musas remarks (February 8, 2007)

12-1.           良い代表と悪い代表@ Good delegates and bad delegates I

〔前略〕[Earlier part omitted]

――        Ay man a bey. Ya-din no. Delgey kul goyda jindo kaŋ i ga te lakkal.

               Ha, I didn’t know. All delegates have floodgates to manage.


M)[111]       I gonda.

               They do.


――        Ho.



M)           Amma jindo kul ibeero, B.A. se no a go.

               But BA is in charge of the biggest floodgate.


――        Ho. Ifo se?

               Ha. Why?


M)           Ni bey, kaŋ kaanaalo ne ya-cine, zempa kaanaalo ka ga haŋandi, beene jindo i ga no delgey fo se, ma hawzu d'a. De wo kaŋ ga tuku a ga, i ga no dalgey fo se. To, sobey ka nooyoŋo din ra no, B.A. ka ka saba da ibeero. B.A. wono din a ga beeri. Zama ya-cine wo ay man paley laasaabu, de paley kaŋ go a boŋ din, sohoŋ k i n i fey-fey din, i ga bisa waranka. K i n i fey-fey ya-cine wo, i ga bisa boro waranka kaŋ woney B.A. ga hawzu.

               Listen, canals go like this. The canals managed by GMP irrigate plots. GMP gives floodgates on higher levels to delegates and has them oversee them. They also give [plots] that are adjacent to the floodgates to the delegates. Now, of many big floodgates, BA’s is the biggest. BA’s is really big. Let me tell you. The irrigated land he is in charge of is divided like this, and I think there are at least twenty plots in it. The land BA oversees is separated into plots for more than twenty plot owners.


               De i ga ba ka yenge haro boŋ, B.A. no ga ka, a ma guna boro kaŋ sinda cimi. Wal ba ni ga bisa bora cimi, hal a ma a go ga hasara, a ma n jindo daabu. Da a ni jindo daabu, ni si a fiti. Kal da boro hindu wono to, a ma ye ka ka ga no ga nongo hawzu ka haŋandi.

               And if it looks like people are about to fight over water, BA goes over there and decides who is wrong. For example, if the person you are fighting with is right, and if there is likely to be damage because of you, he closes your floodgate. Once they’ve closed your floodgate, you can’t open it. After water reaches the other guy’s plot, he redistributes water and irrigates other plots.



12-2.           代表による制裁措置と回避措置 Sanctions and evasive measures used by the delegates

M)           To, delgey din kul gonda, boro kul gonda ifo. Amma hal a to noŋ kaŋ borey ga ba ka car kar ya-cine, kul a ga ci ga cala delgey se i ma ka ka, gey ma senno guna bora kaŋ sinda cimi, i ma bey ha kaŋ i ga te a se da i naŋ ga jukke, de i naŋ ga a palaa ta. Wo-din dalgey kul no ga car guna i ma bey bora kaŋ sinda cimi. De i koy marga, i ma ci ni se kaŋ i naŋ maayo, i naŋ palaa ta. Ya-din no a go da.

               Now, each delegate has one [floodgate]. If it looks like someone is about to start a fist fight like that, a delegate immediately tells his colleages to come over. They listen to what they have to say and decide who is wrong, what to do about him, and whether to impose a fine on him or to take away his plots. For things like this, the delegates make a joint decision about who is wrong. Then they get together, write down your name, and say that they will take away your plots. That’s how they do it.


――        Ho.



M)           Amma da i naŋ jukkey, sohoŋ ya-cine, de i koy marga n na taali te ya-cine, i na sanno guna, i bey kaŋ ni ka sinda cimi, i naŋ jukkey. Maayo de i ga hantum, i ma daŋ marje kaŋ gey, gey naŋ jukkey, i ma zigi da huwo do ka koy a no D.A. se kaŋ ga borey no angure da borey koy ta. To, hal ni koy angure ta dogo do din, da D.A. na tirey guna, boro kul maayo go no-din, a ma ci ni se : Ni na taali filaana te dalgey ne, gey naŋ jukkey ya-cine. To, delegey wey, i si salaŋ ni se koyne. D.A. bumbo mo, a si har ni se koyne. Da ni ga ba ni angurey ma nooro bana, i ma n no ni angurey. Da n sinda, ma angurey din da jerey neere no-din da, ma du jerey. Dan man wo-din bana, ni ye ka ka, ni na angurey dey hebo ra, ni koy daŋ palaa ra. I ga palaa kul ta sam! Ni faham.

               But when they impose a fine, again they have a meeting, look into the alleged fraud, and once they know you are wrong, they impose a fine on you. They write down your name, write down how much fine will be imposed, and go to DA’s house, whose job is to distribute fertilizer to everyone. Then when you go to him to get fertilizer, DA looks at the paper with peoples’ names on it and says, “You commited this kind of fraud, so the delegates want to impose this much fine on you.” Now, the delegates don’t talk to you about it. DA doesn’t give you any more information, either. If you want fertilizer, you have to pay first. Then he will give you fertilizer. If you don’t have money, you sell some of the fertilizer and get money. If you don’t pay like that and buy fertilizer at the market and use it in your plot, they will take away all your plots. You understand?


――        Ay faham.

               I understand.


M)           Ya-din no i go te ka alfarey ka car ga. Hal manti ya-din i ga yenge waati kul. Amma Bi yenga dumo, T.F. a sinda cimi fisbillahi.

              That’s how co-op members help each other. Otherwise, people would be fighting all the time like they did yesterday. TF is absolutely(Wallahi) wrong.


――        Huun.



M)           Zamma za mannaŋ keydiya waate kaŋ haro ga ba gumo, kaŋ haro ga pala ŋa, i yenge. I na dalgey ce, B.A. yoŋ wey kul, i n i kul ce. I koy no-din, i di nongo, i na T.F. nongo feeri. I ne a sinda cimi. I ne a ma fenda nongo. Hari humba wo a si pala za ka key. Da pala, di man paley tilam, hari humbo si tilam. Ya-din ga : Ni kaŋ goyda hari humbo, ma huranzam.

               You see, during the harvest season in the year before last, there was too much water and it was damaging plots. So they fought about it. Delegates were called in. BA and everyone else were called in. They went over there, looked at the place in question, and told TF to open [the drainage port] there. They said it wasn’t right. They told him to leave the place alone. [Growing rice in] the drainage canal is not good for the surrounding plots. If there is no farming in the plots, then there’s no farming in the drainage canal. So they said, “You are growing rice in the drainage canal. Take a break.”


――        Huun. Ya-din ka te.

               Ha. I didn’t know such a thing happened.


M)           Ya-din no.



――        Hayo, hari hum... Sanga de hari humba koyo yenge, wo dumo iboobo go no?

               By the way, conflicts over water …, I mean conflicts between owners of drainages, do things like this happen often?


M)           I boobo go no.

               They do.


――        Wo kaŋ ni ga bey, ay ga ba ay ma bey.

               Will you tell me about the ones you know of ?


M)           Wo kaŋ ay ga bey.

               The ones I know of.


――        Un. *Zama ay mana a bey.

               Yeah. *[Noticing Musa is not going to say more] Because I didn’t know about it.


M)           Ibooba kaŋ go no-din, ga ka ti kaŋ borey go calla, i lakkaley manti ifo. Boro fo yoŋ ha kul kaŋ i du, i ga hin suuri, a ga ben i do. Boro fo yoŋ mey a si ben i do, heri keyna kaŋ te wan d'ey game, i ga te senni. Da n man saaware i ga, ba a har dalgey se. Kal da dalgey di de, manti senni henna no, i ma ciina ka da.

               There are many conflicts over there because people don’t react to things in the same way. Some are more patient about everything that happens to them, and they solve problems on their own. Some others don’t solve problems on their own. They make even a trivial matter between you and them a story [a conflict]. If you guys can’t settle, they talk to the delegates about it. They try to show the problem to the delegates. They don’t have an official conversation. They do it behind closed doors.


               To, miso kaŋ i go ga hawzu kaŋ i go no boro kul hari humba kaŋ go bisa ya-cine, ni pala miyo tengo, ga ti ni wono miyo. Ne-here ni pala miyo wono ga ti ni wono miyo. Amma kaŋ ay wone nda hal ay ga ba ay ga no ni wo Yuutaaka se. Ay ga tilam ey ma ne Yuutaaka ma ka ka samb ey pala hari humba da a nin. J.K. wo ay n a no ifo.

               Now, everyone has a drainage. As for how they get allocated, the drainages go like this, and the part that’s at the end of your plot is the end of your drainage. The part that’s at the end of your plot over there is the end of your drainage. But let’s say it’s mine and I want to give it to you, Yutaka. After I finish transplanting, I tell you, Yutaka, to take the drainage in my plot and cultivate there. I gave one to JK.


――        Ay faham. Huun.

               Okay. Ha.


M)           Amma bora kaŋ in da ga hangasiney din, hal J.K. taali te a se, a salaŋ a se, a wenji, kul ay se no a ga har. Ay ma salaŋ J.K. se, ay kaŋ na no a se, hal ay si ba in da ngey ma ma car dori. Da ay mo salaŋ J.K. se, a yedda kul a ga fend'a. Da a man yedda mo kul delgey ga ne ay ga taay'a J.K. se.

               But if JK causes any trouble to my guys, these guys talk to JK about it, and if he denies it, they immediatelly tell me. If I don’t want it to cause pain among us, I talk to JK, because I’m the one who gave him [the drainage]. And if I talk to JK, and he agrees, then I let it go. If he doesn’t, the delegates take away his thing right away.


――        Ha. Delgey ka ne ni se?

               Ha. Do the delegates tell you to?


M)           Nn



――        Ni ma taay'a.

               You take it away.


M)           Ay ma taay'a J.K. se. Ay kaŋ na nooyandi

               I take it away from JK. I’m the one who gave it to him.


――        Ha, ha, ha, ha.

               Hm, hm, hm.


M)           Koyne mo, hal ni na taali te uruggaa ra, ifo, ni maayo kaŋ go huwo do, i ga hantum a jerey, i gahantum bikki cirey, i na taari fo te, siɲaatiir. Hal ni ye ka taari fo te, i ga ye ka hantum, siɲatiir. I ma te ihinka. Ihinzanto wo, hal ni na te, palaa si ni se.

               Also, if you cause any trouble in AHA, they write it down. They write it down with a red pen in the space next to your name on the paper at the head office, saying you caused this kind of trouble, and they sign. If you cause more trouble, they write it down again. They repeat it the second time. And the third time, you lose your plot.


――        Hey, wo mo ay man bey

               Ha. I didn’t know that, either.


M)           Ya-din no.



――        A ga taay'a.

               He takes it away.


M)           A ga ta..., i ga taay'a. Da naŋ na tilam, hal ma te, a niŋ, kaŋ borey ga ba ka huro wiiyoŋ, ni na taaro te,palaa din ma kaŋ go a ra, dalgey ga taay'a. I ma a wi, i ma a kar, i ma hari nooru bana huwo do. Wo kaŋ cindi i ma a fey gey da car game. Dalgey din ra bora kaŋ ga ba pala, i ga no a se. De i di delgey din kul gonda, i ga guna boro fo kaŋ sinda, i ma no a se. Amma waati din, i naŋ ga a no de borey se yaamo. Amma sohoŋ, kal da ŋ bana zambar hinka wal zambar hinza wal zambar taaci ka koy zambar gu, marje kaŋ boŋ wan d'ey sawa, i ma ne ni se : Ma bana ka sambu hal ni ga baar'a.

               He takes ... they take it away. You transplant seedlings, cultivate them, and watch them grow. And even when everyone is ready for harvesting, if you cause some trouble, the delegates take away your plots with the mature rice crop. They harvest the rice, thresh it, and pay the water fee at the head office. They divide the rest of the rice among themselves. If there is a delegate who wants to get a plot, they give it to him. If all of the delegates have plots, they find someone who doesn’t and give it to him. They used to redistribute plots to people for no charge, but now, you have to pay 10,000 CFA franc or 15,000 CFA franc, or even 20,000 CFA franc or 25,000 CFA franc, whatever you guys agreed on, the amount they tell you to pay if you want a plot.


               Amma ba kaŋ ni na wo-din te din, dan na taali fo te, i ga taay'a bo. I ga ci ni se kaŋ : Palaa wo, manti boro kul baaba wono, gomunante wone nda. Da ni na taali fo te wo-din boŋ, ma si miile i naŋ nooro din bana ka duw'a. I ga taay'a ni se, i ma no ay se. D ey mo na taali te, i ye ka taay'a ay se, i ma no ni se. Amma hal ni na taali hinza te, k i ta ni palaa din, paley din i si ye ka n no koyne, i gar, ni bumbo yuutaaka, ni si ye ka du palaa koyne.

               But even if you do, it will be taken away if you cause trouble. They tell you, “You didn’t get that plot from your father. You got it as aid. If you cause trouble there, you are wrong if you think you can get it back as long as you pay money.” They take it from you and give it to me. If I cause trouble, they take it from me and give it to you. But if you cause trouble three times, they take away the plot from you and never give you any more plots. They now know what kind of person you, Yutaka, are. You will never get plots anymore.


               Amma ni izey ra, de i di ihenno go no kaŋ boro kul ga bey wone wo, a si taali te, i ga no hal palaa koma kul i ga du ifo kaŋ i na no. Amma k i ye du ifo k i na no din, ni wo kaŋ ni izo no, ni si koy palaa din do bo. I ga ci ni izo se kaŋ baabo din a ma gaayi, zama hal hoŋ da a go koy, a ga meeri zeena tunandi. K i na no ni izo se, hal ni ye ka yeere ka koy palaa do, i ga ye ka taay'a ni izo se. Ni faham ay senno se?

               But if one of your children is considered to be a good person by everyone, and if he doesn’t cause any trouble, they give one of the plots to him that they have taken away from people. But even if it’s your child that got the plot that they have taken away and redistributed, you must not set foot in that plot. They tell your child not to let his father go near it because if he does, he will repeat the ugly incident that he got himself into in the past. Even if the plot has been given to your own child, if you go to the plot and cause more trouble there, the plot will be taken away from your child. Do you know what I’m saying?


――        Ay faham ya.

               I do


M)           Ya-din no i wone hawzuyoŋo din a go da.

               That’s how they oversee plots.


〔後略〕Later part omitted


12-3.           傍観者による代表解任騒動の語り An onlooker’s remarks regarding delegates’ removal

〔前略〕[Earlier part omitted]

――        Amma ay wo ke, ay ga bey boro fo fo go no, manti sohoŋ da wone, kaŋ, waato kaŋ amiiru, Sandi, bora din bumbo no ga ti Delgey, delgeytara. Buuba mo go delgeytara.Waato din boro fo fo i marga ka ne i ne i ma delgey barmey. De i koy kal de Tilabeeri, Tilabeeri soojey do. Sanno wo, ni ga a bey?

               But I know there used to be this person. Sandi, the chief, he himself was a delegate. He was [in] the position of a delegate. So was Buba. That’s when some people got together and said, “Let’s replace the delegates.” Then they went to Tilabeeri, the military police in Tilabeeri. Do you know this story?


M)           Ay go. Kaŋ i naŋ wo-din te din, borey kaŋ naŋ gey waafak wo te, i jina bora, ka ka ti Isubu. Da J.F.. Amma i gonda ngey kabe boro boobo yoŋ, kaŋ go i bande, kaŋ yoŋ ga ba gey ma dargey barmey. Ne-here borey mey, i go no iboobo. To, waati kaŋ ne-hrere borey, i naŋ gey ma dargey ka,ne-here borey mey i ne..., gey si dargey ka. I di ka senno din ɲooti-ɲooti, hal i yenge. I di ka yenge i di ka yenge i di ka yenge wo-din boŋ. Kal borey na..., za borey go mo wi, kal borey ka ka ben kal i na te za..., kal borey go tilam. I di ya-din i di ya-din. I man faham. Waato kaŋ i go yanga din ra, hino kaŋ yanga beeri ka to naŋ kaŋ hino, borey da cara i naŋ ga car kubey hinne ka car zafa. Ga ti i ne : Alfrai kul k i ne Alfari no, kul yoŋ ma car kubey Joomona suba. Ga ti boro yoŋ car kubey, wiiza kaŋ wo-din go te din, dargey din, i har Direkuteer se. Direkuteer mo har zandarmey se. I ka k i kubey Jomona. Turantey ne, borey kaŋ ne i ma si tura ne. Zandarmey ka i naŋ gey bira hiri, i goro. I naŋ gey bir hiri din, i ma hã, mate da mate ka te, boro ma deede, boro ma deede kal i bey kaŋ wallaahi borey wey i sinda cimi. I koy guna kaŋ i ka ka vot. borey kaŋ na i ma si dergey ka din, i ga bisa borey hendi din bisayoŋ hinza. Ni fahama.

               I do. When it happened, some people formed an alliance. The headman of the alliance was Isbou. And JF. But they had many people on their side who wanted to replace the delegates. There were also many people on the other side. Now, the family on this side tried to replace the delegates, and the family on that side said the delegates shouldn’t be removed. It went back and forth like that, which, in the end, led to an argument. They argued, argued, and argued about it. Then people …, people reaped rice, and once that was done, it was time for transplanting. They did that, they did that, and they did that. They couldn’t come to terms. The argument escalated like we’d never seen before to the point where the headmen and their people started stabbing each other when they saw each other. Then they were told, “All the co-op members must meet in Jomona tomorrow.” So people went. You know, it happened because the delegates had talked to the head manager. The head manager then talked to the military police. They were all there to see them [all the co-op members]. In Jomona. The insurgents were on this side, and those who were opposed to the insurgency were on that side. As for the military police, they put up a string and sat down. The reason why they put up a string was to tell this side to talk and tell that side to talk about what had happened before they could decide for sure(Wallahi) which side was wrong. I went to see them casting their votes. Those who didn’t want the delagates removed had three more votes than the people on that side. Do you understand?


――        Ay faham.

               I do.


M)           Sohoŋ borey hendi din mey, bo ka sendey de i go te danga fitina ma te din, ga ti i na...,Isubu da J.F. kaŋ go i jina, zama J.F. wo ha kaŋ se i hense ka daŋ din, i naŋ ga no i ga daŋ presidaŋ nongo ra.

               Now, as for the people on that side, those who caused the conflict because they were so stubborn, it was …, it was Isbou and JF who were their headmen. The reason why JF wanted to replace the delegates was because they tried to assign him to the position of the director. 


――        Hoo



M)           Ni faham. I na bora hinka din di, i n i daŋ moota ra. I naŋ gey ka kond'ey k i daabu, de i si senno, de i si naŋ.

               Do you understand? These two got captured and forced into a car. They took them away and closed the door [= put them in jail], [so] they wouldn’t be left to talk [=cause trouble].


――        A'a*?

               Wow. *[surprised]


M)           I ni di, i n i daŋ moota ra k i daabu Joomona bira miyo ga, ay naŋ ga key.

               You got that? They were captured, forced into a car, and [the door was] shut. At the end of Jomona. I was standing there.


――        A'a*?

               Wow. *[surprised]


M)           Kal ir wey dira, ir dira k i naŋ moota ra, amma ir dira gan da zadarmey kul naŋ. Ga ti kaŋ i naŋ wo-din te din K.L. yoŋ din da, ye ka ceeci zandarmey ga, kaŋ i ma si koy k i daabu. Zama da i koy k i daabu, hal hoŋ, izey kaŋ i dira ka a naŋ, gey izey no. Ya-din ga a si kaan ngey se, i ma fend'ey. Amma i ma salaŋ i se kaŋ, bora kaŋ ko hu ka senno tunandi, i ga ka ka di koyne i ma koy ka daabu. Ni faham.

               Until we took off, they were left in the car. But when we took off, he and the military police left them there. When they were there, KL and other guys saw to it that the military police wouldn’t put them in jail. I mean if they had been put in jail, their children would be left all by themselves. But they were their [KL and others’] kids too, so that wasn’t something they wanted to happen. They wanted them to leave them alone. But [KL said to the military police] he would make sure those who returned home understood that if they caused trouble again, they would then be captured and imprisoned. You understand?


               Ya-cine no i te i se, i n i yaamar. I ne wal yedda senno boŋ, senno bu, i ne ngey yedda. I n i taŋ, ya da han din senno din te,.

               That’s what they did, and they warned them. They said, “Do you understand? We’re done here.” They said they understood. They were released. That’s what happened that day.


――        Ha. Ya-din no.

               Ha. I see.


M)           Nn.



――        Wo kaŋ ay ga bey ga ti manti sanno laalo ya wo cine.

               The version I know isn’t that ugly.


M)           N?



――        Sanga de...,boro fo fo go no, e, kaŋ go delgey bande. Boro fo fo mo go no, Isubu? Isubu yoŋ bande.

               So certain people were backing the delegates, and some other ones were backing, was it Isbou? Isbou.


M)           Hun.



――        De, gey ga car ciiti, amma i man a saaware.

               Then they sued each other and didn’t settle.


M)           I mana.

               They didn’t.


――        Wo-din se no i koy zandarmeri do.

               So they went to the military police.


M)           Oho.



――        De zandarmeri no ka mey ciito wo da.

               Then the military police took over the trial.


M)           Hun.



――        De i ne i ma car waafaku. Soohoŋ senno a ban.

               Then they said to settle because it was over.


M)           To.

               That’s right.


――        Pala no kaŋ i na taay'a, no i naŋ fersi gey gamo ra. Ya-wo cine no i ne.

               They took away some plots and shared them among themselves. That’s what it was.


M)           Ya-wo cine no, ya-din mo ka te.

               That’s what it was. That’s what it was, too.


――        Amma wiiza ni senno ra, sanga de, delgey wo ke, delgey..., a, soojey wo ke delgey borey no ka ca.

               But according to your version, it was actually, I mean, the delegates, the delagates …, it was the delegates who summoned the soldiers.


M)           Nn. Soojey dalgey ka har directaar se, Muusa kaŋ go Joomona. Muusa ca i se. Koyne mo han din, i man yenge pala kul boŋ. Han din i man yenge pala kul boŋ, dalgey kaŋ go no za hano... Zama sohoŋ B.A. yoŋ wey, i te kampaaɲ hinza. Kul i g i zumandi. I ma daŋ boro tegi yoŋ. Hal borey ne i goyo go kaan ngey se, kul i ga ye ka fend'ey. I ma samb kaŋ kampaaɲu hinza. Da wo-din ka, i ga k i se kaŋ i g i barmey. Da a kaan i se, bora kaŋ goyo si ma te alfarey se, i ga a ka, da i ma daŋ ifo. Ya-din no i go go da.

               Right. The soldiers. The delegates talked to the head manager, I mean Musa, who was in Jomona. Musa talked to them. Then on that day, it’s not that they argued over plots at all. That day, it’s not that they argued over plots at all. Since before, the delegates …. Because, for example, BA and his colleagues, they were going to be replaced after three years. New people were going to be assigned to the positions. If people say what they are doing is making them happy, then they will remain in the positions for another three years. If the term comes to an end, they get removed if that’s what they want. Even if they are happy, those who don’t do their job for the co-op members get removed, and a new member gets assigned to the position. That’s how they do it.


               To, dalgey ka ka daŋ yoŋo din boŋ, ga no Isubu yoŋ here borey din ne kal borey kaŋ go no-din, i naŋ gey m i ka. gey ma daŋ gey kabe borey. Gey kabe borey ma ye jine. Ne-here borey mey ne wo-din si te. borey kaŋ gey daŋ din gey de i ma goro. Ya-din ga, kaŋ i ga ba gey ma si huyoŋo din se, i ga kaan i se, i si kaan i se, gey naŋ ga vot. Bora kaŋ bisa cara bora ma du. borey hendi Isubu yoŋ banda borey din, mey ne i naŋ i si vot, gey naŋ ga car ɲaajin.

               Now, about removing and assigning delegates like this, people on Isbou’s side said, “Let’s remove the ones that are currently there and assign people on our side to the positions. Let’s put our people back there.” People on that side said, “That’s not good. The people, whom we have chosen, should stay in the positions.” In other words, they didn’t want them to leave. They wanted people to vote to see if they were happy about them or not. People on that side, those who were backing Isbou, said they wouldn't vote, but they wanted a fist fight.


――        A'a?



M)           Ni faham. To, ngey ga car ɲaajinyoŋo din boŋ no dalgey mey waasi-waasi ka koy har Muusa se. Muusa mo har zandarmey se kaŋ i ma ka suuba. Dalgey mey ka hu, i k i koyrey ra kaŋ suuba borey kul ma car kubey Jomona.

               You know? Now, the delegates rushed to tell ONAHA’s head manager that they were about to start a fist fight. The head manager also told the military police to come the next day. The delegates also went home and told everyone to meet in the settlement in Jomona the next day.


――        Ha.



M)           Ni faham.

               Do you understand?


――        Ay faham.

               I do.


M)           Ya-din ka te. Han din i man yenge palaa kul boŋ. Dalgey barmeyyoŋo de boŋ i yenge. Nn. Borey kaŋ na i m i ka din na i goyo ka si ma kaan ngey se, gey ma, gey ma daŋ gey boro tegey, borey kaŋ ne i si ka din mo, i ne boro tegey i si te ngey se, kal gey boro zeeney. Wo de k i daŋ calla han din.

               That’s what happened. They didn’t fight about plots that day. They fought about delegates’ removal. Right. Those who wanted to remove them tried to remove the ones they weren’t happy with and assign their family members to the positions. Those who didn’t want to remove them said having new delegates would be inconvenient, and they wanted the old members from their family in the positions. That’s how they assigned [delegates] that day.



12-4.           代表交替の方法 The way of replacing delegates

――        Ha. Huun. E. Wo kaŋ ciito wo tun, waati fo no a tun?

               Ha. I see. Well, when did that dispute break out?


M)           Wo-din?

               Oh, that?


――        Nn.



M)           A man tun kal wrugga kampaaɲu taacanto ga.

               During the fourth farming season under AHA.


――        Taacanto.

               The fourth farming season.


M)           Nn.



――        Ha.



M)           Ni faham.

               You got it?


――        Ay faham.

               I got it.


M)           Amma wo-din hal a ma tuk hoŋo, senno din go no.

               But this kind of thing still happens today.


――        Nn.



M)           Senno din ba sohoŋ a go no dargey kaŋ go no-din, i gonda boro yoŋ kaŋ se i ga kaan, i gonda boro yoŋ kaŋ se i si kaan. I g i waafak wo din te, i ma ne ngey m i ka. Ni faham. To, boro kaŋ i ga naŋ gey m i ka din, i naŋ ga sanno tugu-tugu ganda. Boro kul yoŋ si ba i ma ma, i ma ne ngey ka, zama hal war.., dalgey ma.., wan da gey ka ne i ma gey ka, kul i gan jukkey.

               This kind of thing still happens today. Those delegates over there, they have people who are happy with them and people who are not happy with them. They form an alliance for the common goal, to remove them. You understand? Now, those who want to remove them keep it underground. They don’t want anyone to know. They don’t want people to say they are attempting to remove them. Because if the delegates find out that you guys are …, you guys and they are trying to remove them, you will get fined immediately.


――        Ha.



M)           Ni faham. Bora ga bey kaŋ i ga nga kaabo. Amma a gan jukke ka hun.

               You understand? People know who are on their side. But he can impose a fine on you.


――        A, a, a. Hal i ga jukke ka hun, i si hin ka vot?

               Ah, ah, ah. If they get fined and get disqualified from the co-op, can they not vote?


M)           N?



――        I si hin ka te Vot?

               They can’t?


M)           I si. Hal dalgey daato to, k i ga ne i m i ka wo, voto si no.

               They can’t. When the delegates’ term is over, those who tried to remove them have no votes. 


――        Sanga, paley koyo hinne no i ga hin ka vot?

               So is it only plot owners that can vote?


M)           Oho. * Han din mo hane da no yenga ga te, han k i ga dalgey barmey. Han din no i ga ba, han din wo, a si te wrugga ra, amiiru koyre no a ga te. Han k i ga dalgey barmey i ga koy amiiru koyra, alfaro kul ga car kubey. Amiiru ma te seede, wo kaŋ boŋ i salaŋ. Kaŋ ba suuba da sanno tun, dalgey.., borey kaŋ gonda cimi din ga ne : Wallahi amiiru jine no. Wrugga ra no-din hinne i ga kond'a amiiru.

               Right. *[silent for five seconds] On that day, on the day of a dispute, on the day when the delegates are replaced, on that day, it takes place at the chief’s house, not at the AHA office. On the day when the delegates are replaced, all co-op members get together at the chief’s house, and they talk about this matter in front of the chief, who acts as a witness. If they bring it up [= if they start fighting] the next day, the delegates …, the righteous people say, “Wallahi, the chief is listening.” That’s the only time AHA brings in the chief.


               To, da i koy, dalgey ga ci i se kaŋ gey daato to, da i ga daŋ boro tegi yoŋ, i ma daŋ boro tegi yoŋ, da i ga fenda boro zeeney, i ma fenda boro zeeney. To, han di no i ga ba, albeerey kaŋ ga hay fo bey, i ma salaŋ jamaa se. Zama hal i ne borey kaŋ go no-din, i m i ka, i ma daŋ boro fo yoŋ. Waati fo, ay wo ay bora kaŋ ay ga ba i ma daŋ. Ni wo a si kaan ni se. Waati fo ni wo, kaŋ a si kaan ni se din, ni bumbo ga ba i ma n daŋ. Wal manti ya-din?

               Now, when they get there, the delegates tell them the day has come. If new people are to be assigned to the positions, new people are assigned to the positions. If the old people are to remain in the positions, the old people remain in the positions. Now, [if the delegates are to be removed,] this is a perfect day. Knowledgeble elders talk to those who have gathered. That’s because people on that side say they are going to remove them and assign different people to the positions. For example, I hope my family members get the positions of delegates one day. You are not happy about that. If you are not happy about that, you hope you will get the position another time. Isn’t that right?


――        Huhun.

               Hm, hm.


M)           To, ya-din no i ga ci boro se kaŋ, i ma fenda muuti-muuti senno din. Dalgeytara wo boro kuul kaŋ huro a ra. Wan da boro wo ma ma car dori, wan da boro ma ma car kaani. I ne, i ma ci i se mo, kaŋ ba manti dalgeytara, anndunɲa gorey bumo ya-din no. Naŋ ga gomuni te boro se, wal taali te boro se, i ma fend'ey. Ga ti da borey kul waafaku wo-din boŋ, i ma ne ngey fend'ey. Da i ne ngey fend'ey mo, i ga fend'ey kul, ifo go no kaŋ dalgeytara din, a si ma nga jindey hawzu, wal a si ma..., k ey ka nga goyo te. Gey ci i se kaŋ filaana din, a si ma te ya-cine, a si ma te ya-cine. I ma a barmey.

               Now, then someone tells you to forget it [= the dispute] because it does more harm than good. Everyone that’s been assigned to the delegate position shares ups and downs with you guys. Then they add it’s not just the position of delegate, but that’s how life itself is. Sometimes, you are a recipient of blessings. Sometimes, you are a victim of fraud. Let it be. If everyone agrees, they let it be. Even if they have been told to let it be, some of the delegates can’t oversee their floodgates or … do their job properly. People say that person can’t do this and that. Then they say he should be replaced.


               * Amma da i na wo-din ka ban banda, dalgey wo ya-din, hal ifo go i ra, kaŋ go ma taali te kaŋ alfarey ga a bey, dalgey ga a bey. Amma a daato man to, kaŋ ga naŋ a ma hun. Kaŋ a bey nga si hun de se a go ma taali te din, sohoŋ, dalgey da cara din da, i ga a ka. Ni faham.

               *[silent for three seconds] But after this kind of [meeting], [even after] delegates have been [assigned], some of them still commit fraud. Then the co-op members find out about it, and the rest of the delegates find out about it, too. But if the term hasn’t ended yet, he will not leave the position. Because he knows he won’t have to leave, he commits such fraud. If that happens, his colleagues remove him. Does that make sense?


――        Ay faham.

               It does.


M)           I ga maayo tuusu huwo do i ma ka dalgeytarey, i ma ci a se mo kaŋ, hal a ka huwo do, kul a sinda pala. De i na wo-din te a se, i ma ye ka ka alfarey do, i ma ci i se kaŋ filaana kal filaana gey na ka dalgeytara ra ciini. Amma i ma guna boro kaŋ ga kaan ngey se, i ma samb ka daŋ dogo ra. I ma samb ka daŋ.

               His name is erased from the paper at the head office, and he gets removed from the delegate’s position. When he goes to the head office, they tell him that there are no more plots for him. Then in the evening, the farmers tell him that he has been removed from the delegate’s position. Then his replacement, a person who is likely to make people happy, is going to be selected.


――        Huhun. Ay faham.

               I see. I got it.


M)          Oho.




12-5.           代表交替の過程 The process of replacing delegates

――        Ayyo. Amma ay wo ke, ay ga bey, e, del..., delgey kaŋ huro kampaaɲu sitinanta, ga ti mey da mey no?

               I see. But I know. Let’s see. Who got the positions of de---, delegates in the first farming season?


M)           Delgey kaŋ huro kampaaɲu sintinanta?

               Delegates in the first farming season?


――        N'hun.



M)           Ir here borey wo, * Saaba wo, K.L.[117] hinne ka cindi.

               On our side *[silent for three seconds], in Saaba, KL is the only one that’s still there.


――        Ho.



M)           Wey kaŋ cindi ikkul hun.

               The rest of them left.


――        May no? Sintinanta jina may no?

               Who? Who were the first delegates?


M)           K.L.. B.H.. Ayyo, k ey na K.L. hinne ka cindi, Summey bumbo go no, S.M. Za wrugga sintin dalgey no. Ay ci ni se, K.L., S.M.*, B.H.

               KL. BH. Right, I said KL is the only one that’s still there, but SM is still there, too. SM *[saying his father’s name]. They are the first AHA delegates. I said KL, SM, and BH.


――        *

               *[asks the father’s name]


M)           * Saaba boro no. A.H.. * Mahamadu.

               *[answers the father’s name] He is from Saaba. AH. *[silent for ten seconds] Mahamadou.


――        N'hun. Mahamadu ne da.

               Ha. Mahamadou here.


M)           Mahamadu go da kaŋ go Fuliyande.M.H. * Jerey no ay go guna borey jiney. *

              Mahamadou that’s here in Fuliyande. MH. *[silent for ten seconds] I’m trying to remember the rest of the headmen. *[silent for four seconds]


――        De, ihinkanta bine? Sanga K.L. da M.H.* ?

               And what about the second season? So KL and MM *[calling the father a wrong name].


M)           M.H.*.

               MH *[correcting the father’s name].


――        A, M.H.. M.H. wo ke, a barmey wala? S.M.?

               Oh, it’s MH. He was replaced, wasn’t he? SM.


M)           Su.., M.H. Looga boro no ba sohoŋ i man a barmey, a go no.

               MH is from Rooga, and he hasn’t been replaced. He’s still there.


――        Ayyo, a go no.

               Oh yeah? He’s still there.


M)           Oho.



――        To, wo kaŋ wo kaŋ barmey, wo kaŋ i na barmey, ga ti mey da mey da mey?

               Now, who replaced, were replaced, who were replaced?


M)           Kaŋ i n i barmey?

               Who were replaced?


――        Un.



M)           Wey kaŋ ay go ce ni se din, sohoŋ da, dalgey jiney din ra, M.H., K.L., S.M.. boro hinza wo hinne ka cindi. Boro kaŋ cindi ikkul i n i barmey.

               Of the the ones I told you, of these first delegates, only MH, KL, and SM, these three are the only ones that are still there. The rest have been replaced.


――        N.



M)           Ni faham. Kaŋ i n i barmey din mo, i barmey-barmey yoŋey din banda, borey k i barmey din ba.

               Do you understand? There is quite a number of delegates that have been replaced after the first ones.


――        To. Ya-din ga jina Fuliyande no ay ga ba ay ma bey. E, Mahamadu, a huro a ra. Wo-din banda mey no ka huro? Buuba?

               Now, so I want to know about Fuliyande first. Let’s see, Mahamadou became a delegate. After that, who became one? Buba?


M)           Buuba. Buuba banda...

               It was Buba. After Buba ….


――        Suley?



M)           Suley. Suley banda B.A..

               Sourey. After Souray, it was BA.


――        Hun. Ay faham.

               Ha. I see.


M)           Amma, Mahamadu wo, ba kaŋ i na ka. Mahamadu dalgey ka ka, manti alfarey ka ka.

               But as for Mahamadou, it’s the delegates who made Mahamadou leave, not the co-op members.


――        Dalgey ka ka?

               The delegates removed him.


M)           Dalgey ka Mahamadu ka.

               Right. The delegates removed him.


――        Ho.



M)           Mahamadu wo kaŋ i na daŋ dalgeytarey ba sohoŋ kaŋ ay go salaŋ wo, Mahamadu cine hinka kul si no.

               Mahamadou was assigned to a delegate position. Up until this point where I’m talking to you right now, what happened to Mahamadou has never happened.


――        Ha?



M)           Wo kaŋ se dalgey na a ka. Wo kaŋ i waafaku ka naŋ gey ma te alfarey boŋ gey dalgey kul, ga no Mahamadu ga ne taali no. Ga si yedda. : * wo da wan d'a ga goy ma si a zamba. Ma key a se, fisbillahi. Irkoy bundo ra. Wo ka to Mahamadu da dalgey din i ma car dori, i ma car dori. Hal dalgey na Mahamadu ka.

               Let me tell you why the delegates removed him. They agreed about the co-op members. All of the delegates agreed. They said Mahamadou committed fraud there, and that they could not condone it. They said, “Such a *[inaudible]. Cheating is not part of your or his job. For God’s sake, make it right at any cost(Wallahi).” That’s how Mahamadou and the delegates felt pain. Finally, the delegates removed Mahamadou.


――        N? Ay man faham. N? Dalgey kaŋ go ga cindi ga ne fo? De Mahamadu ga ne fo?

               Mm? I don’t understand. Mm? What did the rest of the delegates say? Then what did Mahamadou say?


M)           Ni bey da hal dalgey marga, i naŋ gey margaa te, dalgey wafaaku wo din, ikkul ga hin ka car kubey huwo do, i ma salaŋ. Kaŋ gey ma te goy ya-cine filaana wruggaa ra. Hal Mahamadu di kaŋ, sanno din, a si booli. A ga koy fatta zamba do ni cara do here, ka ne a ga ma i se nga man yedda. Gen d'ey ma yenge huwo do. kal i ma mooru. I ma fenda senno din. Zama hal jama kul marga din, d i na senno salaŋ, da boro folloŋ ne senno a man te, gey si yedda.

               Listen. The delegates get together, have a meeting, then they reach an agreement there. Everyone gets together at the office to discuss who does what job at the AHA. Mahamadou didn’t think that was a good idea. He said he would not be part of his colleagues’ conspiracy anymore, and that he would not condone it. They fought at the office and finally separated. His opinion was ignored. That’s because when everyone gets together in a meeting to discuss something, and one person says it’s not a good idea, they won’t listen to him.


――        I si.

               They won’t.


M)           I ga fenda senno. I ma te, wo kaŋ si kaan jama se kaŋ i si ba ngey ma te, To, wo-din dalgey kul waafaku i di kaŋ Mahamadu ka si man gey gana. I na Mahamadu ka.

               His opinion was ignored. They decided to do what they wouldn’t want to happen to themselves, what would make people unhappy. Now, all the delegates agreed on this, and it became clear that Mahamadou was the only one that wasn’t going to follow through. They decided to remove Mahamadou.


M)           Ni faham. Mahamadu wo, a cimo ciiyoŋo se no i na ka, manti alfarey ka ka.

               You got it? Mahamadou was removed for saying the right thing. He wasn’t removed by the co-op members.


――        Ay faham. Ayyo. De wo-din banda, Buuba no ka hur a ra. Amma delgey no ka Mahamadu ka.

               I got it. I see. Then after that, Buba became a delegate. But it was the delegates who removed Mahamadou.


M)           Nn. Buuba mo, alfarey ka ka.Buuba din, alfarey, i ne a naŋ si jindo hawzu. Koyne mo da borey go taali te a si du koy i boŋ. Ya-din ga i ne a go no da a si no yoŋo kul ga saba.

               Right. Buba was removed by the co-op members. The co-op members said Buba wasn’t overseeing his floodgate properly. In addition, even when somebody commited fraud, he wouldn’t go there to do something about it. So they said it didn’t matter if he was there or not.


――       Ha. Hu hun.

              Ha. I see.


M)          Ni faham. Lokco kaŋ i na B.K. ka din. Waati din, Fuliyande borey nongo din boro kul si a ra.

              You got it? Once Buba was removed, there was no one representing Fuliyande.


――       Ho.



ML         Delgey cindi yegga.

              Nine delegates remained.


――       Ho. Ha ha.

              Ha. Hm, hm.


M)          I na Suley daŋ.

              Sourey was assigned to the position.


――       Hun.



M)          Hari wo da. To, Hari din mo kaŋ i na daŋ, ga mo Mahamadou wono din da dumo no a ga te.

              About Sourey …, after Sourey was assigned to the position, he did something similar to what Mahamadou did.


――       A?



M)          Da i salaŋ, i salaŋ, i salaŋ. Ni bey, a gonda gokka. A ma ne ni se taali no, nga man yedda. Ga mo ganda dalgey din di, i di, ga mo dalgey ka ka. Ni faham.

              They had a discussion. They discussed, and you know, he gets stubborn in a discussion. He would say to you, “That’s fraud. I’m not going to condone it.” So the delegates thought, thought hard. He also got removed by the delegates. You understand?


――       Huuhun.

              Hm, hm.


M)          Kaŋ Dalgey na ka din, i naŋ sobey ka waafaku da alfarey ka ne i ma a barmey. Ga ti i na Suley ka, i na B.A. daŋ.

              The delegates removed him, then they made an agreement with the co-op members, and said they should replace him. Sourey was removed, and BA was assigned to the position.


――       May no ka wenji?

              Who refused?


M)          N?



――       May no ka wenji Suley se? Sanga delgey da alfarey kaŋ wenji Suley delgeytara.

              Who refused Sourey? I mean did the delegates and the co-op members refuse to let Souray keep the delegate position?


M)          Alfarey. Alfarey kul ka ne.

              The co-op members did. All the co-op members said so.


――       Ne da Fuliyande borey?

              Are they from Fuliyande?


M)          Ne da Fuliyande borey.

              They are from Fuliyande.


――       Amma ay man faham. Zama Mahamadu senno...

              But I don’t understand. I mean, according to Mahamadou ….


ML         Fuliyande. Fuliyande borey wey, manti gey ka Suley ka.Manti Fuliyande koyra borey no. Kaŋ Suley go dalgeytara ra, kaŋ wo kaŋ a go ma te si kaan dalgey se din, dalgey man har kal Saaba here da Looga here borey se. Ni faham. I na ngey waafak wo te, no-here borey ne Fuliyande borey si ma Suley barme. Ni faham. Ga ti i na hari barmey yoŋo din.

              Fuliyande. The people of Fuliyande didn’t remove Sourey. It wasn’t the people of the Fuliyande settlement. When Sourey was in the delegate position, the rest of the delegates didn’t like what he was doing, but the delegates only told the people of Saaba and Rooga about it. You understand? They, or the people over there, formed an alliance. The people of Fuliyande didn’t try to replace Sourey. You understand? That’s the story of Sourey’s removal.


――       Huun.


M)          Ya-cine no. Da manti Fuliyande gungo borey ka ka. Fuliyande gungo borey wey, hal a ma tuk hunkuna i man dalgey kul ka. Ba gey ka senno te da, boro man salaŋ ay se kaŋ na a kaŋ ay haŋa ra. Ay bumbo ay man du wo-din beyra. Ay man ma i ma ne Fuliyande gungo borey ka dalgey kul ka.


――       Ha.



M)          Ni faham.

              Do you understand?



12-6.           良い代表と悪い代表A Good delegates and bad delegates II

――       Buuba mo ya-din no?

              Is Buba the same way?


M)          Buuba mo ya-din no. Buuba wo, a naŋ si koy jindo boŋ, a si koy waati kul waati kul. A go Kooru-gungu da a ga koy. Kaŋ a si koy mo, de i ci a se taali go te, da a koy, bora kaŋ sinda cimi din, a si duka boŋ, a si ha kul. I ne ya-din, a go no da a si no yoŋo kul ga saba. I ma barmey.

              Buba is the same way. Buba never goes to his floodgate. He never ever goes. He is usually in Korgoungou Island and goes [to the AHA sometimes]. When he doesn’t go, even if he is told someone has commited fraud, and even if he goes to the scene, he wouldn’t scold that person. He doesn’t do anything. So they said it didn’t matter if he was there or not.


――       Ne da Fuliyande borey wo ke, i man ne i ma barmey?

              Didn’t the people of Fuliyande say, “Let’s remove him”?


M)          I ma a barmey. Nn.

              Let’s remove him. Yeah.


――       I man, i man ne?

              Didn’t they say that?


M)          I man ne jindo kaŋ boŋ a go din, Fuliyande borey si no.

              They didn’t. There was no one from Fuliyande under the floodgates he was in charge of.


――       Ho. Ay faham.

              Ha. I see.


〔後略〕Later part omitted


12-7.           隣接する畦畔区で耕作をおこなう者同士の衝突The conflict between those who cultivated plots next to each other

〔前略〕[Earlier part omitted]

 I wone, i wone fitina senno ga ti gey bumey da gan da T.F. yoŋ kul bere jindo fo din da T.F. yoŋ go ne-hare kambo, i go ne-here kambo. S.K. no ga jindo hay, a pala a man to. T.K. mo ka ka feeri beene. S.K. ne hal fo se a ga feeri nga palaa man to. T.K. mo ne ga ga nga palaa feeri a naŋ ga hari nooru bana, ga ga bana. Ya-din ga ga ga nga palaa feeri. I sobey ka kosongo din te, i sobey kosongo te, kal de i sintinka car wow. k ay sobey ka car wow din, i na boro kul koyo gobu sambu ka ka ka car kar.

Their conflict, their conflict went like this. There is a floodgate for them and TF and his guys. TF and others are over here, and they [TK and SK] are over there. Because SK opened the floodgate, his plot didn’t get enough water. TK also opened the gate. SK said to him, “Why do you open the gate even though my plot doesn’t have enought water yet?” TK responded and said, “I’m paying for water. Because I’m paying, I can open the gate.” They went on to make a scene like that, make a scene like that, and finally, they started cursing at each other. They started cursing at each other, and everyone took a stick to hit each other. They were going to hit each other.


〔後略〕[Later part omitted]



13.              モールの語り(20061028) Mor’s Remarks (October 28, 2006)

13-1.           ボンダ・ハーメイがウォゴだという発言に対する応答Mor’s response to a remark that Bonda-haamey are Wogos

 Ir me a me Wogey no. Ir me a me borey kul kaŋ ni ga di borey, i me a me Wogey no. Ni bey, da ni ga laasabu, sohoŋ ir ga di war, ir ga ne Annasaarey, to, war kul ga bey dumi kaŋ ti war, ba kaŋ war kul Annasaarey no.

We are all Wogos. We, the people you are looking at right now, every single one of us is a Wogo. Look. Think about it. We look at you guys now and call you guys “whites.” But you guys, who are all whites, know yourselves what dumi you guys belong to.


 To, ya-din ti ir baahuna. Ir goyda Gorɲo-haamey, ir goyda Bonda-haamey, ir goyda Birow-haamey, ir goyda..., hayow, ir ga ne Gaawo-boro fo kaŋ ir ra, wey-din kul Wogey no.

Isn’t that right? That’s how we are as living things. We have Gornyo-haamey. We have Bonda-haamey. We have Billow-haamey. We are …, let me see, we have Gaao-boro among us. These are all Wogos.


 Ir de no ga fey-fey, ir ga, boro kul ga bey ha kaŋ dumo ti i ga.

We are the ones who categorize ourselves. Everyone knows which dumi they belong to.




用語集 (50音順)


AHA(灌漑農地整備Aménagement hydro-agricole)



CFAフランFranc de CFA

 旧仏領西アフリカおよび旧仏領赤道アフリカ諸国で植民地期以来使用されている通貨の総称。CFAとは、もともと「仏領アフリカ植民地Colonies Française d'Africaine」の略称。各国独立後に「アフリカ金融共同体Communauté Financière Africaine」と改称される。1994年の通貨切りさげにより、対フランス・フランとの1対50の固定レートは、1100に変更される。なお、2011115日時点での対日本円レートは、1CFAフラン=6.28542円。


GMP(生産互助体Groupement mutualiste de production)



ONAHA(灌漑農地整備公社Office des aménagements hydro-agricoles)













 「受けとるta 」というソンガイ語は、自分のもとへきた物を手で取る、あるいは誰かから与えられた物を受領するといった意味でごく日常的に用いられる語彙であるが、AHA外の土地をめぐる脈絡では、土地の貸し手による借り手の意をかいさぬ強制的な田畑の返還要求という意味をもつ。AHA内の土地をめぐる脈絡でも基本的に同様であり、納付金を払えなかった者や違反を犯した者からの畦畔区の没収を意味する。ただしAHA内の脈絡では、主語が代名詞あるいは「代表たち」としか表現されず、AHA外の脈絡のように受取手が固有名で特定されることはない。いずれにせよAHA内外の土地の「受けとり」は、ある者が生活の糧の一部を失うことを意味し、この語が発せられた場にいる者に緊張を強いる。本稿で、この語を「受けとる」と訳出するのは、そうした非日常的な行為や状態が「受けとる」というあたりさわりのない語で指示されるというソンガイ語の特質に配慮してのことである。








灌漑稲作pala mo goy










強制移住騒動(ソンガイ語名称「移住の年gana jiirey)


 なお、Ngaido(1996)に掲載されている198367日の回状The June 7, 1983 Circular No 13/MI/MIDI/SG of the Ministry of Interieurの英訳全文は以下のとおり。




 ― 所与のカントンにあるひとつあるいは複数の畑で耕作あるいは他の職業活動をおこない、そこに3年以上居住している全ニジェール人は、当該カントンにおいて登録をおこなうものとする。これを拒否するばあいには、出身カントンに戻ることが要請される。

 ― 島嶼部の住民でありかつ他所に居住地を求めるためにそこを離れている者は、上記の諸条件を満たすばあい、出身カントンでも登録をおこなうものとする。


   a) 遊動民。

   b) 自身の島に耕地をもたず島外で耕作をおこない農作業後には島に戻る島嶼部住民。

   c) 出身カントンに居住し、他のカントンにある畑で耕作をおこなう者。

   d) 出身カントンに居住し、他のカントンにある灌漑計画から授受した畦畔区で耕作をおこなう者。


(Ngaido, 1996109)











ココルの首長amiiru Kokor












司令官komandaŋ  (フランス語:Commandant)

郡知事(現県知事)、県知事(現州知事)ONAHA上級職員などを指すフランス語起源のソンガイ語。フランス植民地期のセルクル(現在のニジェールの行政区分における州に相当する単位)を統轄するフランス人行政官"Commandant de Cercle"に由来。現在では「公官庁の監督者」とみなされる者全般を指すために用いられる。さらに村内の日常生活の脈絡では、大勢の子供をひきつれた年長の子供を"Komandaŋ"と呼んでからかったりすることがある。こうした語義の広がりに配慮して、本稿ではこの語には「司令官」の訳語をあてている。





首長 amiiru, bonkoyni

 行政村やカントンなどを代表する行政上の地位。植民地期の行政用語によるなら「原住民首長chef indigène」、現代ニジェールの行政用語によるなら「伝統首長chef traditionnel」に相当する。徴税、慣習法による裁判などの業務を担う。中央政府によって任命・派遣される県や州を統轄する知事(=「司令官」)とは異なり、行政単位内の男性家長の選挙をつうじて選出される。ただし被選挙権は、歴代首長の子孫とりわけ父系をつうじた子孫に限られる。現在ニジェール全国のカントンおよび行政村には、首長位継承権を排他的に有する親族集団が形成されている。たとえばニジェール西部ソンガイ系社会においてこの集団は、「頭の主の子bonkoyni-izey」、「帽子の子fuula-izey」と呼ばれ、他の住民からは区別される。なおカントンは村の上位の行政単位にあたるが、ソンガイ語カード方言においてカントンと行政村の首長は区別されない。








代表daluge (フランス語:délégué)






天水稲作isa mo goy













トウジンビエ栽培hayni goy








白人の紙 annasaara tira







ニジェール西部ソンガイ系諸社会における人の分類概念。 ドゥミは、あらゆる種類の社会的あるいは自然的分類形式を共示し、他と区別されるまとまりを定義する概念であるが、人に適用されるばあいには、人種、民族、親族といった意味をもつ。ただしこのばあいの親族とは、「腹の原理」によって相互に区別される、「祖先をひとつ」にする人のまとまりをさす。ガーロコイレ村には、首長一族ゴルニョ・ハーメイを筆頭に、5つの親族があるとされる。なお、奴隷とされる人びとは、「ひとつ」にする祖先をもたないとされ、それ自体がひとつのドゥミとされる。


ファウル・ハーメイFawru haamey



フリアンデ()Fuliyande (gungu)

 ガーロコイレ村民の祖地とされるニジェール川の島の名。同島にあるガーロコイレ村最古の集落の名でもあり、脈絡によっては、行政村ガーロコイレの異名ともなる。同村民のすくなからぬ人びとは、フリアンデこそがこの村のほんとうの名であり、ガーロコイレとは植民地期に「白人の紙」に記された名にすぎないと語る(ガーロコイレ村の首長は「フリアンデの首長amiiru Fuliyande」と呼ばれる)



ガーロコイレ村の主要親族のひとつ。おもな居住地は、西岸のジャーヤ集落とサーバ集落。ボンカジェレイとは「頭にのせて運ぶboŋ ka jere」が原義。一説によると、植民地化以前にトゥアレグの襲撃を受けて逃げてきた際、老若男女を問わず、頭に荷物を載せていたことがその名の由来(この地域において年長男性が頭に荷物をのせることをあまりよしとされない)。当事者によるとその祖先はフルベであるが、ガーロコイレ村の先着者を自認する人びとは、この一族を後着者とみなし、ウォゴや漁業民などと他称する。






 家族、親族、友人、仲間、同郷者をはじめとしたあらゆる近親者を指す概念。"borey"とは「(事物や動物からは区別される)人間」を意味する"boro"の複数定型であるが、特定の個人や集団の"borey"というばあい、その個人や集団と"borey"とされるものが他からは区別される親密な関係をむすんでいることが含意される。意味論的には、「よそ者(=客人)yow」あるいは「(匿名の)群衆jama」と対立する。とりわけ同じ「親族dumi (cf. 「腹の原理」)たりえない貴族と奴隷を包摂する関係は、「身内」と表現されることがおおい。




[1] 以下、アダムの発話であることをしめす。

[2] Sesbania (Sesbania pachycarpa: is the main species of the Sesbania genus in the pea family. Abounding in the Niger River basin, this grass plant or bush gets very light when dried and is a common material for harpoon floats and rafts among other items. 

[3] セスバニア(学名Sesbania pachycarpa)。ニジェール川流域におおくはえる、マメ科ツノクサネム属の木本的な草本または低木。乾燥させると非常に軽くなり、銛の浮きや筏に利用される。

[4] 以下、聞きとり調査につきそっていた友人ムーサの発話であることをしめす。

[5] 「ぴったり、ちょうど」という意味をもつイディオフォン。このばあいは、植民地期の白人と転写者が紙に書いたことを消さないという点で同じだということ。

[6] サーバ・テーラ村初代首長。ドゥミはウルファ・ボレイ(系譜図〔準備中〕317−V)

[7] フリアンデ集落に住んでいたファウル・ハーメイの年長男性で故人(系譜図〔準備中〕519−V)

[8] フリアンデ集落に住む奴隷とされる年長男性で、代表解任騒動後に代表となる人物。

[9] フリアンデ集落に住む首長一族ゴルニョ・ハーメイの年長男性(系譜図〔準備中〕111−T)

[10] フリアンデ集落に住む奴隷とされる年長男性で、代表解任騒動以前に代表の地位にあった人物。

[11] サーバ集落に住むファウル・ハーメイの年長男性(系譜図〔準備中〕54−V)

[12] ボンダ・ハーメイの祖先(系譜図〔準備中〕2226−W)

[13] ボンダ・ハーメイ(ユーニ・ボレイ)の祖先(系譜図〔準備中〕2110−X)

[14] ボンダ・ハーメイ(ユーニ・ボレイ)の祖先(系譜図〔準備中〕214−W)

[15] ボンダ・ハーメイ(ユーニ・ボレイ)の祖先(系譜図〔準備中〕11−W)

[16] ボンダ・ハーメイ(ユーニ・ボレイ)の年長男性で、わたしの助手(系譜図〔準備中〕2112−U)

[17] サーバ・テーラ村で住民登録をおこなう、ボンカジェレイの年長男性(系譜図〔準備中〕29−U)。一説によれば、当時の代表を解任し、自らが代表になろうとしていた人物。

[18] ウルファ・ボレイの年長男性でサーバ・テーラ村初代首長(系譜図〔準備中〕17−V)。一説によれば、当時の代表を解任し、自らが代表になろうとしていた人物。

[19] 以下、アブドゥライの祖母の発話であることをしめす。

[20] 以下、アブドゥライの発話であることをしめす。

[21] 以下、アリの発話であることをしめす。

[22] フリアンデ集落に住む年長男性で、代表解任騒動後に代表となる人物。ドゥミは奴隷。

[23] フリアンデ集落に住む青年で、わたしの助手。

[24] フリアンデ集落に住んでいたファウル・ハーメイの年長男性で、故人(系譜図〔準備中〕519−V)

[25] フリアンデ集落に住む年長男性で、代表解任騒動の首謀者H.D.の交叉イトコ。ドゥミは奴隷。

[26] サーバ集落に住む年長男性で、代表解任騒動の首謀者H.D.の交叉イトコ。ドゥミは奴隷。

[27] E.M.は、ファウル・ハーメイの年長男性(系譜図〔準備中〕521−V)

[28] 話者の母の実家がある、スィンデール・カントンの行政村。

[29] 代表解任騒動時の代表の一人で、フリアンデ集落に住む。ドゥミはゴルニョ・ハーメイ(系譜図〔準備中〕19−T)

[30] 代表解任騒動時の代表の一人で、筆者調査時のガーロコイレ村長(系譜図〔準備中〕12−U)。サーバ集落に住む。

[31] サーバ集落に住む年長男性で、筆者調査時のGMP6理事長。ドゥミは奴隷。

[32] サーバ集落に住む年長男性で、故人。ドゥミはボンダ・ハーメイ(系譜図〔準備中〕2247−V)

[33] ローガ村の年長男性。ドゥミは不明。

[34] ローガ村の年長男性。ドゥミは不明。

[35] S.M.K.K.は、ともにサーバ・テーラ村で住民登録をおこなっている年長男性。ドゥミは奴隷。

[36] サーバ・テーラ村で住民登録をおこなっている年長男性で、ドゥミはボンカジェレイ(系譜図〔準備中〕17−T)

[37] ガーロコイレ村サーバ集落に住む年長男性で、ドゥミはボンダ・ハーメイ(系譜図〔準備中〕2249−V)

[38] ローガ村の年長男性。ドゥミは奴隷。

[39] フリアンデ集落に住む年長男性で、調査時の代表の一人。ドゥミはゴルニョ・ハーメイ(系譜図〔準備中〕111−T)

[40] サーバ集落に住み、ガーロコイレ村で住民登録をおこなっている年長男性K.L.の発話であることをしめす。イスブへの聞きとり調査は、K.L.宅でおこなわれた。

[41] 以下、イスブの発話であることをしめす。

[42] フリアンデ島のちかくにある島の名。

[43] ガーロコイレ村の2代首長(系譜図〔準備中〕121−W)

[44] ガーロコイレ村の3代首長(系譜図〔準備中〕123−W)

[45] 系譜図〔準備中〕125−W。

[46] ガーロコイレ村の現首長(系譜図〔準備中〕12−U)

[47] ガーロコイレ村の先代首長(系譜図〔準備中〕11−T)

[48] ウルファ・ボレイの故人Kaaney Isa(系譜図〔準備中〕323−X)

[49] ウルファ・ボレイの故人Silla Koornma(系譜図〔準備中〕36−V)

[50] ウルファ・ボレイの年長男性H.K.(系譜図〔準備中〕323−X)

[51] B.K.M.S.はともにウルファ・ボレイの年長男性(系譜図〔準備中〕21−W、28−W)

[52] ウルファ・ボレイの年長男性H.K.(系譜図〔準備中〕323−X)

[53] 前代のカントン長。強制移住騒動当時のカントン長。

[54] 現カントン長アマドゥ・ハーランデのあだ名。

[55] ウルファ・ボレイの年長男性(系譜図〔準備中〕321−Y)

[56] ともにウルファボレイの年長男性(系譜図〔準備中〕27−X、28−X)

[57] ウルファ・ボレイの青年(系譜図〔準備中〕28−W)

[58] H.D.A.D.は、ファウル・ハーメイの同父同母兄弟(系譜図〔準備中〕55−V、6−V)

[59] アブドゥライは、祖先がファウル・ハーメイの奴隷とされる人物。

[60] ファウル・ハーメイの年長男性(系譜図〔準備中〕521−V)

[61] サーバ集落に住み、サーバ・テーラ村で住民登録する年長男性。ドゥミはボンカジェレイ(参考資料系譜図28−U)

[62] ファウル・ハーメイの年長男性(参考資料系譜図55−V)

[63] フリアンデ集落に住む年長男性で、ドゥミはゴルニョ・ハーメイ(参考資料系譜図12−T)

[64] 以下、スレイの発話であることをしめす。

[65] ファウル・ハーメイの年長男性(参考資料系譜図521−V)。ガーロコイレ村で住民登録をおこなっているが、ローガ村に住む。

[66] サーバ集落に住む年長男性で、故人。ドゥミはボンダ・ハーメイ(参考資料系譜図2247−V)

[67] ジョーモナに本部を置く協同組合全体の理事長。サトニ・グルマ村長。

[68] ジョーモナに本部を置く協同組合全体の前理事長。ジョーモナ村の住民。

[69] 以下、セイブの発話であることをしめす。

[70] グラーワ集落に住み、協同組合で在庫係を務めている年長男性。ドゥミは、ボンダ・ハーメイ(参考資料系譜図2239−T)

[71] 話者の同父同母の兄。

[72] フリアンデ集落に住む首長一族ゴルニョ・ハーメイの年長男性(参考資料系譜図111−T)

[73] ボンダ・ハーメイの祖先スルゴ(参考資料系譜図2226−W)

[74] 以下、ブーバの発話であることをしめす。

[75] 以下、マハマドゥの発話であることをしめす。

[76] サーバ集落に住み、サーバ・テーラ村で住民登録をおこなう青年。ドゥミは奴隷。

[77] C.C.S.C.J.C.は、いずれもサーバ集落に住む年長男性で、同父同母兄弟。C.C.S.C.はガーロコイレ村で、J.C.はサーバ・テーラ村で住民登録をおこなう。ドゥミはカード。

[78] ガーロコイレ村の先代首長(参考資料系譜図11−T)

[79] フリアンデ集落に住む年長男性で、代表解任騒動後に代表となった人物。ドゥミは奴隷。

[80] フリアンデ集落に住む年長男性で、代表解任騒動をつうじて畦畔区をえた人物。ドゥミはゴルニョ・ハーメイ(参考資料系譜図12−T)

[81] フリアンデ集落に住むゴルニョ・ハーメイの年長男性(参考資料系譜図111−T)

[82] フリアンデ集落に住んでいたファウル・ハーメイの年長男性で故人(参考資料系譜図519−V)

[83] サーバ集落に住み、ローガ村で住民登録していた年長男性(2005年死去)。ドゥミはボンダ・ハーメイ(参考資料系譜図213−U)

[84] M.A.はサーバ・テーラ村で住民登録をおこなっている青年。その父A.H.は、サーバ集落に住みながらローガ村で住民登録をおこなっている。ドゥミは不明。

[85] サーバ・テーラ村で住民登録する、ボンカジェレイの年長男性(参考資料系譜図29−U)。一説によれば、当時の代表を解任し、自らが代表になろうとしていた人物。

[86] サーバ集落に住み、サーバ・テーラ村で住民登録する年長男性。ドゥミはボンカジェレイ(参考資料系譜図28−U)

[87] サーバ・テーラ村初代首長。ドゥミはウルファ・ボレイ(参考資料系譜図317−V)

[88] サーバ集落に住み、ガーロコイレ村で住民登録する年長男性。ドゥミはゴルニョ・ハーメイ(参考資料系譜図118T)

[89] 以下、マラーウの発話であることをしめす。

[90] フリアンデ集落に住む、ファウル・ハーメイの年長男性(参考資料系譜図56−V)

[91] フリアンデ集落に住む、ファウル・ハーメイの青年(参考資料系譜図58−U)

[92] フリアンデ集落に住む青年で、わたしの助手。

[93] ファウル・ハーメイの青年(参考資料系譜図519−U)

[94] ファウル・ハーメイの男性で故人(参考資料系譜図519-V)

[95] ゴルニョ・ハーメイの年長男性B.H.(参考資料系譜図117−U)の娘。

[96] 参考資料系譜図116−X。

[97] 参考資料系譜図121−W。

[98] 参考資料系譜図123−W。

[99] サーバ集落に住み、ガーロコイレ村で住民登録する年長男性。ドゥミは、ゴルニョ・ハーメイ(参考資料系譜図1のU−23)

[100] 参考資料系譜図125−U。

[101] 参考資料系譜図126−W。

[102] 参考資料系譜図126−T。

[103] 参考資料系譜図18−V。

[104] 参考資料系譜図1の8−U。

[105] 参考資料系譜図19−T。

[106] 参考資料系譜図12−U。

[107] 参考資料系譜図11−T。

[108] 参考資料系譜図12のT。

[109] 参考資料系譜図117−V。

[110] フリアンデ集落に住む年長男性で、ドゥミはゴルニョ・ハーメイ(参考資料系譜図12−T)

[111] 以下、ムーサの発話であることをしめす。

[112] グラーワ集落に住み、協同組合で在庫係を務めている年長男性。ドゥミは、ボンダ・ハーメイ(参考資料系譜図2239−T)

[113] サーバ集落に住む年長男性。彼と別の組合員のあいだで水をめぐる争いがあった。

[114] フリアンデ集落に住むゴルニョ・ハーメイの年長男性(参考資料系譜図15T)

[115] サーバ・テーラ村で数える、ボンカジェレイの年長男性(参考資料系譜図29−U)。一説によれば、当時の代表を解任し、自らが代表になろうとしていた人物。

[116] サーバ集落に住む年長男性で、筆者調査時のGMP6理事長。ドゥミは奴隷。

[117] サーバ集落に住む年長男性で、筆者調査時のGMP6理事長。ドゥミは奴隷。

[118] サーバ集落に住む年長男性で、故人。ドゥミはボンダ・ハーメイ(参考資料系譜図2247−V)

[119] サーバ・テーラ村で住民登録をおこなっている年長男性で、ドゥミは奴隷。

[120] サーバ集落に住み、ローガ村で住民登録をおこなっている年長男性。ドゥミは不明。

[121] フリアンデ集落に住む年長男性で、ドゥミは奴隷。

[122] ローガ村の年長男性。ドゥミは不明。

[123] フリアンデ集落に住む年長男性で、代表解任騒動後に代表となった人物。ドゥミは奴隷。